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So I threw an idea in Octavia's head. As she only sees Echo as an Azgeda spy, then why don't we use her as one?

I didn't stick around to learn the outcome of the idea once I pitched it as I had more important things to do then sit around and wait for Octavia to come to a conclusion. I had to go see Indra.

"Wow. You look even worse then the last time." I stated bluntly as I walked up to the weak older woman.

"You be careful what you say. I can still teach you a few things about Trikru that Lincoln never did. One of them is to respect your elders." She got through the three sentences before coughing.

"Well, you got through three sentences that time." I smiled and walked up to grab her forearm. Her hand coming to wrap around mine. "You're healing quickly, Indra. You've got a tombom of a gona. You'll be up and going in no time." She squeezed my arm with a small smile.

"You have the true warrior heart. You've always had it." My jaw clenched as I listened intently. "I can still see it. Behind all of that doubt and all of that anger. Even the slowly fading darkness and uncertainty cannot hide how strong you are. You must rely on both your head and your heart as well as your instincts." She coughed as she tugged me closer. "You are what these people need to bring them from this darkness. You are the only one on this planet who has faced a demon and won. Without you, we may all be lost." I turned my head to face her once she finished whispering in my ear.

"When you are able to, can you help me understand what happened down here? I want to help, but I can't if I never know what demon I'm fighting. You don't have to tell me know, or even seven months from now. But at some point, to save you, I need help."

"When I can face my darkness, I will tell you everything that has happened since you escaped the bunker six years ago."

"Mochof Indra." I gave her forearm a final squeeze before slipping mine out of her grasp.

"Nou, Mochof, Wanlida. Shila kom Soncha."

Goosebumps rose to my skin. My eyes widened and glowed. And my heart thumped viciously at the new title. Protector of Light seemed too extreme but apparently I liked it a lot.

I now know who was leading the internal rebellion within Wonkru. And I wasn't going to sell her out for anything. Not when she has rested all of her trust onto my shoulders.

It seemed the weight of the world was being passed back to me. And I didn't hate it.

"We will get through this, Indra. I swear to you."


I watch Octavia storm into the tent I knew Echo was using. The plan now rested on Octavia and Echo's shoulders.

I waited, the stone digging into my shoulder as I watched the tent flaps waiting for someone to walk out. My body encased in shadows as I drifted my gaze around the courtyard. I could feel the unease and tension building as small groups of people clumped together. Some staring and watching, others talking in hushed voices.

I watch Octavia storm out of the tent, darkness radiating from her as she didn't spare a glance around the courtyard and instead turned to head back inside the bunker. I waited, wanting to speak with Echo discreetly, only to be surprised when I saw Bellamy and Echo exit together. The two whispering aggressively about something before Echo turned and went back inside.

I pushed off from the wall and stood slightly in the light, Bellamy's eyes spotting the barely visible portion of my face as he began to walk my way.

I saw the tension in his shoulders and the aggression in his walk as he came closer. I knew this conversation couldn't be had with ears around. So I turned, and began to walk away. Bellamy following as I led him to the most damaged building on the outskirts of Polis.

"What the hell idea is that?" Bellamy hissed as I turned around to see him running a hand through his hair.

"A long and drawn out one." I returned, stepping close to the male. "Bellamy," I quickly listened for any noise other than our breathing before continuing in a soft voice, "Echo is getting on that ship and going to spy for me. Whatever Octavia said is only what I told her was the plan." I watched Bellamy's anger disappear as I explained. "Echo understands that this rides only on trust as of this point. I am going to distract the shooters Octavia will have placed in order to give Echo the chance to reach the ship unharmed." Unless something different happens then I'll adapt. But I didn't say that. He knew if anything went wrong I would adapt.

"You're brilliant." I snorted at his compliment as he stared at me. "We've changed so much." I smiled and stepped closer to him, resting a foot away.

"We're grown ass individuals. You're not the hot, asshole who drove me insane." I watched Bellamy smirk as he took a step closer. Our shoes touching as I face up at him. A position we used to be in to argue when we were younger.

"Hot? On the contrary, I still think I'm hot." I rose an eyebrow. My hand coming to rest on his chest.

"You didn't let me finish. I couldn't stand you when we first met. And now, I want you to be by my side. Now you're a hot, dumbass that drives me insane."

Bellamy let out a bark of laughter.

"You drive me insane too." He brushed his thumb in a soothing pattern on my hip.

"Bellamy, you are one of the few I could actually trust. And right now, you are one of the only ones I can trust. But I need you to trust me too." I leaned my forehead on his chest using his body as a shield as I admitted the truth to both of us. "Even if I have no clue what I'm doing." The whisper was so soft that if he had breathed he would have missed it.

It was silent for a few moments. His other hand coming to rest on my other hip as I curled both of my arms around his waist. The wind brushing our forms gently as he held me to him.

"I wish we had just a day where we didn't have to save the world or people. Then I'd be able to focus on only us." He spoke softly as his hand gently trailed a path over my hip.

"I wish that too. One day, one day we will have our peace. Even if it's only for a day." I spoke the promise into existence as I brought my pinky up into the air. "When we find our peace." I looked up with my head still on his chest.

Bellamy looked down and hooked his pinky with mine. Repeating my words.

"When we find our peace."

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now