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Where's Shila?

Where is Wanlida?

Where is the White Wolf?

Where is she?

Where is-


"Persphyni, child."

"Persphyni, you have to wake up. Please."

"Peh-rse. Mma-mma." A baby's coo filled the air.

"Persphyni, you have to get up."


"Peh-rse inni. Mma-mma." Laughter echoed in the stone room.

"Please, Persphyni."

A strangled gasp echoed in the room. The cooing child filled the silence.

"Oh, thank goodness."

I blinked, my eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness. I gasped again, grabbing at my chest.

"Calm down, you need to breathe." Molly helped me sit up, my eyes darting around the room lit by firelight.

"What happened? I- oh shit." I groaned, my hand rising to my forehead.

"Here is some water." I took the canteen from Lyla's free hand. Spring in her other. I looked at the little baby, the smile never leaving her small face.

"Peh-rse." My eyes widened as I turned to hang my legs off the table.

"Did she just?" Lyla smiled, nodding. Molly set a hand on my shoulder.

"She's been saying it since we dragged you in here. That little grin hasn't left her face either since she's seen you." I looked around the room expecting more people.

"How long was I out?" I rose carefully. My hands acting as I balance before I spotted my weapons in a chair laid out and waiting.

"Nearly a full day."

"Oh my gosh. I bet Bellamy had a good laugh." I reached the chair with my weapons, a frown on my face as I turned to face the females.

"Pers, the ascension was stopped. Bellamy, Gaia, and Indra are awaiting their fate. Blodreina is going to send them to the pits."

"No." I shook my head, my breath airy. "She wouldn't. I-" I took a deep breath in, turning back to my weapons. She would if it meant she got her war.

The atmosphere darkened.

I hardened my face as I slid my daggers into their sheaths, my throwing knife sliding in the leather around my forearm. I wrapped my throwing knives around my thigh and grabbed my sword sheath before turning around.

"How long do I have?" Spring was crying now as Lyla held her close.

"Seconds." Molly whispered. I nodded, slipping my sword and sheath over my back, tightening it as I started towards the door.

"Peh-rse inni."

"Molly, Lyla, thank you. Spring- I'll be back to teach you how to say my full name."

Then I flew out the door into the dark night. I sprinted amongst the shadows. Fire in my heart as my soul burned ablaze. I did not let the darkness take over as I ran to the entrance of the bunker.

The images of the gray arena filled with dead bodies, the pale hands covered in red blood. The chains around my ankles and wrist and neck. The weapons which laid around the dead, my own weapon being the binds that held me hostage. The images filtered in my brain as I pushed them away. I wouldn't let my past consume me, not when they needed me.

I jumped from the pile of debris above the entrance. My daggers silently take the lives of the two guards waiting, allowing me to slip into the bunker. I kept my daggers out as I made a death march towards the arena.

I commanded that I wasn't too late.

I met the guards at the door to enter the arena. Blood covered me as I took their lives as well. I kicked the door open, the buzzer just noise as I made my way through the next two doors, stopping as I reached the last one.

I pushed the button, the door swinging open slowly as I walked out.

The world slowed as I walked towards the arena, the crowd just background noise as the light caught me. Bellamy and Indra fought in the center of the arena, their own movements slow as I looked upwards to Octavia. I spun my daggers eagerly in my hands. The bright red blood flashing.

"Enough." I roared out over the crowd. My feet reach Bellamy and Indra who hadn't stopped. I kicked Bellamy out of the way as I caught the downward swing of Indra's staff. I bent downwards before exploding upwards, sending her stumbling backwards towards Gaia.



"The White Wolf."

The crowd whispered but I did not care. I pointed a dagger upwards, the shiny red blade aimed at the little girl on her throne playing dress up.

"Persphyni, what are you doing?" Bellamy hissed.

"Something I should have done a long time ago." I whispered back.

"I, Persphyni kom Sonchakru, challenge you, Blodreina kom Wonkru, to the pits." I sheathed the red dagger and drew my sword. With a gentle thrust, I tossed it in front of me.

The crowd was silent now. All were waiting for Octavia's response as I twirled Lincoln's dagger in my left hand.

I watched Octavia rise from her throne, ordering Miller and her other guard to stand down with their guns. I saw the fear in her eyes as she leaned on the railing. Her fear was so strong I could smell it.

"Choose." I hissed.

"Pick your weapon." I stayed where I was, unwavering as she moved from her throne. Walking through the mass of people as she approached a side gate. I turned with her, taking the chance to return my sword to its place in my hand as I waited for her.

I watched her enter the bloodstained cement, her feet coming to a stop as she drew her sword. My two daggers in my hand.

"Octavia, you don't have to do this." Bellamy whispered. I spared him a glance.

"Unfortunately, she does."

"I, Blodreina kom Wonkru, accept your challenge, Persphyni kom Sonchakru."

"With the accordance of our laws, the winner will be the last one standing." The female from beside Octavia's throne spoke. "Let the challenge begin." Octavia struck before she finished her sentence. My eyes rolled as I brought one of the daggers up to catch the sword, the other cutting across her stomach forcing her to jump back.

"You went early, I can see you are desperate." I taunted, staying on defense as she continued to attack.

"Enough chit chatting and fight back." She growled as I simply danced around, evading her sword.

"I'm just giving them a show. Isn't that what you wanted, Octavia." I hissed, pressing forward with my two daggers. Her sword caught in between. "Isn't that why you killed him?"

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now