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"That was reckless. We had a plan. You agreed." Bellamy chided as he finished packing his bag.

"That was before Octavia made Madi her second. That army marches to war as soon as they find out the eye is down. I can't let that happen." Clarke seemed desperate to have us see her reasoning.

"So then we don't tell anyone." Harper chimed in.

"They'll know as soon as we drive away." Monty added.

"Oh who cares? We grab Madi, and we go." Bellamy cut in.

"Bellamy, she's by her side." Clarke whispers.

"She's my sister, Clarke." Bellamy bit back.

"I know. Tell me what else to do." I couldn't take it anymore. This was more dramatic then soap operas before the bombs.

"We stop the war." I paused at Monty's suggestion. My head no longer banging against the wall.

"How?" Harper asks.

"What she said." I added showing I was actually interested now that the conversation wasn't all whiny.

"Algae." I snorted out a laugh as Bellamy groaned. "Cooper already gave me permission to show what it can do. She's meeting me right after the afternoon meal. So I can take her to th-"

"That's enough." Bellamy cut him off by snatching the jar away.

"Hey, give it back!" Monty reached back out for the jar only to freeze at Harper's words.

"Monty, Bellamy is right. Cooper is worse than Octavia. No offense." Harper sighed as Bellamy tossed Monty is algae back. "Besides, the first batch put Murphy in a coma."

I grimaced. Of course the green sap would have put someone in a coma. Murphy was probably just overloaded cause he was so close to death that his cockroach abilities needed to rest for a while.

"The first culture. And we're not going to eat it this time. We're going to feed it to the plants." I frowned.

"Isn't that technically cannibalism?" I asked aloud. All four heads turning to me as I rose my hands. "Everyone was wondering but I guess I'm the only one brave enough to ask. Sorry." I took a step back to let them continue their conversation.

"If I can make the farm viable again, then we'll still have a chance." The door opened at the end of Monty's sentence. My feet moving quickly as I slid around the table to meet Octavia.

"The spy did her job?" She asks looking passed me at the monitor. Dammit Monty.

"Uh, we were just about-" I set a hand on Bellamy's shoulder to shut him up. As he was getting ready to lie his ass right into the pit.

"We were talking about the algae they had eaten up in space when the eye went down. We wanted to finish our conversation before I went to come gather you. What fortunate timing." I grinned deviously, squeezing Bellamy's shoulder.

"Told you Echo would get it done." I nearly facepalmed. That wasn't what I intended for him to say but whatever.

"Can the enemy still see us?" Octavia bit.

"For now, yes. It's technical, but-"

"He has to run a loop to mask our troop movements." Cooper spoke interrupting Monty.

"How have I not killed this bitch yet." I grumbled under my breath as I crossed my arms at the annoying voice.

"When the time comes, we need to clear the surface to reduce the risk of anyone noticing the same people moving in the same direction again and again." Unfortunately she has a point. But also, Monty could have easily said that.

"Well done, Monty." I rose an eyebrow at the raspy tone Octavia had. "Load the worms into the Rover."

Oh hell nah.

Bellamy grabbed my wrist as he pried my hand from his shoulder. An apologetic look as I unclenched my hand.

"And mobilize the army." I glanced at Miller. It seems he was taking over Indra's job. "War is here." The three left the room. Door shutting behind them. Ominous music seemed to play in the background as they exited.

"Did she really just leave saying 'war is here'?" I whispered, flabbergasted at the lack of flare.

"Yeah. Yeah she did." Bellamy whispered back. The two of us left pondering about the entirety of what just happened.

"I guess it's time for me to work some magic?" I voiced to the silent room.

"Yeah. Yeah it is." I smirked at Harper's words. The other three too ensnared to form words.

"Then I should get to work. Bellamy. Clarke. Meet me in the eastern building with the arches in front of it." I spoke slowly as I walked to the door. Making sure my words were clear. "We're going to have a chat with a good friend of mine."


I heard her footsteps storming up the stairs as Bellamy, Clarke, and I stared out the window. Our eyes watching the swarming army below.

"We are readying for war. Do you know the risk I am taking meeting you here?" Indra spoke as she entered the door.

"Yes. Far more than I would care to admit." I voiced as I turned from the window. Bellamy and Clarke following.

"Thank you for coming." Bellamy voiced as she got closer before stopping.

"What do you want?" Indra spat. She looked to Bellamy then Clarke before settling her eyes on me.

"I talked to Colonel Diyoza." Clarke began. Indra's eyes not leaving mine as I confirmed her words as true. "She's offering all of Wonkru safe passage to The Valley. All Octavia has to do is surrender." Clarke finished. Indra's eyes now on the blonde.

"As it's by now you've realized she would never do that, I'll ask you again. What do you want from me?"

"Peace without war is still possible. Now, you're her advisor. She'll listen to you." Bellamy voiced.

"Why would I advise her to surrender in a war she's likely to win? Thanks to you we can march freely on the enemy while the worms ravage them. By the time we get to The Valley the only thing left to do will be to clean up the mess." Indra sounded confident.

"And if the worms ravage The Valley?" Clarke asked.

"A risk she's willing to take." I stared Indra down at her words.

"And what happens if her odds decrease. The worms don't make it to The Valley. All soldier rations have been cut. And suddenly she's left with half of her soldiers due to unforeseen causes. Is that a risk she's willing to take. A risk you're willing to take?" I asked crossing my arms.

"What you're suggesting is sabotage. It can get you killed. And besides it's not up to me." I stared her straight in the eyes. Fire burning slowly.

"Fighting for my life and the lives of those I care about is a risk I am always willing to take. Is this a risk you're willing to let her take?" I rephrased my words as I watch a small shiver fly down her shoulders.

"What if it was up to you?" Clarke chimed in.

"I will not help you kill my leader." Indra spat at the blonde who had suggested such a thing.

"Neither will I." Bellamy added stepping up behind my left shoulder. His height making us both more intimidating as Indra stared at him waiting for him to continue.

"Let's revisit Persphyni's idea. What happens if she doesn't have the worms? Would she still fight?"

"If she didn't have the worms. Both sides would take heavy losses." I sighed. Damnit Indra. Not what we wanted to hear.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now