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Tonight I was the predator. With a new plan, I set out into the woods. My target, the Village.

I avoided the lights and the busy portions. Keeping to the outskirts as I planned my route.

If I could minimize the number of available reinforcements, then I would maximize the chances of Wonkru making it into The Valley.

With such close proximity, the pistols wouldn't work due to noise and the arrows needed to be saved for long range.

I didn't mind using my blades, infact, I looked forward to it. My hands were aching for the close range of contact. After scouting the guarding plan on the outer perimeter, I began.

I used the shadow of the trees to hide me, staying mindful of where I placed my feet to avoid noise. My first targets were the furthest ones out from the ridge edge. The five males chatting over a small fire and sharing a drink.

The crackling of the firewood covered up their startled shouts as the first male fell backwards, a throwing knife through his skull. The next buried itself in the exposed neck of a male who was drinking. The third sank into the hand of a male which held the walkie. The walkie crashing to the ground as he cradled his hand.

I sunk one through the chest of the fourth male. The fifth male was ironically the smartest and the dumbest. His feet taking him as far away from his comrades as possible. Only, he ran in the direction I now stood in.

I waited, stepping behind a tree, before sliding my hunting knife free of its sheath and burying it into the gut of the male. His eyes wide as I stepped in front of him, his unarmed self unable to stop me as I dragged the knife upward- gutting him like a fish.

"Next time run away from the direction of the knives." I taunted before yanking the knife free and punching him in the jaw. His body fell limp, his heart rate decreasing as he bled out.

"And then there was one." I mocked, a devilish smirk crossing my face as I stepped out of the tree line. My hunting knife back in its sheath as I spun a throwing knife on my finger.

"You're the Native." He shook as he held his hand. I let out a cold laugh.

"I think we can do better than that." I stepped closer, standing across the fire from him. I saw the red light on the walkie now clasped in his hand.

"I'm Darkness," one step around the fire, "I'm Danger," another, "I'm Death," another, "I'm Destruction," I twirled the knife one last time, "and I'm very Determined to kill every last one of you."

Before he could move to defend himself, I swung the knife, slicing him right along his throat. I watched him fall, my hand reaching down to grab the walkie which was still open.

"I hope you've got your telescope ready, it's a Bloodmoon tonight." I tossed the walkie in the fire, quickly cleaning up my throwing knives and sticking them back in their sheaths.

A slight swagger in my step as I left the fire to dwindle down into ash. Hopefully, McCreary was too stupid to realize I was baiting him into sending more people out away from the ridge.

And if he was smart enough to figure it out, I hoped he was too vengeful to possibly let me get away with killing his men.

So I continued to hunt.


Some of McCreary's people knew how to hold their own. I had a few good knicks from a bullet or a blade. Nothing a cloth couldn't hold together. I had torn my left sleeve from my long-sleeve shirt and cut up the long fabric. My tattoo completely exposed now as I tied the fabric around various wounds.

I kicked dirt into the fire once I finished, sparing a glance at the ten bodies laying around. They were ready for me, but not as prepared as they needed to be. I had still managed to catch them off guard, which was the purpose.

"You're not leaving." I grabbed the walkie from the ground, Clarke's voice catching me by surprise.

"Her line has been open this whole time." Echo

"We need to go. Now." Madi

"I'm afraid you won't be able to do that. Thank you, Clarke." I tossed the walkie into the dying fire at his voice. My mind already working on a new plan as I marched straight towards the place I didn't want to go- the heart of operations, the Village.


I crouched on the tree branch, holding onto the trunk while I watched the church building. Although I couldn't see through the windows very well, the several guards surrounding the building let me know something valuable was in there.

I noticed movement coming from the building on my left and cocked my head when I noticed it was Abby. She was walking away, a shock remote in hand.

I didn't pay much mind to it until my neck tingled. I looked back at the building once more and noticed someone creeping around the side to enter through the same door that Abby had just left from. My eyes narrowing as my gut urged me to investigate.

I carefully climbed down. The only sound being the slight scratch of tree bark on my boots and the soft thud of my feet hitting the soil.

With caution I crept up behind the building and snuck in through the back door. My eyes widened as I saw the large male and my father talking. Kane's voice was calm but threatened, from behind I could see how his shoulders were up ready to jump.

I barely shut the door behind me when my father lurched at the table. The large male following. The clatter of metal items and the sheer size of the aggressor pinning down my father had me in motion.

He broke free from his attacker for a quarter of a second. Kane sent a punch combo to his face making him fall to the ground. Only for the giant to begin to rise again.

"Kane! Move!" I shouted.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now