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I watched the four of them from a corner of the room. Monty sat reading Jasper's note while Clarke, Bellamy, and Harper were trying to figure out a plan.

I on the other hand was working on mine. It was time for some drastic measures.

"Let's go over this again. As soon as Echo and Raven get the eye down, we take the Rover. We drive across the wasteland. We break out our people before Wonkru attacks with the worms."

"Octavia will expect us to do something like that." Clarke shot Bellamy down. "She'll post sentries."

"That's too bad for the sentries." His voice dropped octaves and I felt a shiver go down my spine. But a good kind. Damn.

I smacked myself in the forehead just as Monty slammed his fist into the table. The action shaking me from my moment of distraction. Silently thanking him, I listened to the Genius as he spoke furiously.

"This, this was supposed to be Jasper's suicide note after we pulled him out of the City of Light. He was gonna put a gun in his mouth and pull the trigger."

"Monty, now is not the time." I went to cut Clarke off but Monty did just fine on his own.

"Now is the perfect time." He pulled the paper up and read from the letter, "'Monty, I know you're an optimist. You think better days are ahead, but that's not true. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. There's only the tunnel, another enemy to fight, another war. I've come to the conclusion that we're the problem- human beings, all of us. The cycle can't be broken as long as we're here. That's why I won't be, here. That's why-'" Harper pushed past Bellamy to reach Monty as he began to sniffle. His words cut off as he held back a sob.

I have never lost a best friend. And I'm very thankful. Even if I never really had one to lose. I've lost someone who is like family when I lost Lincoln. But this was different. Jasper was his guy. Monty, his heartbreak, it makes me want to never let those I consider family to leave my sight so I can keep them safe. Because I don't want to experience that pain. If I had known Lincoln longer I may have faced more pain even though I was already so close to him. If I had kept Jasper by my side then maybe I would feel more pain than I do.

Or maybe, I would become numb to it all.

"Yeah. Jasper was smarter than all of us. It doesn't matter what we do. Coming back to the ground, opening the bunker, all we've done is made things worse. If a war is the only way to have the last survivable lane on earth, then maybe we don't deserve it."

I waited until he left. Everyone's faces crestfallen as they took in Monty's reprimanding. While he had a point. I also had one too.

"Harper," I stepped out of the shadows, "please go check on Monty. Jasper was his best friend. Reading a suicide note isn't going to help him sleep tonight."

She nodded. "I know. I was just about to follow him."

I only smiled and moved closer to the table as Harper turned and walked out the door. Following her lover to comfort him.

"As for you two. I'm assuming we're going to sit in here all night and watch the eye?"

"Lucky guess."

I chuckled at Bellamy's sarcasm and pulled out a stool.

"Then I guess we should get comfortable."


"Hey, something's happening." I looked up from dagger and glanced at the screen Clarke sat in front of. Bellamy coming up right behind me as we watched the screen.

In a blink, the screen changed to show a map and visual. We were in.

"We're in. Echo did it." I nodded with Clarke's words. Setting my sharpening stone back in my bag and sheathing my dagger.

"Okay." Bellamy began to walk away, clearly ready to engage in his plan.

"Wait. Bellamy, as soon as we tell her, she marches to war and unleashes those worms." Clarke jumped out of the chair to stop him.

"That's why we got to get there first. We take the Rover, we get our people out. Then we worry about stopping the war, ok? Pers?" I rose from my stool, stepping to reach the two.

"All is fair in love and war." I grinned as I recited. After all, I could actually use the full quote. Before it was just war.

"Okay. I get Monty and Harper. Clarke you get Madi. Persphyni-"

"I get Blodreina off our scent. Don't worry Bell. I got this." I patted his chest.

"Alright. That's settled, we leave tonight."

Bellamy left the room as I turned to face Clarke.

"No going back now." She sighed as nodded.

"Yup. No going back." I stepped forward and shut the monitor off. The screen going black as Clarke left the room.

There was going to be hell to pay. And honestly, I couldn't wait to collect the debt.

I left the room with a dangerous grin on my face. One that would make anyone's blood turn cold.

This was going to be fun.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now