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"Where's Madi?"

"With your sister." Clarke spits out as I enter the room behind her. Bellamy's eyes flash to mine as I nod confirming it.

"We don't have time for this. We have to leave now. As soon as Diyoza realizes what Echo did, she's dead. We have no choice."

"You're wrong." I turned to face Clarke as she spoke. "We have one." I watched as she walked over to the table, picking up something.

"Wait. What are you doing?" Harper asks the question all of us were wondering.

"Stopping the cycle."

"I don't like how ominous that whisper was Clarke. How about you say your idea aloud to all of us and not just Monty this time." I cut in stepping forward, ready to snatch the walkie from her hand if necessary. The look in her eye was pure insanity.

"I'm going to speak to Diyoza."

"What the fuck?" I moved to stop her but Bellamy jumped in front of me. "What are you doing?" I hissed out as I tried to move around him as Clarke yanked the walkie free from Monty's computer.

"Clarke might be on to something, just trust her." Bellamy whispers, pleading with me to give it a try.

"She's trying to contact the woman who ordered a fucking collar around my neck. In fact she probably has collars around all their necks!" I went to move passed him again but instead of just stepping to stay in front of me, he wrapped me in a large hug. "Let go of me, Bellamy. Clarke!" I hissed out as Bellamy lifted me up and started moving us backwards while I squirmed. I didn't want to hurt him. "Clarke, don't you fucking dare." I seethed.

The blonde turned her back as I got my right arm free from Bellamy's grasp. My elbow coming down on his shoulder trying to get him to loosen his grasp.

"This is Clarke Griffin. I have a question for Colonel Diyoza."

"Clarke, stop." I got my left arm free but Bellamy had already pinned me to the wall. "Bellamy, let me go. I don't want to hurt you." I plead, struggling as he only pressed us further into the concrete.

"Then don't, Persphyni." His voice was right in my ear. "If you really wanted to get out of my hold and stop her, you would have. But something inside you has hope that Clarke may know what she is doing." He pressed a kiss below my ear. "We just have to trust her." He placed another one further down my neck. My jaw clenched as the rest of my body melted.

My tensed shoulders relaxed as I let my arms drop and land around his neck. My head falling backwards unto the concrete as I burned a hole in Clarke's head. My body relaxing as Bellamy and I molded into one another. I trusted him.

"Hello, Clarke. It's been too long. What the hell do you want?" Diyoza's voice trickled through the walkie. The room was silent as Clarke spoke.

"What would it take for you to share the Valley?" I tensed up at Clarke's question. Bellamy sensing this held me closer to prevent me from lashing out. Tightening his hold to comfort me.

"Share it? Well, let me see. Short of an unconditional surrender, nothing."

"Octavia will never surrender." Monty pointed out the obvious. I began to grow agitated, Bellamy sensing this pressed another soft kiss to my neck. The sneaky asshole.

"That's why we're gonna take her out." Bellamy and I both looked at each other. Our eyes reflecting the same thing. She was his blood sister, but she was my sister in arms. Even through all this.

"I don't care how you make it happen, Clarke. Kill Octavia if you have to. Bring her to me in chains, and I'll do it for you. Or she can surrender herself, but your Red Queen doesn't seem like the type."

Bellamy set his head on my shoulder as I wrapped my arms tighter around him. The embrace was no longer one to keep me from breaking the blonde or the walkie but to comfort both of us. I set a gentle kiss to the top of his head hoping to provide more care to him.

"Let us worry about that."

"We have an understanding then?"

"We do."

"Good. Call me back when it's done, and we can work out the details of your crossing. Oh, and one more thing. I want your buddy Persphyni's sworn allegiance. I hear she doesn't break her oaths." Bellamy and I both tensed at the demand. Something sinister lingered behind her words.

I think quickly as I stare Clarke in the eye. "Clarke, tell her I'm in a coma. A bad one."

Clarke nodded, doing as I asked. "That last request will be tricky."

"How so?" She sounded amused.

"Persphyni is in a coma- The doctor here doesn't think she's going to wake up any time soon. If she wakes up." Clarke spoke, making her voice shake a little at the end.

"Hhm. And here I was thinking I could bring some good news to her father." My hands clenched into fists as I listened to Diyoza. "I'll pass the information along. Over and out."

"Someone please remind me to tell my dad when we get to Eden that he shouldn't tell people who have a vendetta against me that he's my father!" I shouted, pulling my face away from Bellamy's ears and covering both of them to protect his ear drums.

"We've got more important things to worry about." Clarke cut in.

"We are not killing my sister." Bellamy started, moving back to let me down from the wall. Harper making her way over.

"Why did you want her to think you were in a coma?" I looked Harper in the eye.

"Other then it being a perfect cover story? She would have never believed I had died. No, she knows a fraction of what I'm capable of." I sighed rubbing my forehead. "No. My death would have sent red flags. We need to keep her away from here while we figure things out."

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now