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I heard gunshots as I was nearing position A, surprise on my face as I realized more time had passed than I had originally thought. My cadence increased from a walk to a run as I raced through the forest. I needed to be at position A in order to start taking out reinforcements when they came.

I heard a loud blast as I neared the treeline and stopped, I ran around the sides before climbing up one of the fatter trees. Once out of direct sight, I pulled the shield off and set it up behind me while notching an arrow and waiting.

I could see the pillbox from my vantage point. I could also see the group leaving the pillbox.

What were they doing?

I didn't bother to try and stop them in order to ask questions. From my perch in the tree, I released the first arrow. The second already firing when the first guy hit the ground. Next was a female. Once two of their companions were down the rest of the group began to panic. Their lack of intelligence gave me time to fire another two arrows, unfortunately, both landing in one male as he was larger than I anticipated.

"Holy shit." I heard as I notched my fifth arrow. "Its her, she's ba-" She didn't get to finish her sentence as I laced it through her neck.

"The Native?" I snorted before firing my sixth arrow into the ground. The action scaring the rest of the group into the bushes. Finally just out of sight for me to fire comfortably.

But I've always liked a challenge.

"McCreary, this is Joann, we've got a problem." I scooted out on the limb and found my target.

"What problem?" I smirked as McCreary's voice came through, only Joann wasn't able to reply. "Joann?"

Unfortunately for Joann, she was the only one in her bush. Meaning, her buddies who were stupid enough to try and go for the walkie weren't going to make it.

The first male tried to run for it. My arrow sank into his calf, his scream making me smile as I sent the next one through his neck. My bait worked as another male went for it when I was releasing my ninth arrow, so the tenth went straight through his hand before the eleventh went into his chest.

I waited, knowing there was three more waiting in the other bush. The smarter of the bunch. As soon as I saw the barrel of the gun, I had moved to grab my shield. Right as I slammed it down in front of me on the branch, the gun was being fired in my direction. It hit the trees next to me as well as the tree I was in. One even hit the metal of the shield. My eyes widening as I looked to find only a small dent from the bullet.

I did a small victory dance in my head at the strength of my shield, except, my victory was short lived as someone had made it to the walkie.

"McCreary, the Native is back. She's at pillbox Alpha. I repeat, the Native is ba-"

"Snitch." I hissed as I pulled the bow down to find the arrow right through his opened jaw. The end poking through the back of his throat.

I quickly looped the bow and shield on my back before climbing down. The pistol from my calf in my hands already as I went around the trees to sneak up behind the two who were still waiting. They were arguing about who was covering who and who was going to grab the walkie. Cowards.

"Stevens, are you there? I'm sending a group to y'all. As for Bravo and Charlie units. Y'all know what to do." I clenched my fist listening to the walkie.

"Here, let me help with the decision." I fired two bullets into the woman with the rifle in her hand then pointed it towards the unarmed male. "Where was your group headed? Why are there no reinforcements?" I interrogated, stepping closer with my finger hovering over the trigger.

"We were going to Bravo and Charlie. We are reinforcements." I nodded, lowering my gun slightly.

"Thanks Tweedy bird. I appreciate your honesty. Future reference, you should wait a little longer." I fired a round into his chest, his blood staining the snow along with the rest of his group.

"Well shit." I hissed. I had thirty minutes before I'd get over to positions B and C to try and help Wonkru and my family out of a trap. We've been double crossed. And I was going to slam a fist through whoever did it.

"Did you hear the gunshots? Someone is over here." I turned my head at the familiar voice. Conflict racing through me as I wanted to run over and hug her, but I had to go.

"Well, go check it out Raven."

"You're closer, Murphy. Besides, you've got a gun that you won't blow up this time."

I smiled sadly at their bickering, I couldn't stay.

I quickly wrote "welcome" in the snow before running off. My goal was to get as far away as possible quickly to keep from hearing them. But it didn't work.

"Whoever it was took off." Murphy

"No shit, Murphy. Look." Emori

"No way. She should be with Wonkru." Raven

"What do you mean, Raven?" Echo

Raven let out a watery chuckle before she said the words I was dreading.

"Persphyni is in the Valley."

Raven was too smart for her own good.


I was boiling. It took everything in me to restrain myself at the massacre I saw in the ridge below. Pain burned in my heart as one thing screamed in my mind.

I wanted to kill them all.

Every last one of them. But I needed to wait until nightfall. I was outnumbered, which normally wouldn't have been an issue- but I was smart enough to know I was outgunned. Without the cloak of night, my survival chances were 30%. I wasn't willing to risk that if there was Wonkru who still survived.

"Fuck!" I whisper-screamed as I stood in a tree overlooking the battlefield. Angry tears welled in my eyes as I realized there was nothing I could do accept wait.

I scanned the battlefield before regretfully turning and climbing down before taking back off to my treehouse.

"I'm sorry." I whispered to the wind. Hoping she would take the words into the gorge with the fallen soldiers.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now