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You would think I'd slow down as soon as I see the green opening of the forest of Eden. I'd slow down and take it all in, rejoice because I made it back. But I only sped up.

I rolled down the window, the air much cooler now as the forest flew by in blankets of dark green. I'd made it back just in time for the sun to go down. The stars and moon beginning to shine as I followed down the large path. Getting closer and closer to the village.

The whirling of wheels shook the forest as I raced over the grounds. Heart thumping as I smiled in anticipation. I'd done it. I'd fucking done it!

I saw the first structure of a building and took my foot off the accelerator letting the Rover naturally slow down as I cruised into the center of the village. My beams on high as I slid to a stop. I parked and began to crank up the window as the door burst open. A smile on my lips as I shut the Rover off, the brights disappearing as I opened the door and stood halfway outside of the vehicle.

"I come baring a gift." The blonde dropped her gun when she heard my laugh. A smile crossing her lips as she breathed out a sigh of relief and raced over to me.

"You idiot! You actual idiot!" She hit me with her fist as I shut the Rover door.

"Ow, Clarke!" I whined as I caught her fists, her body sagging before I wrapped her into a hug.

"Why did you do that? You could have gotten hurt! You could have died! Then I would have been all by myself to take care of Madi!" I rose an eyebrow and pulled back to create distance.

"I didn't die. So you don't have to worry. Madi?" Clarke lit up in recognition as she realized I didn't know who or what that was. For all I knew she decided to name her gun.

"Madi!" I turned my head towards the building door as the wood creaked open. The short curly mane of hair poked out as the little girl stepped outside cautiously. "Come here, I promise she won't hurt you."

Hearing Clarke speak in Trig always surprises me. I forget she spent months on her own and with Lexa where she learned the language.

The little girl slowly began to walk down the steps towards us. I let go of Clarke and knelt down to be eye level as the little girl approached. Her hands twitching as I saw her right ease back towards her dagger.

I rose my hands in the air so she could see I meant no harm as I tried to make eye contact. A soft smile on my lips as she continued to come closer.

"So you're name is Madi?" She nodded. "I'm Per-"

"Wanlida. I know you." Her voice was soft. Her eyes shown as she finally stopped a foot away from me. "My village spoke. They admired you." I lowered my hands as I saw the admiration in her downcast eyes.

It gave me conflicting thoughts. I was proud but I was also confused at the small shame that trickled into my subconscious. Why should a murderer be admired?

"You were the hero who defeated the Mountain Men and beat Azgeda." Her voice was small as she refrained from looking me in the eyes. "You saved my father and brother from the Mountain." It was a shame I couldn't save them from this.

"How long have you been here alone?" Clarke watched out exchange catching onto the Trig words she knew to make sure she understood what we were saying.

"Since the grey cloud. It suffocated my village. I hid." I nodded and stretched a hand out for her to grab.

"That must have been scary. You are very brave. Especially when you stabbed Clarke over there." I smiled softly as she grabbed my hand and blushed.

"I thought she was a Fleimkepa. I didn't want to be taken to the Conclave. My mom and papa hid me from them." She slowly rose her head as she looked up into my green eyes.

Kindness swirling in my eyes as I saw the shadowed past and raw determination boiling in hers.

"You are not alone anymore. You have Clarke and I. We will not let any Fleimkepa find you." It would be better to tell her more when she was older and could comprehend the situation better. But as of now, I really didn't want to deal with trying to explain the second end of the world to a five or six year old little girl.

"I'll go see if we have any berries from yesterday." Clarke said as she motioned a hand to go inside the house. "It's probably a good idea to rest up and then get you cleaned up. You smell absolutely horrid." I rolled my eyes and stood up, a smirk pulling at my lips. "Whatever you're thinking about, don't you dare."

I let go of Madi's hand and sent her a wink before I lunged. My body colliding roughly with Clarke's as I pulled us down towards the ground. My back turning towards the grass to absorb the impact as I smothered her with my sweat.

"Gross! Persphyni!" Clarke whinned and tried to throw me off as I covered her in my grime. The soft tinkling laughter from behind us egged me on before I finally stopped. Laughing as I stood up and offered a hand to Clarke who remained in the grass with her nose scrunched up.

"Oh get up, you did it to yourself." She gaped as I tugged her upwards.

"I beg to differ. You rascal." I gave a short bellow of a laugh and rolled my eyes at her use of English.

"You sound like a nanny, Clarke. It's really unbecoming." She huffed as I turned to see Madi staring at us with stars in her eyes. She clearly couldn't understand our English but she could read our facial expressions.

"Let's go inside, little tiger." Madi liked that nickname as she grinned and sprinted back towards the building. "I think she likes me."

Clarke scoffed and began to walk up towards the stairs.

"Madi hasn't been soaked in your sweat." I rolled my eyes, grinning before following the temperamental blonde.


I was wrong when I said that there was no one left for me to protect in the Riskiwe Natshanakru. That little girl I mentioned previously, her name is Madi.

One day I hope you'll get to meet her. She sure as hell needs to meet you. I see the heart and the fire within her. The same that I saw in you. At least after I got over the whole hate thing.

Her wild mane has been tamed. She wanted a few braids but I may have gone overboard while Clarke made dinner. The little grounder surprisingly had a lot to say. I would have thought she'd be quiet and reserved, but clearly she's been around Clarke just an hour too long. I'm certain the blonde is the cause for the nonstop conversation.

Not that there is anything wrong with it, but I didn't know if I'd get the chance to go on my own she was so talkative. And well, you know me. I'm more of an action kind of gal.

That sounds wrong. I'm a woman of little words. That's better, doesn't make me sound like a crazy she-beast.

I've been keeping track of the days through this journal. Each entry is a tally mark on the grey wall. Only you're in the grey walls and I've got millions of trees to start marking if I wanted. Clearly I drew the better end of the stick.

You were right. Trying to get everyone to stay down here. The Nightblood worked. Kinda. I mean, biologically I have some questions, but overall, I haven't experienced anything different.

Sometimes I find myself lost in thought as I wonder what things would be like if you were here. If all of you were here. Hell, even Echo. We could have that fenced in house. With a million acres of nature and just us, only us. The entire world far away save for our neighbors in the little village here.

I wonder, if you were here would I be able to sleep?

The last true sleep I've had other than getting knocked out, was with you. Before the conclave, I came into your room when you were half-asleep and took a power rest. I left before the sun so you probably don't remember.

But you gave me the comfort and peace I needed. Whether you were awake or not. So thank you.

In time, Bell.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now