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"This war that you are so anxious for is about to be fought on the last survivable land on earth. It's monumentally stupid. But it's here, and in four days, when we march on that Valley we are gonna fight this the right way." Octavia's eyes drifted away from her brother to me as I remained calm and still.

"Does the right way, end up with us winning?" I bore my eyes into hers until she turned to look back at Bellamy.

"It ends with us accepting the other side's surrender. Once they lay down their arms we share The Valley with them. No executions, no fighting pits, real peace."

"Believe it or not, I want that, too."

"I wish I believed it."

"Fine. I accept your terms. Now tell me how to win this war." And here's where I step in.

"Indra has the details." I cut in moving towards the exit, Bellamy in front of me.

"Bellamy..." I discreetly set my hand against his. Silently telling him I was here. "This is how it was meant to be. You and me and Persphyni." I steeled my face as Bellamy and I both turned to face Octavia. "Fighting side by side."

"I'm not fighting for you." Bellamy cut her off. "I'm fighting to get back to my family. And bring the family here to safety." Then he left, leaving Octavia and myself alone in the tent.

"I don't suppose you also have something to say?" I blinked looking into her watery eyes.

"No matter what choices you've had to make in the past, there will be more to make in the future. Those choices we make today, define us today. I'm furious with you and your decision. But I also know what it feels like to seem to not have another choice. Ai hodnes yu strisis. Reshop, Via."

"I-" I left the tent as she struggled to find her words.

"Give her a few moments, Indra. She's just had a bomb dropped on her." I whispered in her ear squeezing her forearm.

"Bellamy looked as if he was about to cry." I smiled.

"I know."


"You know, normally I'm the one who says some truth bomb or something to stir the pot then leaves." I spoke as I entered the small tent Bellamy and I were sharing. "However, I must tip my hat to yo-" I stopped when I saw the state Bellamy was in. I sighed pulling my sword from my back and setting it on the floor. The rest of my accessories joining as I finally pulled my sweaty long sleeve shirt from my skin.

"Do you even want to talk about it?" I asked finally as I sat down on the bed to take my boots off.

"What's there to talk about."

"Bellamy," I started unlacing my left shoe, "you just practically told your sister you were done with her. But if you're not wanting to talk about it then we don't have to." I finally yanked my boot off and began working on the right.

"My sister isn't there anymore. It's Blodreina." I sucked my teeth at his words.


"I mean, my sister wouldn't have forced an army to march, my sister wouldn't have had people fight to the death in pits," I nodded as I pulled my boot off, "she wouldn't have burned the only source of food down to do what she wanted." I took off my socks and threw them beside my boots before turning around and looking at Bellamy's back.

"Bell. That's just who your sister is now. So what if you don't see eye to eye. Deep down I know she still needs her older brother. Deep down she doesn't want the responsibility, yet she craves the power. You don't have to agree with me and you certainly don't have to be buddy buddy with her. I'm angry with her decision as well. Just, don't do something that'll make you lose her forever. Blood is thicker than water. Even if it chokes you."

A shiver went down my spine. Oh shit, I just gave myself chills.

Even if it chokes you.

I shook my head when he hadn't said anything and turned away to lay on my right side, pulling the blanket up to my waist.

"Goodnight, Bellamy."

He didn't answer me right away. But after a few moments I heard him shift before he curled into my back. His hand running down my inked arm.

"Did you put the tattoos on this arm on purpose or did it just happen?" He asked whispering as he traced along the scene. I turned my head slightly.

"What do you think?"

"I think you're clever and I should be thankful you haven't killed me yet." I chuckled. "Goodnight, Persphyni." He laid a gentle kiss in my neck before wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling gently for me to mold against his shape.


"I hate walking montages." I groaned sticking my tongue out making Spring giggle. I poked her side as I fixed the small fabric we had tied around her head to protect her scalp. Her pale skin had slowly become accustomed to the sun but still didn't want to risk it.

"Persphyni." I looked over to Lyla as she drew closer, concern on her face. "What are the odds that we actually win? I just- Sonchakru, we've had a meeting and the only reason we're still here is because of you. I told them that I'd speak with you. But we are worried. Some of us more than others." She glance down at her giggling daughter who was playing with my long hair.

"Lyla. I believe that we will win. But not without courage and selflessness. And it's okay to have fear. Having fear makes us stronger if we can control it. That is a lesson which took me many years to learn. Tell Sonchakru that we can win as long as we stick together."

And here it is. The point at which Violence came knocking back at my door. And like always, I'd open that door just for her.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz