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Back to business.

Indra opened the door signaling for Madi, Bellamy, and myself to enter. A shocked Gaia on the opposite wall.

"I'm assuming you didn't tell her?" I whispered to Indra who shook her head. My own head pounded as I felt slightly dizzy.

"I'll check on Octavia." Indra nodded to us.

"Madi." She looked at me. "Gaia and Bellamy are going to stay here. I'm going to go get Clarke." I fought the grimace on my face as I ignored the fatigue trying to kick in.

The young girl nodded. Her bravery showing as she allowed me to leave. She knew I would not let her walk the path alone. But she did not need me for the Ascension.

"I will have Clarke in no time. Then you and I will unite the clans under the Flame. You are strong Madi. When the Flame begins to connect, prove to it you are worthy."

I left before she could get another word out. Squeezing Bellamy's hand as a thank you and a farewell. He never saw the exhaustion I had been hiding and he wouldn't know.

I hated that I had lied to Madi about getting Clarke. But I needed her to not worry about the blonde's safety. I needed Madi focused on Ascending.

Traveling to the prison cells on the bottom floor of the bunker took a lot longer than usual. Mainly because I was weaving in and out of shadows to prevent myself from being seen. I did not need guards questioning what I was doing in the lower levels. They'd get suspicious and think I was trying to break Clarke out. When really I was attempting to do the opposite.

For the Ascension to work, Clarke needed to stay away. Same with Octavia. But that was Indra's responsibility. She got the short straw. Even though neither of our targets would have the chance to escape. Octavia was bedridden and Clarke was chained.

The sound of the Ascension horn echoed through the walls of the bunker. My back flattening against the shadowed corner as curious faces peaked out of doors. I stayed where I was as the horn came again, spurring people into action. Amidst the chaos, I back tracked to a maintenance ladder which would drop me off right at Clarke's cell. The reason I didn't want to do that was because of potential guards waiting.

I figured they'd be distracted with the Ascension and not focused on guarding Clarke.

When I steadily climbed down the ladder, I was only partially correct. The guards weren't focused on Clarke because she wasn't there.

"You've got to be kidding me." I growled, as I saw the empty room. Manacles unlocked and the door wide open. An unconscious guard laying halfway through it.

Who would have come to help Clarke?

Madi was with Bellamy and Gaia. Indra is with Octavia. Miller doesn't care about anything other than his precious Blodreina. I haven't seen Monty or Harper since a day ago.

I hit my head once I realized the only other person who would have saved Clarke. Her little spring fling, Niylah.

"Damnit. Now I have two blondes to track." And my head had begun to pound.


I found Niylah first. Her cloak doing nothing to protect her face as she stood on the outside of the bunker. I held my short hunting knife in my hand as I crept up behind her.

My hand going to grab her mouth as I dug the thick tip into her rib cage. Hoping she didn't hit me. I don't think I could take a good hit right now.

"What did you do to Clarke?" I whispered, dragging her around the backside of a debris pile. My words carefully planned as I made it seem like she was in the wrong.

"I freed her, aren't you happy?" She hissed at me as I dug the blade further. A tear in her cloak as I cut through a seam.

"I'd be happier if I knew where she was, Niylah."

"Yeah, well I'd be too." I asked her what she meant, pulling the knife from her ribs as I stepped backwards allowing her to turn towards me.

"Bellamy and Indra are forcing the Ascension on Madi." I rose an eyebrow at the blondes words, feigning suspicion.

"You're certain? I was just talking to Bellamy about an hour ago. Said I should go see Clarke." The Ascension horn came again. "I knew it was Madi but I didn't realize the two of them were up to it."

I'd make it up to Bellamy and Indra for throwing them under the bus like this. But the only way I can protect them is to get Niylah to think I had nothing to do with this.

"But shouldn't that be good, her Ascension? With Octavia in a coma-"

"Octavia was poisoned. By your boyfriend, her brother." I let my jaw hang open as I widened my eyes. Quickly clenching my fists and jaw as I realized my surprise was a little overdramatic.

"Damn it. Okay, listen. Niylah, I'm going to go find Clarke. You stay here and watch out for anything, okay?" The blonde nodded, agreeing with me.

If I knew her better, I might have felt bad for lying to her. But, I don't.

"My insincere apologizes." I whispered as I struck a blow to the back of Niylah's head. Her body falling limp as I quickly caught her before she melted to the ground.

Carefully I drug her behind the debris we were just at. Hopefully she stayed knocked out until after Madi finished her ascension. Now I had another blonde to find. Clarke please don't be psycho.


"The only person who doesn't want Madi to ascend more than me, is you."

Shit. Of course the last place I look is the place I'd find Clarke. It makes sense, she probably came to kill Octavia only to find she had woken up and managed to convince Clarke otherwise.

I didn't stick around to see the end result my mind on overload as so many things were happening at once.

I had to get Madi and Bellamy out of there. I had to make sure Molly, Lyla, and Spring were safe. I had to make sure Clarke and Octavia didn't do something stupid.

I had... I had to make sure I didn't let my mind spiral into overload...but that's already happened.

I felt it creeping.

Like a shadow of a mountain that grew as the sun began to sink behind it. It struck me when I was weak. When I was conflicted. When I felt like there was too much going on at once and didn't want to feel anymore.

The darkness pounced.

And like a rag doll, I fell to the ground in a heap outside of Molly's door.

Too exhausted to fight it back, too weak to stay awake, I let it consume me. Its sweet serenade lulling me to sleep.

Planning and execution took time. And unfortunately for Persphyni, her debt was due. One which would cost her four days straight.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now