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"Clear to begin extraction!" The man across from me yelled down to the hole as I watched with crossed arms. My black attire contrasting the light concrete debris surrounding the once bustling city of Polis. My hair pulled into a single ponytail as the red strains blew backwards in the wind.

My glare pierced through the man as he gulped. He was one of the few criminals who hadn't been jailed for murder and one of the only ones who knew how to run the crank.

"You keep glaring and you may make him mess up." I turned to face Shaw as he walked up to my side.

"I see you feel comfortable around me, Pilot." I let my hands fall to my sides, brushing lightly over the hilts of my dagger. "Too comfortable. You should be careful whose side you stand on."

"Is that a threat?" I quirked my lips into a small smile.

"Take it as you will. But know it is advice from the threat." Shaw's eyes widened as I turned away. "You don't know me Pilot, it would be better for you to keep your distance. Unless you're willing to risk witnessing it first hand. And trust me, I find your life is more valuable then the rest of your entourage."

With that I walked away closer towards the hole where I would be able to help get those coming up unharnessed and send it back down for the next several hundred to get back on.

"This is going to be a long day."


The rope began moving up after several minutes. The soft chanting from below slowly increased as the whirling of the crank echoed.

"Kom falau oso na gyon op."

"Kom falau oso na gyon op."

"Kom falau oso na gyon op."

"Kom falau oso na gyon op."

Over and over and over. The chant was repeated.

"What are they saying?" One of the convicts hissed in my direction.

I looked down to see Octavia rising slowly in the air as the chanting got louder.

I glanced up and stared down the invader in front of me. The criminal.
These people were just like me. Prosecuted and forced to do hard labor. Only they mined and I killed. They were invaders same as me, but I knew they wouldn't try and share the land as I tried.

These people were similar to us. And just like the grounders who endangered my family before, I planned to bleed them dry.

"From the ashes, we will rise." My voice came out strong as I uncrossed my arms and walked closer towards the pit.

I held my hand out as Octavia's head poked up over the rocks. Her small smile crossed her face as I approached. Her hand clasping mine as I pulled her onto the rocky mound.

"Welcome to the surface." I whispered as I unclipped her carefully. "The entire planet looks like hell, except the one small spot called Eden. That's where I'm taking you next." Via's jaw clenched as she forced a small grin and nodded. Her eyes trailing off into the distance.

"You can go." I whispered as I pulled the harness the rest of the way off and sent it back down the hole. "Send it down." I ordered the convict in charge of the rig. "We've got 813 more to go plus the four still down there."

As the next groups came up, I helped unloaded the individuals one by one. I didn't let the two working the rig do anything but move the cables up and down. Shaw had run off to the ship to do who knows what. He's probably trying to hack through Raven's code and re-gain access. But knowing her, that wasn't going to happen.

After several hours in the heat, we finally reached the end of the people who planned on leaving the bunker. Most of the remaining few who were coming to the surface were my people.

First up was Bellamy and Clarke. Then Miller was up right behind them. My hand extended to grab his as he smiled and brought me into a bear hug.

"Thank you." He whispered as I hugged him with strength.

"Thank you for fighting to make it this far." I whispered back as I let go and helped undo the harness. His next target Bellamy as I sent the harness back down.

"I need to talk to you in private. Give me a second, then follow me." I glanced backwards to see Bellamy walk away from Octavia.

"What's he pissed about?" I called over to the younger sister as he walked away. Octavia turned and shot me a small look.

"Bellamy said no weapons." I rolled my eyes at her tone and didn't reply as I turned to face Indra as she came up.

"Wanlida." She whispered as I grasped her arm and pulled her onto the rocks.

"Indra." I greeted back before we hugged. But the hug wasn't out of greeting.

"She is not the Octavia you remember. Be careful." She whispered in my ear as I nodded. I could tell that much. Though it worried me that Indra had to warn me about her.

"It is good to see you, too." I spoke loud enough for eavesdroppers to hear without being too obvious. Indra nodded as we pulled apart and I removed the harness from her.

She walked away and pulled out a walkie. Her eyes on Octavia before watching the girl walk away. She mumbled something in the walkie that was too soft for me to hear.

My mind already preoccupied with the next two individuals who are coming up.

I watched a familiar head of hair poke through the hole and a smile bloomed on my face as she rose up.

"Molly." I caught her attention as she glanced up to see me. Her eyes watering as I grabbed ahold of her much smaller arms and brought her in for a hug. Her weaker body squeezed mine as sobs began to rack her body.

"Hey. Hey. It's okay. You're here, you're safe." I whispered as I gently pulled back and brought a hand to wipe her tears.

"I.. I.." she hiccuped and struggled to breath as I rubbed her arms to sooth her.

"It's okay. Breathe. Take your time." I instructed as I unhooked her from the harness. Sending the rope back down before moving Molly to a nearby rock.

I told her I would be right back when the sound of a shrill cry pierced the air. It was high pitched and powerful.

I blinked as the dark head of hair popped up from the rocks with another bundle of clothing in her hand. The bundle was the source of the crying.


The 22 year old brunette looked up at me and smiled. Though I saw the sadness in her eyes as I gathered her in my arms and brought her over to the rocks to set her on flat ground.

"Persphyni. I- he." She choked up too as I unhooked her and gently shushed her.

"Breathe. Please." I whispered as I sent the harness back down. My eyes on the teary-eyed adult and the soft cries of the child in the blankets. I brought her over to Molly who grabbed the young adult quickly in a motherly embrace.

"Is this about Gideon?" I asked softly as I knelt down to be eye level with them. Lyla began to sob as Molly nodded crying still.

"He...h-he." Lyla choked up. "Gideon is dead."

My heart crushed as tears began to well in my eyes. I couldn't cry, not in front of these invaders. My throat tightened as I closed my eyes and laid my forehead on Molly's knee.

"No. No. No." I whispered as tears slid out. This couldn't be real. But it was. And it was most likely all my fault.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now