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I sat in a darkened corner as I stared at the raging fire. A storm cloud resting over my head as I ran rampant in my own mind. Clarke and Bellamy were whispering to each other so as to not alert anyone who may be passing by.

If this didn't work. We would have caused the exact thing I didn't want to happen. A war inside Polis.

"Bellamy. If this doesn't work-" I spoke as I stood slowly. "It will start a war here in Polis. If that happens..." I trailed off. My heart thrumming as I felt controlled darkness swirling at my fingertips. "If it happens. I need you to take Monty, Harper, Molly, Lyla, and Spring. Clarke will help with Madi. I need you to take them and get them as far away from here as possible. Or at least hide them." Bellamy looked shell-shocked as I walked up to him. Clarke also staring at me curiously.

"Pers, what's going on?" I furrowed my eyebrows. I wasn't sure how to explain it to them.

"I have this feeling. This feeling that we're not finished here. We missed something. I missed something." I chewed on my lip as I turned back to the fire. The flames whispering to me but I couldn't make out the words.

"Pers, we executed the plan. I don't understand where your feeling is coming from." Clarke whispered as she tried to understand.

"Clarke. My instinct has never been wrong. Not by such a large scale like this. No. We're not finished." I looked up from the flames, my eyes turning to face the tent flaps. "No, we've just begun." I growled out as the flaps flew open. Miller stumbling through with his gun drawn.

I slid in front of Clarke protectively as Octavia came through. She wouldn't harm her brother, Clarke however, she had no blood attachment too.

"Take her." Octavia ordered. I flexed my fists as Miller started towards me.

"You know you don't want to tango with me." I spoke looking at Octavia as she grinned.

"We aren't here for you Persphyni." I let a wave of surprise hit me just as two of Octavia's goons grabbed me by the arms and yanked me away from Clarke.

I sought to wrench my arm free as Miller spun Clarke around and handcuffed the blonde. My right arm out of one goon's hold as I sent my fist into the face of the other.

As the left goon fell, the right decided to be brave and bear hug me from behind. I sent my elbow into his side as I drove my left foot up and back right into the man's groin.

"Bellamy, contain your girlfriend before I have to throw her in the pit." I heard Octavia's mocking words as I yanked a dagger free and spun to face her. A laugh bubbling in my throat before it died. My throw stopping immediately as I saw Bellamy standing in my way.

"You're under arrest for the murder of Kara Cooper." Bellamy and I looked at Octavia.

"What?" I nearly shouted. Bellamy following suit.

"No, this is insane." Bellamy argued as I moved to stand beside him. My dagger back in its sheath as I feigned a shocked look.

"Is it? We weren't taking the worms." Octavia started cocking an eyebrow towards our direction as Miller finally had Clarke in hand cuffs. "The eggs are already loaded in the Rover, so what was Cooper doing there?"

Clarke and Bellamy looked at each other, defeat already hidden in their eyes.

"How the hell are we supposed to know? She's your sidekick is she not?" I voiced, trying to save our screw up.

"Careful, big brother, careful Persphyni, or I'll think you both helped her, and we don't have enough prisoners to settle this in the Arena."

Clarke shook her head towards us. Her eyes flashing with pain.

"Oh, well. I guess we'll have to settle for an execution." I growled nearly jumping forward but refrained as Bellamy set a shaking hand on my back.

"Keep Madi safe. Promise me." Clarke shouted as she was drug out.

"I promise." Bellamy and I say in unison.

I wait until the two goons have left the tent before letting out a shout of anger. A throwing knife embedded in one of the wooden poles of the tent.

"I didn't even think to check the Rover!" I hissed as I drug a hand through my hair.

"Pers, how could you have known? None of us thought to check. It isn't your fault." He sounded angry with himself.

I turned around, my shoulders sagging as I saw his own pain and anger in his eyes. His body kneeling.

"Shit." I walked over to him. "Bellamy."

I crouched down in front of his form, my hands resting on the sides of his face as I gently rubbed my thumbs along his cheekbones.

I read the conflict in his eyes as he had a silent war with himself. His fists clenching his knees as he sat back on his heels.

"Bellamy, you get five minutes before we both have to shake this off and move to the next step. Do you understand?" I whispered as I continued to hold his head up to look at me. "Bellamy, do you understand me?"

He nodded. His hands slowly rising to gently hold my wrists. I sighed relieved. I couldn't have him break down, not right now.

I moved from a crouch, kneeling down to match his posture as I rested my forehead on his.

"You are the only person I've ever willingly knelt for." I whispered softly. Closing my eyes as I listened to his breath. "Bellamy. Whatever happens next. I need you to know-" I struggled to find the words, "Bell, I care for you. I care about you. I've cared for a really long time I just, I've been a coward to say it." I allowed myself to be vulnerable as I filled the silence.

"I- I care so much, that sometimes I just want to take you and run away. So that we can have our house in the woods, with some animals, a small garden-"

"And a handy-dandy fence." I chuckled softly.

"Yeah," I breathed out, "and a handy-dandy fence."

We paused as we knelt on the dirt floor, our foreheads pressed to one another as the fire crackled beside us.

The two of us simply breathing.

In the firelight, two shadows were presented on the tent wall beside us. And in between the two hung a small crescent moon from where my necklace dangled.

A crescent moon. The symbol of rebirth and new cycles.

It was time for take two.

Another hurricane to face as Bellamy and I fought through the storm. I only demand that I consider everything this time. If I don't, people I care about will get hurt. I can't let that happen. I won't.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora