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I stood atop the roof as light rain fell on my hooded head. My cloak did little to prevent the rain but enough to keep me warm despite the water.

The streets below were covered with people from the bunker. However upon arrival, we found that several had gone back underground. Their excuse was incoming bombs.

I turned my head in the direction of the bunker as Octavia hobbled slightly through the entrance. She seemed confident but I could read the slight sway in her step, caused by the dizziness that accompanied her blood loss.

I saw how people turned and stared. Some hateful, some worried, some indifferent. None happy. Not even close to a smile at seeing their precious Blodreina walking again.

It almost brought a smile to my face. However, I refrained. I have hope to believe that she still sees us as sisters in arms. Even if I am indirectly posing a threat to her position.

I watched Cooper rattle on and on about something. Worry clearly written all over her face as Octavia turned and silenced her.

I crept towards the edge of the building and began to maneuver down the broken wall. Slightly free falling from one ledge to the other when I couldn't crawl down.

I landed firmly on the cobblestone and began to make my way over to them as Bellamy did the same. Echo right beside him.

"Glad to see you back on your feet. She tried to get in to see you but they wouldn't let-" Octavia cut him off as I crept closer.

"What is she doing here?" Octavia kept her voice level as I came to stand directly behind her. No one beside Echo and Bellamy notice as they could see me directly. If I wanted to, I could have killed her and Cooper in seconds. But that isn't the goal. At least not Octavia. Cooper, I'd be okay with that.

"I just wanted to say thank you for saving my people." Echo spoke confidently her eyes moving towards me before returning to Octavia.

"They're not your people. Azgeda is a memory. There is only Wonkru." I inhaled.

"Then I suppose you are no longer my people either." Octavia turned while Cooper flinched spinning around, a hand reaching towards her belt.

"I assume you're looking for this?" I pointed the grip of Cooper's pistol back at her as my eyes remained on Octavia. "There will always be memory of the past. So for Echo there is Azgeda. For me it is the 100. So no. There is not only Wonkru. Not unless you intend on erasing everyone's memories." I tossed Cooper her empty weapon back, hitting her in the chest with the unloaded pistol. I moved around Octavia to stand before Bellamy and Echo, placing myself between the two parties.

"And if there is no room for Echo, then I assume there is no room for either of us." I gestured to Bellamy and I. "Nor Monty, Harper, Clarke, Murphy, Raven, Emori, Madi." I watched her jaw tick as I egged her on.

"Look, I know you two have history-"

"Three. We three have history." I interrupted him, pointing towards myself without looking away from Octavia.

"I know you three have history, but Echo is on our side. She proved herself dozens of times on the Ring."

"This isn't the Ring." Octavia spoke softly before drawing attention to us. "Wonkru! I banished this murderer from the bunker six years ago. My judgement still stands." I stepped back to stand between them. My eyes still on Octavia.


"She has 24 hours."

"I have an idea." I whispered towards Echo as Octavia continued to show-boat. "You have to make yourself useful, you still got some Spy underneath all that rust?"

"If she's still here by then, she fights in the arena." Octavia finished.

"I'll be right back." Bellamy went after Octavia as I turned to Echo.

"She's stubborn. Hell, they both are. But look. You won't fight in the arena. Not even if you overstay your welcome. Somehow we got to convince Octavia that you're worth a little trouble." Echo eyed me curiously.

"Why are you helping me?" I smirked, my head moving to look at Bellamy as he moved quickly towards Octavia.

"Why not? I need a little bit of a chaos in my life. Besides, I think I may need you as a meat shield one day." She guffawed as I turned back to face her. "I'm only partially joking. Though I do need to go get him. I have a bad feeling."

I took off after Bellamy leaving Echo alone as I moved in to help keep the tyrant at bay.

"You can't just cast her out! She won't survive." I moved in front of Bellamy, my hands on his chest keeping him from moving just as a foghorn bellowed from the tops of the roofs.

"Warning. Prisoners." I mumbled under my breath as Bellamy and I moved to be back to back as we stared at the sky. The two of us turning side on to watch the ship fly down from the air.

"Bellamy. Persphyni. Get in the bunker." We both turned to Octavia, Bellamy's hand squeezing mine before he let go. I knew what he was thinking.

"Not without Echo." He spoke as he walked away.

"Persphyni." I stared dead-panned.

"I won't go in until everyone makes it inside. A good leader doesn't sacrifice their own people. They sacrifice themselves for their people. They don't hide away and only play with their pawns." Then I took off with Bellamy.

"Blodreina! You have to get below-" I sprinted away faster, it would be her own choice. I didn't want anything to do with her decision.

"Echo!" Bellamy shouted as he took off in a sprint. My feet catching up quickly as I turned to see him breathing deeply.

"I really got to get you back in shape Old Man." He rolled his eyes as I turned my head back to the sky. The ship was dropping stuff. But they weren't bombs.

"Bell, I think those are packages." I spoke over the sound of the ship.

"Bellamy!" We turned to find Echo in the alley way as the three of us crammed in.

"Echo. This is a horrible spot to be if those were actual bombs." I scolded as I turned back to the objects falling from the sky.

The first one landed and apples rolled out of the pyramid of metal. My lip curled as I sneered. Son of a bitch found my apple orchard. Which meant they probably saw my remembrance forest.

"People of Wonkru. This is Colonel Diyoza-"

"Fuck off!" I hissed angrily as the next supply crate had bunches of berries. The Rylee-Berries. Son of a bitch.

"-Offering you a chance for peace. I know you all suffered, I know you're hungry, and so many of you are weary of Octavia's rule." My eyes blew wide at her bold statement. She was trying to spark the rebellion that's been brewing. I hurriedly stepped out of the alley and began to make my way towards the bunker. Echo and Bellamy following.

"But now you have a choice. Abandon your weapons, leave Wonkru behind, and join us in Shallow Valley. We have plenty of food and shelter for those seeking a better life."

"She's recruiting." I turned slowly to face Echo, a grin growing on my face.

"When our ship returns tonight, head for the wastelands. Anyone waiting for us outside the ruins will be rescued. But come unarmed. If Octavia attacks our ship, we will retaliate against your city with lethal force."

"I don't like that look." Bellamy groaned as he spoke. The slight gleam in my eye of a dangerous plan.

"Echo, how would you like to get on Blodreina's good side?"

Persphyni: I am DeterminedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin