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I watched as the woman pulled up a chair and sat in front of me. My eyes moving to meet hers as I watched her settle herself down. It seemed she was willing to play the waiting game. Too bad she's never met the likes of me before.

"Harris, I'm en route. How's the sweep of sector six." McCreary's voice cracked through the radio. I kept her gaze while listening. My eyes unwavering as I stared blankly in her direction. They had given my village sectors.

"Finishing up now." The voice of Harris crackles through.

"You find anything." McCreary asked as the woman in front of me began to talk.

"We got off on the wrong foot. You and I. We had no idea that anyone was alive down here. How could we have." All while the woman was talking the radio crackled in the background.

"We were just trying to get back home. Imagine our surprise when we found that there was no home to get back to." I blinked and kept watching her. No reaction crossing my face. Not even an eye roll. "And then your people started killing mine." My people consist of three and I'm the only one who has killed significantly. "Surely you can understand why I'm upset." I blink as I avoid a snarky comment. She is so lucky that McCreary put double ties around my wrists and ankles. And that there's nearly a hundred criminals on standby outside the door.

On secondhand, the blood bath would be satisfying.

"Just like you were upset when we took your village. I don't blame you. When a fascist government tried to take my home, I wanted blood, too." Wow lady. Cool story. Get to the point and I'll see if pretending to not understand was worth it. "And I got it."

Does she want a high-five? Yeah I've wanted blood too, you know how many times I've got it? I'm probably twenty years younger than her yet I've ended more lives then she could have imagined. More than she ever could have.

I kept my stare nonchalant as she leaned forward more. Wanting me to somehow understand the point she was going towards. Because all this was doing was making me sleepy.

"Nobody else has to die today. You tell me what I need to know, and we can come up with an agreement that works for all of us." I remained unresponsive as I thought it over. Unless she was willing to allow me the chance to kill her own men, I don't see how this deal is beneficial for me. I know the two girls are back at the cave and safe. Clarke had to have pulled the green vine wall down over the entrance.

"Maybe she doesn't speak English." Shaw huffed as he walked away. My attention nearly snapped towards him as he reminded me off his presence.

I maintained eye contact with the woman as she tilted her head. A response coming to mind as I remained unfazed.

"We'll see. I reckon she speaks English. She just wants us to think she doesn't." True, but also I want y'all to think I can't even hear you.

I keep me emotions steeled and body calm, showing no reaction at all to her words. Only looking at her face. Waiting.

"So we can speak freely and reveal something she can use against us. Every time patrol checks in, her ears twitch."

I wanted to scoff. She was bluffing. I'm wearing my hair in several Dutch braids that build into a high ponytail. There is no way that she would have been able to see a slight twitch of my ear from that far away.

"She tracking our movements. That's all she cares about." Oh no. There's more than one thing I care about. But she is right. I am tracking her movements.

"You don't want to talk, that's fine. Don't talk. But we will see how you feel when we find whoever it is you're protecting." The woman stood up and turned around. My eyes following her before tracing over to Shaw who was looking at me in concern. I kept my emotions off my face as I stared into his eyes. All while listening to the woman speak.

"Change of plans, ladies and gentlemen. No more prisoners. Shoot to kill." I kept my gaze on Shaw as the lady turned to examine my reaction. But I gave her none.

Clarke still has a walkie and they should know now what's happening. I almost wanted to look back to the woman and give her a vicious grin.

They won't be leaving that cave with Clarke down. Plus we had enough food supply to last them several days stored in the Rover from when Clarke ran back into the village with Madi.

All I had to do was sit still and look pretty for the time being. It's unfortunate that at some point these fuckers had to go to sleep. Until then I guess.


The fire crackled as I sat staring into the flames. A small smile laced on my lips as they danced in the pit. Oh what I would do if only to be able to control fire. And if not control it then tame it for only a moment.

I guess my smile scared Shaw when he made his way over to me. My eyes remained on the flames as I kept smiling.

Clearly it wasn't out of fear as a water canteen was rattled in my face. My vision now blocked by the metal as I move my gaze upwards. To Shaw's face.

"It's water." I just blinked at him. He sighed and brought it to my lips for me to drink from. The water came out so fast I nearly choked as he pulled away and I brought my mouth down to my shoulder to wipe my lip.

"Mochof." I whispered to his surprise. His eyes widened as I looked up at him. I tried not to laugh at how ridiculous he looked. The pilot blinked and shook away his shock as I turned my attention back towards the flames.

"Hey, what harm can come from telling me your name?" I kept my eyes on the flames as he knelt down in front of me.

My hands were still tightly bound to each armrest and my ankles to each front chair leg. At the moment, not much harm. But I didn't need my name to be used as leverage. Plus, I only just now learned that Shaw was a pilot and the woman who is running this whole show is named Diyoza.

"Well, believe it or not, this is the best conversation I've had in over a hundred years."

Old fart.

"I was an altar boy in a church just like this." I kept my eyes on the flames as I listened. "Saginaw. About two hours outside Detroit. On my Harley, I'd make it in one." If I really couldn't hear him I'd feel bad. He's spilling his life story and I can't respond unless I want to blow my cover.

"God I miss that bike. More than I miss most of the people." He sat down on the chair in front of me. I still didn't move my gaze from the fire. Until a new fire was struck within me.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now