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The panther was getting restless as we watched the movements of the invaders at the pillboxes. The two main lights were on and moving across the gorge as two smaller lights scanned along the gorge on either side.

If this fight was going to be won. We needed to be smart. Yet all we wanted was to be ruthless. Something the panther and I both agreed on.

I slid from her back, a hand resting on her shoulder as I calculated the best plan possible. Only to realize I didn't care how good the plan was as long as the task was completed and my people were safe.

It was startling for me to not have a dead set plan. But for once, I let my emotions grab ahold of the reins and guide me through this fight.

With a pat on her shoulder, I began my quiet stalk towards pillbox B. The panther stalking towards pillbox C as we spilt up.

I wasn't sure how this was going to go down, but I knew the panther could take care of herself. She's survived this long, and so have I.

I took the first two guards out. The back door to the pillbox exposed as I crept forward. According to Diyoza's manual, there should be two people inside. One as lookout and one shooter. Perfect for the amount of arrows I have.

As I reached the door, I gave a hard knock. One I had seen the girl on guard do previously.

"What do you want?" I held back my sass as I deepened my voice.

"McCreary dropped off some water, I can keep it out here if you want." I held my breath afterwards as we stood in silence. A grin spreading to my lips as I was told to come in.

"Let me unlock the door."

I set my bow to the side incase they looked out beforehand. My daggers would do better in the enclosed space anyways. When they didn't I could help but call them morons in my head.

"Come on in."

"Don't mind if I do." I kicked the door open, knocking the person who unlocked it backwards into the metal wall. I released one dagger into the back of the shooter's head as my other spun in my grasp before stabbing the male on the ground. My eyes dark as I looked up at the last man who turned away from the light to look at me.

"Oh sh-" he didn't get his gun fast enough as I launched at him, my dagger slashing across his neck in the blink of an eye.

One pillbox down, one more to go.

A loud bang followed by a roar of pain caught my attention as I darted out of the pillbox, my bow returning to my hand as I looked at the scene before me.

Rage bubbled within me as I notched and released my arrow into the heart of the man in front of me. His gun falling to the ground, his body right behind it.

I ran to the panther as she whimpered in pain. My eyes on the bullet wound as I dropped my bow and held a hand to her chest.

She hissed at me but made no other move. The blood poured out too quickly, and I knew it had hit an artery. There was no exit wound and I felt my hope diminish.

"Hey, you're going to be okay." I whispered dropping my bow as I gently scratched behind her ears. Her eyes fluttering as she whimpered again.

I looked back down at my hand to see the black blood covering my freckled hand. In the moonlight it looked like ink had been spilled. The blank page stained and tainted.

I looked back at the man who stood just outside the tree line and the angle he had. It was a perfect shot into the pillbox.

That bullet was for me.

"Thank you, Natstoka." I whispered again, my body coming to lay on her weakening body. "You saved my life. I promise I will make these invaders pay with theirs. Yu gonplei stei odon. Until we meet again."

A weak purr left her chest before her breathing stopped. Her eyes shut as her heart lay to rest.

I let the tear fall from my eyes as I thanked whoever sent this beautiful panther to me, a thank you to whichever god had chosen to protect me.

After a moments pause, I stood again, this time alone as I turned to face the ridge. The fire inside of me growing as I burned.

I had one arrow left. It was a shame I couldn't save it for McCreary or Diyoza. But I would find something else for them.

I turned towards pillbox C, steps heavy as I decided there was no point sneaking around anymore. Three guards lay dead outside the shut door. I kicked them away and slammed my fist against the metal. The locks open as the door swung inwards exposing two males who had their backs to me.

"You take care of her? We heard the gunshot." The gruff voice of one came as I walked up behind him.

"Rio, you okay bro?"

"It's Persphyni, and I'm not your fucking bro." My daggers found purchase in both their necks. Red blood shooting out as I pierced their arteries.

I used their tan uniforms to wipe the daggers clean. A sigh leaving my lips as I stared at the light which continued to move on its own. My eyes widening as I caught sight of motion.

I ducked at the first gunshot. Several more following as the figure unloaded their clip.

Shouts echoed through the walkie as they called about the figure.

When the shooting stopped, I ran out of the pillboxes and towards the edge.

My eyes widening as I recognized the body which now knelt in the gorge.

"No. No. No." I seethed as I yanked my last arrow free from my quiver.

I aimed at her before following the angle upwards until it felt right. With the release of my breath, I let go of the string. My last arrow soaring through the air as I let my bow fall to the bottom of the gorge.

The bow broke on the first impact with the wall of rocks which stuck out in various places, but I didn't care as I watched the arrow land where it needed to.

In front of Octavia.

I unclamped the quiver from my chest and let it fall, my hands grabbing the shield and sword from my back as I stood waiting for Octavia's eyes to rise.

I hoped she saw as the two pillbox lights met at the point at which I stood. My silhouette painted on the gorge below for a second.

But a second was enough.

It was inspiring. A smirk growing on my face at the black shadow which filled me with empowerment. My own shadow.

"She's back!"

"Son of a- McCreary we need backup stat!"

I spun the sword in my hand as I rose it towards the dark sky. A war cry on my lips as the bubbling rage finally boiled over.

The Rover storming into the gorge only moments later. Machine gun whirling as I ran back into the woods.

The gunfire from the rover covering anyone in the gorge in order to get back to the medical camp.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now