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The growl came again. The same growl from my dream.

I raised my hand to my sword hilt as I crouched to back away slowly. My eyes focused on the bush where the growling was coming from. Glowing golden eyes appeared next as the growl came louder.

I focused on my breathing to calm me down as my heart began to beat wildly. I held my ground despite the natural instinct to back away.

I rose my left hand and held both empty hands up to show the animal I meant no harm. I knew those eyes. I had seen them before from my treehouse and in my dream. I stayed calm taking one more small step backwards before holding my ground. My eyes staying locked on the golden ones as the animal began to stalk out of the bushes.

The silky black fur appeared as the large creature continued towards me. It's muscles large and taunt. It's body low as it waited for any sign that would signal it to attack.

"I'm not here to harm you." I spoke calmly and softly, as the animal finally stopped. "You followed me for something." I kept my voice steady as we both absorbed the situation. In the light of the moon I saw the size and knew it was the mother.

"Where are your cubs?" I asked out loud to myself. She didn't like that as she hissed and crouched lower baring her teeth at me. I connected the dots as I remembered the black pelts hanging in the village. "They took from you as well, huh?" She seemed to cock her head to listen.

"The invaders. They've stolen my home and my family from me too. Except I guess this was technically your home before mine." I kept talking softly, hope blossoming in my chest as the panther relaxed slightly. Her shoulders relaxing, her canines no longer bared as she stared.

"I'm sorry they hurt you. I want to hurt them too. I assume that's why you came to me." I slowly lowered my hands down to my side. She rose her ears but made no other movement as she and I stood in the moonlit clearing.

Some crazy thought bubbled in my mind as I gently took a step towards the panther. When she didn't move, I took another. With a steady breath, I took a third step. My body four feet from her as I stopped.

"Steady, girl." I spoke softly as I rose my left hand. The white wrap around it covered in black blood. Her nostrils flared outwards as she took in the sent, her paw moving towards me before she committed to the step. Her face much closer to my hand as she took another step towards me.

"Call me stupid," I started as she froze, "but I trust you." She cocked her large head, listening.

Despite my flight response screaming at me to lower my hand, I kept holding it up. It took her another minute, but then she took another step.

She leaned forward, sniffling my hand as she stared into my eyes. I didn't break eye contact with her, my body frozen as I realized I had set myself up for this.

But I trusted my gut.

Whatever happened next, happened.

This panther looked nothing like the scaly one from eight years ago. She had silky fur, golden eyes, and a strong muscular frame. I'm assuming her cubs would have also been just like her.

She pulled back slightly, done sniffing my hand as she glanced between me and it. The forest went quiet as she slowly moved closer. Our eyes meeting as she gently rested her forehead on my palm.

My eyes widened as my heart jumped in my chest. A smile creeping across my face as she nudged my hand. I slowly moved and gently pet along her forehead, my nails scratching slightly behind her ear before I dropped my hand.

"How about we get our revenge, Natstoka."


I'm not entirely sure how I ended up in this predicament, but I was loving it. For a fraction of a second, I let myself fully enjoy this feeling. The feeling of the wind on my skin.

I was flying again.

My legs held tight to the panther's sides as my arms were opened wide, a smile on my face as we ran through the moonlit forest.

She understood the cues I made with my legs, squeezing with one to push her towards the opposite direction. Her feet gently pounding on the forest floor.

When I knew we were getting closer, I pulled my bow free from my back. My body moving with hers as I carefully accomplished this task.

I had eight arrows before I had to use other means. Meaning I had to stretch them out until Madi came.

With that in mind I coaxed the panther into a walk, her feet slowing as she breathed heavily. Her lungs filling with air as we crept around the forest of the ridge.

At the first male voice we both tensed. Hatred filling our bodies as she bared into a hiss. I steadily reached back and grabbed an arrow before lining my sights on the first target. Their head was turned away from me looking into the fire.

It was a small group. Four people.

The fire crackled into the night sky as we slowly crept towards them.

It was fast. I waited until they laughed at something before I loosened my first arrow. A second following shortly after. Then a third, until there was only one left.

The figure rose, panic crossing her features as she scrambled for the walkie, but the panther didn't let her take a second step.

With me still on her back, the panther lunged at the invader. Her sharp claws digging into their shoulders pushing them backwards. Before the invader could let out a scream in warning, the panther had ripped into her vocal cords- silencing her permanently.

I let the panther finish as she slowly rose from the body and licked her paws. A chuckle leaving my lips as she cleaned herself.

I gently scratched behind her ears with my free hand rewarding her with a job well done.

"We've got more to do, Natstoka." I whispered as I gently ushered her forward. A silent agreement passing as we moved closer to the ridge. The fire still burning behind us as the four dead bodies lay cold.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now