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Our long journey began. Often times we would speak, other times we would sit in silence. Only this time it was comfortable. We made amends and managed to come together as a team. A team of two Sky People against the second post-Praimfaya world.

And it was not easy.

Especially when all the past did was haunt us.


I stood staring out into the horizon below as Clarke knelt down to look in her bag. Her hands pulling out a map as she began to calculate.

"Two hundred and ten miles to Polis." I groaned as I too set my bag down and began to scan through it. I found a stash of nut rations, two canteens (one empty the other half full), a spare set of clothes, and all of the things I originally had in this bag. The bag that made the journey out here.

A soft grin crossed my features as my hands grasped a leather belt. My eyes lit up like a child getting food once I found my daggers and throwing knives.

I was all too quick in strapping myself with the weapons. The weight of the daggers on my hips were comforting as the throwing knives lined my left thigh. The leather sheath for the hunting knife was soft and snug to my right forearm. All I needed was my cloak and my sword. Both of which I couldn't find in the bag.

"Clarke? Wher-" She smirked as I grinned happily. She had already anticipated my question and held my cloak and sword in her hands. I threw the sword across my back before slipping my cloak on and throwing the hood up. Just because the Nightblood solution ran through my veins didn't mean I was fully immune to the heat nor the radiation which prickled my skin.

"Thank you." I stood tall as I swung my bag on the opposite shoulder of my sword, my eyes drifting upwards once again in the direction that Clarke now faced. "At least we won't have to swim. Water and I don't really mix well. Unless I'm drinking it."

Clarke shook her head while smiling softly at my comment. Her bag on her bag as she took a deep breath in before taking her first step forward. Then we were moving back to Polis.

"We got this." Though I know she was really just trying to reassure herself.

"Damn right we do."


"Why. Did Praimfaya. Have. To make. So. much. SAND!" Clarke stifled a laugh as I swung the shovel back down. My muscles aching from the long walk on top of my new digging adventure. But instead of digging out, I was digging in. All to find this beauty.

The Rover.

When we uncovered the machine gun I have never jumped for joy so high in my life. We wouldn't have to walk anymore. And we had a movable shelter.

"Well, we almost have it out." I stabbed the shovel into the sand and leant on the handle. My eyebrow raised as I gave Clarke a "the hell" look.

"The hell you mean 'we'? Girl you've been taken a break for the last thirty minutes." Clarke chuckled as I rolled my eyes at her playfully. I had been the one to tell her to rest. Poor girl looked like she was going to pass out after we got the gun uncovered.

"Alright. I think I just need to uncover these tires and we can drive our way out. There should have been some juice left in the tank. Enough to get out of the hole, hopefully." I mumbled the last bit to myself. I wasn't Raven by any means, but I do know that trying to drive out could be good or bad. Hopefully the ground beneath is solid-ish.

I dug the tires mostly out from the sand. The bottom of the tread was still covered but only an inch worth. The wind started picking up as I handed Clarke the shovel. Small pieces of sand blew into the Rover, piling up at the bottom. And slowly, the hole I had just dug around the Rover was beginning to fill back up again.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I wanted to fall to my knees and watch but Clarke and I knew what had to be done.

The blonde hopped into the driver seat while I went behind the Rover and got started on pushing it forward and away from the slowly rising sand dune. I peeked over and nodded at Clarke through the mirror before I felt her shifting gears and began to lightly accelerate.

I saw the wheels turning, their tread trying to grab at something to dig in and push off from. I got down lower and lifted while pushing backwards. My face being hit with sand as my back dug into the metal. Clarke shifted gears again and just let me push us down and out. My back and fingers grew tired as I pushed the Rover.

By the time my legs finally gave out, the wheels had caught and Clarke was able to accelerate out. I was smiling watching Clarke circle the Rover around, but my ass hurt from where I landed in the sand.

I kept the smile on my face as Clarke pulled the Rover up. I kept the smile on my face when I crawled into the passenger seat and shut the door. I kept the smile on my face as my eyes drifted shut.

But I was in so much pain. Pain that could never rival that of my past. But still pain. Pain that was real, and current, and very, very persuasive.

It want just my body, but my heart and my soul.

I just needed sleep. Just an hour or so. Any sleep is better than what I had been getting since I woke up from my death-slumber.

Because maybe, just maybe. I might sleep and dream.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now