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"Bellamy. You're telling me you left a raging Clarke chained up in the cell?" I whispered yelled as we stood outside in the hallway. Madi sitting down by the door as we waited for Indra's signal. My brain thumping in my skull.

Indra had gone to speak with Gaia as I brought Madi who had expressed her want to take on the Flame. Even after I told her about the responsibilities and the dangers.

"Seda. With you by my side and Gaia there to help me learn the Flame, I know I will be okay. I just hope Clarke isn't mad at me." Madi's words rung in my head as we walked to meet Indra and Bellamy. Now that we were here, I found myself thinking of other things. One of those being Mama Bear Clarke.

"Yes. But she- Pers!" He stopped me with his hands on my shoulders. My head snapping to him as I fought the urge to throw his hold on me.

"Bellamy. Clarke will literally bite her own hands off if it means getting free and keeping Madi safe. The blonde will literally kill herself to save Madi." I placed my hands on his wrists and plucked his hands from my shoulders.

"Clarke will be fine. We will get her when this is over." Bellamy looked away for a split second and I was on him. My hands grasping the collar of his shirt as well as his jacket as I pinned him to the wall. A button coming undone showing more of his chest. "Whoa, there's a child here."

I rolled my eyes before pushing him further into the wall. Fire slowly catching in my eyes. Despite the fire roaring down my spine.

"What did you say to Clarke? I know you Bellamy. You don't want me to go see Clarke because you said something to her and you don't want me to hear it." I leaned closer trying to keep this conversation between us. Madi still distracted by drawing on the concrete.

"I- Pers." He tried to gently nudged me off him, but I wasn't having it.

"What did you say?" I growled as I tightened me grasp on his collar.

"I told her that Echo, Raven, Murphy, and Emori are my family. And that this was happening." I released my hold on him and took a few steps backwards.

"You missed the word now, I'm assuming." He reached a hand out as I held my position.

"Pers," I held up a hand my fire extinguishing.

"Bellamy, I can't believe you would say something like that." I watched his shoulders sag as I gave him my meanest glare. A devilish glint in my eyes. As a smile slowly started to form on my face. "I wasn't even included. We have literally been on each other since I got here, you Asshole."

His eyes widened as he realized I was joking. His mouth falling open as I started to laugh. The action painful as I continued. He looked like his soul was leaving him. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched me laugh. His time of revenge coming as he took three long strides to reach me.

"You think you're soooo funny, don't you?" I grinned as Bellamy pinned me to the opposite wall of the hallway. His left hand resting on the wall beside my face as his right held my hip.

"Oh I don't think, Dumbass. I know." I taunted as a smirk grew on his own lips.

"You've always been a bit of a brat haven't you, Smartass?"

"I'm not sure, you tell me." A flash lit in his eyes as he went to pounce. Only for Madi to squeal. The noise sending pain flaring. My hand came up to block his lips from meeting my own as I looked towards the girl who was now standing up, her hands clasped together as she smiled at us. Her smile forming into a frown as she saw me looking at her for any danger.

"I'm okay, sorry. I got really excited. You never really talked much about your relationship with Bellamy and so I got excited when you two were about to kiss. I'm sorry." She looked embarrassed as I chuckled at her. Beginning to move from Bellamy's grasp.

"It's okay. And I did tell you stories. I just wasn't able to get through some of them." I spoke as I heard Bellamy coming up behind me. Madi's eyes twinkling as she looked at him. I furrowed my eyebrows before turning around to look at him.

"What are you two conspir-" I was cut off as Bellamy grabbed ahold of my head and my back and yanked me towards him, stealing his kiss I had denied him earlier. Despite my headache, I let him. Even though my eyes went wide as I grew mortified that Madi, the girl I had helped teach and watched grow up, was watching us. Bellamy broke from the kiss with a devilish grin as he saw my surprise.

"Just trying to give the audience what they want." I scoffed as his hand trailed down my head and to my upper back, his hands now holding me up from my back.

"She's literally a preteen she does not need to be seeing this." I hissed back. Bellamy shot me a wink.

"Not the only audience I'm talking about, darling." I didn't get to ask him what he meant as he fully dipped me before kissing me again. Madi's cooing in the background fading away as I held onto the back of his neck and shoulders for dear life. Hoping I didn't fall after my legs gave out from how passionately he was kissing me.

This was not safe for her eyes nor the other audience... whoever they might be. This kiss wasn't even safe for me.

I found myself arching into his grasp as I allowed him to deepen it. His tongue slipping through my lips as he ran a hand along my side. The touch giving me goosebumps and sending shivers to every part of my body.

My soul has officially left my body. But I wasn't complaining. It took some of the pain away.

When he finally pulled back and straightened me up, my chest rose and fell haphazardly against his own.

"Whoever the other audience is, I need to give them a thank you."

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now