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I found Octavia on her throne watching the young warriors fighting in the pit. The shadows covering her features as a bright light shone on the arena below.

I stood in the shadows near her throne, unbeknownst to the guards who flanked her sides as well as the female of the hour.

I watch Octavia and her posse, as well as the kids below, my eyes shifting to where Clarke stood watching as well. Only her anxiety poured from her in waves.

The young man in the center took down yet another opponent. A swift punch to the face was all it took. I couldn't help but shake my head. These children had so much to learn.

"Jonas, you're next." Gaia spoke from the floor of the arena. She was their Seda for their training. Which made sense seeing as she was groomed to teach young Natblidas to fight, only now they were normal bloods. Not including Madi, obviously.

"Wait." I shifted to face Octavia who had risen her hand. The action making me roll my eyes. "Madi, you're up." I sneered at Octavia's sickening tone. As if she was glad to watch Madi fight against what seemed to be her best warrior.

If only Octavia had seen the training I put that girl through, she'd be scared shitless at what the barely thirteen year old could do. However, Madi was going to have to play down to his level.


At Octavia's command, I watched as Madi walked towards the wall of weapons. My heart clenching as I readied myself for what was to come.

"Blodreina, she's not ready." Gaia attempted to come to Madi's aid but failed at Octavia's silent persistence.

I moved away from Octavia to have a better angle to see Madi's face. My eyes hurting at the poor stance Madi had put herself in. She would survive a few hits but not as many as I knew she could.

"Be the last."

Gaia's words began the match. The boy going in for the first blow. He was aggressive and had a powerful swing, but he was arrogant. He left his sides open as he swung, not even bothering to pause and move defensively in case she were to gain an advantage.

I watch Madi fall to the ground. Anger rising as I tried to hold it back. Especially when the boy flipped his sword and the other children laughed. Pompous brat.

"Get up Madi." I whispered strongly, my voice carrying to the pit below. The young girl turned her head towards me as I stepped from the darkness pulling my hood back.

"Teik em daun." I stared at her. Encouragement blazing in my eyes as I nodded at her, she bowed her head as she listened to me. I watched her rise to her feet. Her posture strengthening and her hands softening to a natural hold on her blade.

Madi turned to face the boy slowly. Her eyes blazing as she stared him down. I didn't bother to step back into the shadows as I watched the progression of this fight.

He attacked first, but Madi was more than prepared. She struck back. Blow for blow until Madi shot in elbow to his chest. A smirk growing on my features as she showed him to not disrespect her.

I watched Madi spin, swinging down as she caught the boy off guard. His body weight shifting to his heels as she disarmed him. She sent a kick to his chest knocking him down the rest of the way before moving forward to pin him.

"Enough!" Madi and I both turned to Gaia as she called the fight off. The concern on her face made it clear she was in on the idea for Madi to hold back.

I noticed Octavia taking a small step to be closer to the fencing. She maintained a neutral expression but her eyes held a whirl of emotions. Anger, concern, uncertainty.

Octavia's head turned to face me as I did the same to her. I wouldn't be hiding any longer. My silver cuffs glinted in the light as I kept my empty hands outside of my cloak. The cuffs which were given to me from a Commander.

The cuffs I had won and earned from the grounders. The cuffs which symbolized their respect and their trust for me.

Octavia only had fear behind her.

A new emotion joined her eyes. It was fury. She knew the damage I could do to her reign. And I knew she would try to stop me.

As she turned to speak with Gaia, I moved towards the opening in the fence that surrounded the arena, dropping down and moving to stand beside Clarke.

"Gaia, fit her for armor. And get her a real sword." Octavia followed my footsteps. Dropping down into the arena and walking to Madi.

"Madi, we're about to fight a war on your land, for your land, and I could really use a second who knows the terrain when we get there. What do you say Madi kom Wonkru?" I rose an eyebrow and crossed my arms at the bold statement.

Madi lifted her arm and grabbed ahold of Octavia's outstretched forearm. I shook my head at the exchange. For one, Octavia did well to keep her under her foot. On the other, Madi just signed her soul to the dark.

"Alright then. We march as soon as the eye's down."

Octavia turned towards Clarke and I, mockery in her tone.

"I need to borrow her for a strategy session. You don't mind, do you, Clarke?"

"No. It's fine." Clarke turned to leave as I looked Madi in the eye.

"Use your strengths."

And that was all I said before turning and walking away. Madi would either understand the underlying message or she wouldn't and it may cost her. However, you have to let people make their own mistakes sometimes.

No matter how badly you want to stop it because you can. People are similar to birds in the sense of failure.

They have to fall in order to fly.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant