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"Everyone stay back! I need some light! Miller!" Miller pulled out his flashlight and shined it on Obika's body as he slammed into the ground in a worm-like motion. His screams shrill as I began to hope that none of the other creatures of the desert desire to feast tonight that hunt by sound.

I knelt down and pulled my hunting knife from my forearm. My eyes carefully watching Obika's hands as they clawed at his stomach. His body lurched as if trying to get rid of something.

"Wanlida, what are you doing?" Indra asked as I held the hunting knife carefully in my right and kept my left up ready to grab something or draw another weapon.

"Blodreina, tell them to back up. Obika is already gone. I'm not risking more lives. I need Clarke." I spoke calmly and loudly so everyone could hear me as Obika's screams died.

Octavia hesitated as I kept myself poised over the male's body.

"Let her in. Clear the area. Back up." I nodded at Octavia in thanks as Clarke came to kneel by my side.

"It's the worms. You remember the pig Madi chased into the desert. This was exactly what he was doing before his guts exploded outward. I didn't have the heart to tell you or Madi I had found it. And I'm glad I didn't. The worm nearly latched onto me." Clarke paused as she took in the information.

"What do you mean it nearly latched onto you." Clarke asked as she checked his vitals. "His heart is racing, but he's alive." She addressed Octavia who sat on the other side of Obika.

"Not for much longer." I grumbled as I studied his stomach waiting for the parasite to rear its ugly head.

"What the hell happened out there?" Octavia grounded out as I leaned closer to Clarke.

"The parasite is inside his body. It doesn't die. Once it takes all it needs, it jumps to the next host. Literally jumps. It shoots out like a damn rabbit from a hole in the ground. Quick and almost impossible to catch." I finish as Miller keeps rambling on.

"We separated to cover more ground. Then I hear him screaming out that they're everywhere. Then I get to him and there's nothing. It's just more screaming-" I tune Miller out as I catch the site of movement. The dark worm under Obika's skin hauntingly scares Clarke away as I once again yell for everyone to back away. Octavia and Clarke included.

"We have to move him." I voiced as I stared at everyone crowding around me. "Miller, Bellamy. Help me move him. Blodreina, Clarke I need a tent." Clarke nods and leads the way to the med tent while Bellamy and Miller carry Obika's body. "Blodreina. No one comes in." I order her.

"Cooper. Tent entrance." Then the two of us follow inside.

I make it inside and push the four of them to the tent flap while I stand beside Obika as he lays on the table.

"Listen to me. I don't give a shit about orders or ranks. You all stay back. If you come near him you could die. There is a living parasite inside of him. I need you all to give me as much room as possible or get the hell out of the tent." I ordered out calmly as I twisted my dagger to keep me focused. As soon as the parasite showed itself I was going in for the kill.

"What do you mean parasite?" I didn't spare a glance as I answered Octavia's question.

"The Blood-worms I spoke about earlier, they're parasites. They live in large herds under the sand. They hunt by scent and sound. They are most active in the dark, but that doesn't mean they won't come out alone in the day. They go after anything and everything that moves. Once it reaches your intestines, you die." I whispered softly as I saw movement below the surface.

"How do you know?" I felt a wave of sorrow crash into me. Pain flooding my mind.

"Because I would have died to one."


I can't believe Madi chased a pig all the way out here. The little hog was only a few months old. I had told her to just observe not to chase and now I have to bring this little one back to its mom before she pitches a fit.

I had to make sure there was a balance. And a defenseless wild pig out in the desert was not balance.

I trudge through the desert mindful of my surroundings. Making sure I stay quiet and alert as I scan the tan hills for a dark brown piglet.

I had paused for water when I heard the sharp squeal. The pained screeching from a young pig's throat.

I tucked my water in my bag and took off. Feet flying over the sand as panic filled me. The pig was loud. So loud that I knew other predators would make their way here if I didn't get to it first.

I found the small pig withering in the sand. Body moving up and down in a worm-like motion. It's squeal louder, yet I could sense the pig weakening.

I knelt down beside the pig and set my hands around it's toddler-sized frame. My right cupping it's head as I laid a gentle hand on its hindquarter.

I didn't know what to do. And I watched as this young pig dealt with so much pain. I saw the light in its eye weaken as its body slowly began to lower into a flat line. Whatever had happened. It was done now.

I saw the pig's chest slow. And it's breathing began to cease as I moved my left hand to my hunting knife. The pig was dying and I could see the subtle discomfort it no longer bothered to fight off. It's stomach tensed and body twitched a few more times before I gently guided the end of my dagger into its chest.

The light fading as I gently pulled away.

I couldn't tell them. Madi would be devastated. And Clarke wouldn't be able to handle a devastated Madi. I sighed and proceeded to stand up when I caught sight of movement underneath the skin of the pig.

It was circular and long. Poking upwards from underneath the skin.

My breath caught in my throat as I crawled backwards. Something was inside of the pig. My heart began to pound as I realized there were so many new dangers I had yet to experience. The idea thrilling yet terrifying all at the same time.

Curiously, I approached the pig once again. My hunting knife still out as I stared at the moving bulge. It's movements became more frantic and noticeable. Pressing further and further outwards on the inside of the pig's skin. Then it stopped.

I waited for a few seconds for anything to appear and nearly sighed. However my peace was interrupted by a deep squelch followed by the sound of hissing screeches.

I watched as a large red worm shot out from the belly of the dead pig. It's head pointed towards me as it shot through the air. It's body bursting from the hole as it grew closer to me.

I scrambled backwards bringing my hunting knife up towards the beast's ugly head but was stopped when a large hide got between me and the red worm that had wanted to get a piece of me.

It was the momma hog.

I stared shocked as the mom stopped directly in front of me and took the blow from the red worm.

Her squeals pierced the desert, echoing pain and suffering just like her child before. I nearly cried out when her squeals became too much.

This was all because of me.

If I hadn't of let Madi come observe with me, this little pig wouldn't have died. The momma wouldn't have jumped in front of me. And I wouldn't be running away from the momma hog who had just snorted at me.

She had protected me with her life. Snorting at me aggressively to get me to leave her. I didn't want to, but when she turned those tusks towards me and charged forward a few inches grunting at me, I didn't hesitate again.

Not even when I heard the sharp squeals slowly die out.

That would have been me.

"Thank you." I whispered into the wind as I now knew she had passed from this world.


"After that day, I promised I wouldn't let anyone else get hurt on my watch. And now I have to make sure I keep that promise." I couldn't do anything for Obika now but I could put an end to this parasite that currently endangered my family.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now