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I ran around the bunker creating small bits of havoc and trouble as I distracted the guards on duty. A smile on my face as I played with them. They never knew it was a game, but that what made it even more fun.

Once I had drawn the guards from outside of Octavia's office, I slowly crept towards the metal door which I knew Bellamy was behind.

I paused listening in. There was a gasping wheeze as someone choked. A struggling sound as I heard Octavia tried to shout for her guards before it was muffled.

More wheezing took form before it grew silent. I waited, listening for any movement.

"My sister," it was Bellamy, "my responsibility." I sighed at his words. They were the same he used when he told me he would take care of the Algae dosed ration. My job was to draw the guards away long enough.

The more surprising thing, it was his idea.

I slowly creaked open the door to see Bellamy on the floor. His head turning to me as he had unshed tears in his eyes.

"Someday, this will be a story we tell our kids. With a comeback arc for her. A good one, one where she is no longer consumed by darkness." I whispered as I came a set my hands on his shoulders, rubbing them. He sighed, leaning into my touch.

"I hope so." He seemed to freeze for half a second. "Did you say our kids."

My eyes went wide as I went back through my thoughts, slightly choking as he stared up at me expectantly. Did I?

Oh shit. I definitely did.

"I-uh." I coughed hitting my chest. "We've got to get her help."


Indra led us to Clarke's holding cell. Madi angrily bouncing as she was on the ledge of patience.

"Madi. Enough. We are literally going to see her right now." Madi turned to look at me and sighed seeing my strict expression.

"Yes, Seda." I nodded to Indra as she pressed the pin in.

"Good. Now go see her." I ushered Madi inside as the buzzing of the door alerted her of its movement.

"Clarke!" I heard her voice from the outside as I looked to Bellamy.

"She's a good kid. Always been a bigger fan of Clarke though. The blonde definitely coddled her." Bellamy chuckled as he nudged my shoulder.

"Our kids definitely are gonna like me more." My jaw fell open as he sent me a wink before slipping in the doorway. My eyes blinking as I stared at the empty space.

He did have a point. I swear all the kids love him. Madi is enamored by him and Spring is always giggling whenever he is around.

A smile grew on my face at the thought of him holding Spring.

"Wanlida, are you coming?" I shook out of my mind as I nodded towards Indra. My feet quickly following as I slid into the cell to see Madi hugging Clarke.

"She was ready to burn this whole place down if she couldn't see you." Bellamy voiced as he became somber at the scene.

"Persphyni wouldn't let me near any of the torches." Madi grumbled as Clarke laughed softly.

"I told her if anyone was burning this place, it was going to be me. I've yet to commit hard arson. It's on my bucket list." I spoke up as I kicked a foot back and leaned on the wall, crossing my arms. "You know, you really don't look good in chains." Clarke rolled her eyes.

"Thank you for letting me say goodbye." Her expression grew sorrowful.

"Clarke, this isn't goodbye." Bellamy spoke up.

"Octavia is sick. They say she might not wake up."

"Okay, Madi. That's enough." Indra cut the young girl off as Clarke turned to look at Bellamy and I. "We can't risk the child being seen here."

"Isn't she Octavia's second. I recon the child could be seen anywhere." I mumbled under my breath.

"She'll be safe. And so will you." Indra turned, Madi following as she banged on the door. One of the other guards swinging it open before the two left. Indra's order of being quick echoing in the silence as Bellamy and I pushed off the wall and moved to reach Clarke.

"What did you do?" I sent Clarke a wide-eyed look as she accused me.

"Monty's algae." Bellamy whispered, taking Clarke by surprise.

"Oh my-" Bellamy cut her off.

"As head of the army, Indra can accept Diyoza's terms for peace. By the time Octavia wakes up, if she wakes up-"

"She will. You said Murphy was fine." He didn't even have a doctor."

"I poisoned my little sister, Clarke." Bellamy spat. His eyes watering again. I set a discreet hand on his back to comfort him. His own hand replicating the touch on me.

"Hey, I know this is hard, but she was willing to destroy the last survivable land on earth just to win a war. Not to mention, kill the people we love." Clarke retorted.

"Well, we're almost there. Indra is about to take over for Octavia. Once Wonkru surrenders, we'll come and get you out." Bellamy said. "We'll head back to Shallow Valley. Together." He pulled me gently into his side at the last word. My hand creeping around his waist.

"Together." Clarke whispered back. I smiled at the blonde.

"Don't go anywhere." I mocked as she rolled her eyes at me. Bellamy scoffed as he turned us around to exit the door.

"Oh come on, that was funny!" I tried, Bellamy not having it.

"It's over used, babe." My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

"Who you calling babe, asshole." I prodded, poking his side with my finger which sat around his waist.

"You, gorgeous."

"I'll kill you."

"Be nice you two!" Clarke mocked as the door was shutting behind us. The blondes laughter echoing as Bellamy and I both straightened up. Indra waiting for us this time without Madi.

"Let's go."

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now