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"Let's try again." Diyoza spoke as she knelt down slightly to be face level with the redhead. The short five Dutch braids hung around the collar as she looked downwards gaining her breath back.

A steady, slow inhale followed by a long exhale. They were deep and confident. Unlike anyone else who had just been shocked. They had all gasped and panted in a frenzy, but not this wild woman.

"How many of your people are in the woods?"

It was silent. Shaw, McCreary, and Diyoza all glanced at one another as the woman without a name didn't react. They didn't know anything personal about her. She had done well to avoid that kind of information.

Just as Diyoza was about to tell McCreary to hit her again. She paused. All three of them did. They were shocked.

They were shocked because the woman in front of them was laughing. The redhead lifted her head laughing. Who exactly were they dealing with?


They think they can break me.

I started laughing. A deep, sinister laugh at the thought.

After all, how can you break something that had already been broken then fused back together stronger?

I dawned a smirk as I shook my head, chest and shoulders rising as a sickening laugh filtered from my lips.

I will die before giving these assholes what they want. And by that time they'll be waiting for me in hell.

I slowly lifted my head, a new fire in my eyes that burned through Diyoza and her counterparts. I saw the shiver run down Shaw's spine.

My lips pulled back as I bared my teeth in a malicious grin, the fear quickly flash across her face before she covered it with curiosity. Worry decorated her face as she stared at my laughing-form perplexed.

"I'll see you in Hell."

I spat in the fire pit just beside me. The flames roaring and hissing as the spit made contact with the hot wood. The golden flames rose high, gracing my face in shadows and warm glows. Giving my presence a more intimidating image.

I'll kill them for invading my peace.

"Take her outside." I laughed as McCreary yanked me up by the collar. His finger latched in a small hooks near the back as he pulled.

My feet found purchase on the ground as McCreary's force upwards lessened. My head coming to the middle of his forehead gave him a disadvantage as he wasn't the much bigger than me- and even if he was I've dealt with worse.

"Cowardly and short. I take it you don't lead much." I grinned as I saw McCreary go to punch me. I think he forgot I didn't have anything over my wrists. I blocked his swing and returned one back. Only I connected. "You should keep your guard up, McCreary."

The male growled before punching some button. The stinging pulse shot through me again as I braced myself in order to stay standing. My fists clenched, my feet dug straight into the floor, and my jaw was tight as I refused to show pain. I will resist.

My knees shook as I felt my body bending inwards to escape the pain. This time the pain lasted for a few more seconds. Clearly the lack of response was getting to McCreary and Diyoza. The former began violently shoving me out the door once the shocks were done.

McCreary kept shoving me out of the building. Pushing me down the stairs when we reached them. I braced myself as I rolled down the wood. Landing on the grass with my leg bent below me sending a shock up my spine.

"Pathetic." I hissed in Trigedaslang. Spitting at his boots as he approached. "I'll enjoy killing you." McCreary only looked at me in curiosity and anger.

"You keep speaking in alien languages and I'll just shock you every word."

I bared my teeth and hissed. I looked like an animal. But when was I ever just a simple human? I've been a beast my whole life.

"How about I translate? Fuck. you." The shock ripped through my body as I glared into the night air, refusing to make a sound. My neck tightened and my body convulsed as I fought through the pain. It didn't get better. Each time it was worse. If it kept going the shock would eventually break my entire nervous system.

When the collar paused I fell onto my hands as I lent over and breathed in. The dark air of the night cool in comparison to my sweating form.

"Not so tough now are you." McCreary kicked me in the side knocking me onto the grass. The laughter of the men around the fire flowed into my ears. I coughed as I rose again.

I'm Persphyni Atlys Kane. I will not break.

"Tough enough to kick your ass ten times over." My voice was staggered as I breathe in and out.

Another shock pierced through me. Heart racing as I used my hands to brace myself on the grass.

I held firm as I remained silent. My muscles tensed and pulled as I kept it in. I wouldn't bend. And I'd be damned if I broke.

McCreary ended the shock again. My breathing filled the air along with the chuckles of laughter.

"Is that all you got?" I coughed rubbing my exposed throat before looking at McCreary. His eyes held surprising as I slowly rose onto my feet. "Suck my di--," I paused as a shock ripped me from my feet. My knees collapsed as I laid my hands in the grass.

"Weak. You're a coward. Fight me yourself you pathetic piece of shit." I seethed, finishing my train of thought just as he fired up another shock to the collar.

My eyes closed and rolled, my brain hurt as I felt dizzy. The pain was draining as I held everything in. Bubbling and burning until I felt like I was going to combust. My mouth opened in a silent scream. My body fighting me as it desperately tried to rid itself of this pain.

The soft whirling of the Rover came over the zapping of the collar and the blood rushing through my ears. The blinding white LEDs lit up the night as my hands dug deeper into the grass.

"Hold. And fire on my command." Diyoza's voice was barely heard as the shock finally ended. My fingers buried in the ground as I coughed downwards. My face inches from the grass as I regained my breath. But I made no other sound.

"Come out with your hands high." Diyoza yelled out as I breathed in. I don't want to look up. I didn't want to see them. Not Clarke, not Madi. Dammit.

The Rover parked and a door opened then shut. I didn't look up. I kept my head down as I glared daggers into the grass.

"Unarmed." My breath caught in my throat. My body tightened as everyone of my muscles tensed up. "Just want to talk."

Something wet slid down the bridge of my nose, dripping onto the green grass below. This wasn't real. This couldn't be real.

"Talk." Diyoza said. But I didn't want to hear it. I still couldn't look up as more tears slid from my eyes. This moment is one I've looked forward to all these years, and now I'm acting like a coward. Kneeling and collared like a dog. He was here, right in front of me and I couldn't do anything.

I was afraid of seeing Bellamy. I was afraid because I knew we had both changed. I don't want to find out that we had changed too much. I don't want to be disappointed when all I see in his eyes is the desire for me to be gone again. He'd probably already made his peace with losing me. And now if he gets close he'll have to do it all over again.

"Give me one good reason not to kill you where you stand." The lump left my throat as I growled protectively.

"Because I'll kill you before you go to pull the trigger."

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now