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The man's screams filled the air as I led him into a trap. My feet continued up towards where Clarke and Madi sat on the ridge. A hand on my tricep where black blood slowly oozed out. The fucker had managed to graze me.

"Clarke, this isn't right." I came up behind the two and crouched below the rock beside Madi.

"Madi, I know but this is our home, your home." I set a non-bloodied hand on the girl's shoulder.

"I didn't want for you to have to face anything like this, ever. But we went through training for situations similar. Only this is three times more intense than anything I would have expected. But this wasn't Clarke's idea. We need to figure out who we are dealing with." I turned back towards the screaming man. "And what we are dealing with." I voiced as I saw the large barrel come into view.

"Get down. Now." I hissed. Pushing Madi onto the ground as I grabbed the rifle beside me on the rock and took aim.

"Clarke, hold until my go." Clarke nodded as I set up and scanned my scope for the criminals of some Eligius mission. (Thank you Madi for spying)

"I've got the one trapped, you take blonde shoulder length. Locked." Clarke followed my lead and locked on her target.


"Fire." The sound rang out together as two bullets pierced the air. Our hands already moving to reload another bullet.

Clarke's target went down swiftly as mine slumped forward with a bullet straight through his forehead. There was no point in keeping him alive. He saw me.

I followed the movement behind the fallen tree. My eyes widened as I saw the big barrel all lit up.

"Move. Move!" I shouted and grabbed Madi and Clarke pushing them out of the hiding spot and rolled back down the rocks to escape the blast wave as it blew up large rocks we had been hiding behind. My back to the brunt of the debris as I covered Madi and Clarke while Clarke's back had stopped Madi's fall.

My ears rang as I slowly pushed up from them. My eyes fuzzy as I tried to focus on my breathing. I clenched and unclenched my fists as I looked behind us towards the edge of the ridge. My hands mapping out my face and neck, past all my weapons and then down to my legs. Making sure I was still good.

I grabbed Madi and picked her up then grabbed Clarke. I pushed them forward grabbing the two riffles and running up behind them. The two limped along as I covered our backs.

The sharp stinging pain along my entire back ignored as I pushed through it. I was going to have hell to pay once the adrenaline wore off.


"You're hurt." I turned and looked at Clarke as she limped. I looked forward at the area we were in. Just north of the training grounds. I turned back to Clarke and gently grabbed her shoulder.

"We're almost to the training ground, can you last a few more minutes? Then I promise you can rest."

"I can make it."

"Good." I pulled Clarke's arm over my shoulders careful of my weapons and sore back spots and started helping her move. Madi on the other side of Clarke was listening to the radio as a female voice trickled through.

"All units, be advised. Subject is armed and dangerous. We are in her backyard. She knows the terrain." I smirked as I helped Clarke over a log. "Keep your eyes open."

"Madi. We are almost to the training storage hatch. I need you to run ahead and get it opened. Can you do that for me?" She hesitated but nodded. "Good. We are right behind you. Remember, light steps."

I watched Madi's figure disappear in the dense forest, my body tightening as I lugged Clarke along.

"Clarke. Listen to me. You and Madi are going to lock yourselves in the training storage. I'm going to draw their attention. When I give a signal you leave and head back to the cave. I can't risk either of you getting hurt." Clarke opened her mouth but stopped any words that were going to come out.

"You are hurt and Madi isn't strong enough to take care of both of you. I know you know this. You have to let me take care of them. I don't need Madi involved in this bloodshed either."

"Okay." We were silent the rest of the way except a few grunts and groans of pain. Clarke's wound wasn't terrible but it definitely hindered her movement. When we finally reached the wooden hatch I heard the low thuds of boots and the metallic clicks of guns.

If the floor was metal and the air vents were my transport I would feel like I was back on the Ark killing undercover. But I wasn't. That was over eight years ago. And this time it was more than just myself I needed to protect.

I helped the girls down into the equipment bunker. Helping settle Clarke down on a short barrel before making my way back to the stairs.

"Seda?" I turned my head to look at Madi as she walked towards me. "Where are you going?" I smiled dimly.

"I'm going to go stain my blank page. You take care of Clarke for me, okay? I'll be back before you know it." I stepped towards her. Unbuckling my gun holster. I adjusted the straps before buckling it around her waist and hanging at her hip.

"But, you promised. You promised you wouldn't leave us. You promised you wouldn't leave me." I smiled and set a hand on her shoulder.

"I won't be gone for long. You are strong, Madi. You must think with this and this." I poked her forehead then the center of her chest. I gave her a right hug before turning around and walking away. I knew if I stayed I wouldn't be able to get them while their defenses are down.

I'm sorry, Madi. But it was time for me to get my hands dirty.

I rolled my neck slightly as I began my plan of attack. It's been too long.

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