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The afternoon desert wind roared hot breath down upon the cloaked figure. Their steps forced as they moved confidently forward. Each step digging into the sand as they chanted over and over again.

"I am Persphyni Atlys Kane. I will not be beaten."

Her determination spurred her forward as she fought the sands and the wind. The heat beat down on her, but she didn't stop. She promised Clarke she would be back by the sixth sunrise. She had wasted one already, today would be the second.

She had left before the sun, needing to reach the solar panel farm before the sun began to descend, she didn't give herself any breaks as she drew closer and closer.

She slid down the side of a sand dune and approached the tall wall of sand on the other side. Just passed this and she should be there.

Digging her hands in the smooth sand, she began to hoist herself up. Her feet stabbing into the mound of sand as she used the foot holes to climb.

Her hands burned and her face was heating up as she clung to the hot sand. The sun reflected of the shiny chunks of rock scattered within the grains and stung her eyes as she powered through the pain.

As she reached the top, the sand became looser and she had to scramble up the last foot of the dune. Her body flinging over the side as she breathed in and out. Her sword pressing into her back as she steadied her breathing.

"I have got to work out more." She huffed as she rolled onto her stomach and pushed herself into a standing position. Her eyes scanning the sandy valley below where a sharp glimmer of light caught her view.

There. That's where she needed to get to.

Her shoulders sagged as she let out a sigh in relief. Then she straightened up and started walking towards it. Her feet sliding down the mound of sand as she kept her arms out to balance herself.

She laughed as she surfed down the sand. The relief of knowing she was halfway done with this adventure made her previous exhaustion vanish.

Now she just had to pick four good panels and transport it back to the Rover. Then put the panels on correctly to start the Rover. And she had four more sunrises to do it. Nothing she hadn't done before.

Except now she didn't have Erebus nor did she had Raven. It was just her.

"All by myself-" she hummed as she continued to trek across the hot sand. The sun beating on her back, but she had been revamped on adrenaline.

I am Persphyni Atlys. I will not be beaten.


She spent an hour picking at the panels careful to keep all of it together, just like Raven had told her. If she so much as left a wire, it wouldn't work. With six panels loaded into her bag, she began the journey back across the desert. This time with a heavier load.

But she would not be beaten.

"By the time I get back, Clarke better have befriended that little girl. Or I might scare her off. Again." She let out a laugh as she moved across the sand. The sun setting as she planned on reaching the point in which those spider-like creatures lingered once the sun rose in the morning. It would be the third sunrise, meaning she had two more days to get to the Rover and then two days to get back to the village. Then she would have run out of sunrises and food. Not to mention the quickly decreasing supply of water. She was down to two canteens with the singular large jug nearly empty. It made the bag lighter, then she added the panels to the picture and it became even heavier.

But she made it. Her rest stop being about a mile south of where the creatures stopped chasing her. It got to a point that the moon wasn't able to light her path so walking in the dark would get her nowhere but lost. With that in mind, she pulled her bag off and set up her little camp which consisted of her bag as a pillow and a back rest as she grabbed her journal and pencil.

The soft scratch of the graphite filled the air as she bit her lip. Her eyes locked on the leather-bound paper in front of her. She needed her words to be perfect. She tried to convey her thoughts in simple ways, but even opening up to the journal was hard. Even if no one but herself would ever read it, no matter that if the entries were addressed to someone.

"It's been almost two and a half months. And the days aren't getting easier. No." She hummed and erased the sentence. Her pencil eraser tapping against her bottom lip. "I managed to collect the panels. I'm headed back to the Rover now-"

I hope I can remember how Raven and Sinclair worked the connections but if all else fails, at least I tried, right? I've got maybe two days of traveling back to the vehicle then a day of mechanic work. That leaves the sixth sunrise for me to return to the village should I need it.

I hope Monty's algae isn't too bad. Never been the biggest fan of eating plants. Nor bugs, but it almost went to that. I mean, you remember what I said a few entries back, Clarke was clearly starving.

The stars are so beautiful. I wish I could see them from where you are. Though I don't know how good of a view you have. We will have to compare when you get back down here.

Try to survive. I'll try as well.

In time, Bell.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now