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Our happy moods dwindled quickly as we donned our masks of seriousness. We both split, Bellamy going to speak with Monty and Harper as I ventured upwards to where I knew I would find Lyla and Molly.

"We heard the warriors outside." Molly's first words as I crossed the threshold.

"Then you know we are marching on The Valley." I spoke as I closed the door. Looking around the space. This rundown building was no place for a little one.

"Where are Lyla and Spring?" I spoke softly as I waited for the two to emerge.

"Lyla took Spring for a walk. She left only a few moments ago." Molly explained as she looked out the window. Her worry evident even if she attempted to not show it.

"I can go look for them." I offered, my hand already reaching for the door. The door which began to open causing us both to stare- the room silent as the door hinges squeaked.

I should have found a better door but when I had only the ones from the bunker to chose from, you have to pick whichever you could grab the fastest.

"Molly? Persphyni!" Lyla's face broke into a smile as she pulled me in a one-armed hug. Spring's giggling form on her other hip.

"Hello." The breath that had been stolen from the room returned knowing that the three of them were safe. I smiled as I hugged her back. My other hand rising to play with Spring. "Have you been good?" I asked letting her grab hold of my pointer finger.

Her giggle was my answer as she batted her eyes at me.

"She's cheeky like her father." I commented as I plucked her from Lyla's grip. Holding her tightly to me as I remembered the feeling.

"You've gotten more comfortable." Bellamy's voice scared me as I jumped. Spring let out a cry as I scared her too.

"Shh. It's okay. Your silly godfather scared me. You're safe." I whispered letting her see the male who had made his way into the room. Her face went from sad to beaming as she made grabbing motions towards him.

I passed her off to him begrudgingly as I turned to see the mother and honorary daughter she had taken in hugging one another and smiling towards us.

"I promise I will keep you safe." I swore. My hand rising as I pulled out my dagger, ready to slice my hand open. But Molly and Lyla both stopped me.

"No. Promise that no matter what happens you will keep my daughter safe." Lyla asked of me. The tear came before I could stop it.

I sliced my palm, my black blood rising as I clenched my fist.

"I swear. I swear that I will keep your daughter safe." Lyla grasped my blooded hand.

"I knew his choice was a good one." She pulled me into a tight hug. Her head just the right height for me to rest my chin.

"His choice in partner was an even better one." I squeezed her tighter. I was going to war yet again. They would be marching with us but in the safety group further back. Their group consisted of older people who couldn't fight, healers, as well as anyone with children too young to fight.

"We need to get going." I broke from the hug, reaching out to squeeze Molly's hand. "We will see you in The Valley." My confidence was enough to get us through the goodbye.

Spring's confused babbles tugged at my heart as I turned and walked out. Bellamy right behind me.

"Are we doing the right thing?" Bellamy asked as we walked back to the bunker. My emotionless mask had fallen into place as I let a darkness cover my mind.

"It's the only thing to do which could help provide for the people who once were ours." Bellamy had no response. He knew I was right.

"Then let's go to work. Blodreina marches at dawn." Bellamy and I went down to the armory which had been pretty much cleaned out. A few people were continuing to move things out to the surface. Several stopping to stare as I stood in the door way, scanning the area.

"Continue. We do not need Blodreina more amped up then she is." I spoke boldly. No longer caring whether or not I made more enemies. Me beating Blodreina in the Arena should have been warning enough.

They were quick to do as I said.

"You going to keep your blades?" Bellamy asked as we approached a small table of weapons. I hummed contemplative. I stared at a long barreled gun before lifting it up cautiously.

"Suppose I should have something with more distance. Since my bow is still in the tree house." I watched Bellamy's eyes darken before he shook whatever thoughts were running through his head.

"Yeah. That only has one clip to match. I hope you're a good shot." I huffed. Pulling the gun up to make sure the safety was on before pulling it across my body opposite to my sword.

"I just need this to get to my tree house." He and I both know I had decent aim with automatic weapons, however he was the kill shot between us.

"Take this too." I watched him hold a small holder with a smaller gun- a pistol.

"Why is that?" I was referring to the purpose of having another gun.

"It's a pistol. Good for short range and quick draw. Kick out your leg." I didn't think much of it as he knelt down to put the thigh holder in place, my eyes widening slightly as I felt his hands around my thigh.

"You know, sometimes I think you're a dumbass. But now I know you're just asking for it." Bellamy was smirking as he tightened the holster before standing up to whisper in my ear.

"Certainly asking for something." I set a hand on his chest and pushed him away. The churn in my stomach not helping as I frowned at him.

"Control yourself. Not in front of the baby." Bellamy's eyes widened as he turned to look around the room before coming back to me.

"Pers, what baby?" I smiled, my hand coming up to rest on my abs while looking at him.

"Me. I'm the baby." Bellamy sighed in relief as I laughed at him. Dumbass. "When would I have had time for that?" He didn't respond. He was sheepish as he turned and picked up his own pick of weapons. Grumbling as he went.

"Just you wait. Baby my ass." I laughed walking away to where I began sharpening my assortment of blades.

I was taking these invaders out one way or the other. I really hope it's my way.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now