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"You two go on ahead. I'll clean up here and meet you at the cliff. Do you want me to bring any food?" The two looked towards each other before nodding.

"Alright. I'll meet y'all there. We can have a cold lunch how does that sound? I've got left over meat from last night and we have lettuce we can wrap it with. Plus some fruit and nuts." The two shot a thumbs up before leaving me in the clearing alone.

Ever since my resolution, I've taken the initiative to not only get myself back in top shape, but also help Clarke and Madi. Every morning after breakfast and before lunch we'd have a three hour long session. It would consist of an hour of body weight work. Such as strength training, resistance training, cardio work. Followed by an hour of skills training that consisted of one focus per day. And then to wrap it up we would have an hour of sparring. By we I mean me, I would do thirty minutes with Clarke then thirty with Madi. And then at night I'd do some more individual work to push myself further. When anything changed I wanted to be ready.

Continuous work distracted me and helped me return to where I once was and then pass it. I can confidently say that I'm in the best shape of my life. I'm physically fit. Mentality fit. And emotionally getting there.

I've gotten stronger, faster, more confident (I didn't think it was possible) all within the span of a couple of months. I've noticed the change in Madi and Clarke, too.

But I'm finally getting back to a better state of me. A happier one. (This, this I never thought could be possible)

I moved all the training equipment into the bunker hole I had created. I decided it would make things more convenient if I had our training equipment at the actual grounds training would take place. And I didn't want to build above ground and take up more space, so I dug out a large bunker style hole where wooden planks cover the top. The wood then is covered by a fake grass tarp. It's actually really good handwork. I've been thoroughly surprised at my ability to build larger structures. (I definitely thought the tree house was going to collapse for the entire first month) I'm by no means an architect, but it's functional. So it works.

Once I put up all the equipment I started back towards the village to grab a basket of stuff for lunch. I almost finished packing up the wrapped meats when a loud boom cracked thorough the air.

My hands grabbed the food knife as I turned and looked up to where the sound had come from. My eyes widened as I saw the large object move closer.

The girls.

I dropped the knife and took off towards the cliff. The basket and wrapped meat forgotten laying on the table.

I ran through one of the paths of these woods on memory. My feet taking me towards the cliff as I climbed up the terrain. My heart racing in my chest as I pushed myself faster. I had to get to them.

When the terrain began to flatten out I picked up my pace as I knew I was nearly there. I saw the object in the sky was much closer. The size and color threatening as I knew it wasn't my people inside the giant ship.

"Clarke!" I roared over the flames of the dropship as I saw her by the Rover using a scope to view the ship.

"Madi!" The young girl stopped what she was doing near the back of the Rover as I made it to her. "Y'all have to go." I order as I began helping her pack up the Rover. "Clarke!"

"I know, I'm coming." Clarke called back as she opened up the driver door and started the Rover back up.

"Go get into the passenger seat, I'll get these." I directed as I tossed the last few items in the back before shutting and latching the door. My feet moving towards Clarke's open window. "You get her out of here. I'll keep an eye on them." Clarke nodded before stomping on the brake and shifting to drive before accelerating out of here.

I breathed in as I watch the rocket touch down on the ground. The forest shook with the impact. My heart thumped violently as I realized that I should have been more appreciative of the silence and peace that had come and now gone.

I did not know these people, nor did they know me. It was the hundred all over again.

I checked the entrance before turning and running towards my tree house. My feet and hands quick as I pulled myself up the tree and over the balcony railing. Slipping through the door I headed straight towards my small wooden wardrobe I had pulled from a house in the village.

I swung the doors open, the smell of leather and tang of metal graced my senses. I didn't wait to admire, instead I pulled my shirt over my head and exchanged it with a long sleeve. My wrist cuffs followed. The silver glinting in the sunlight that filtered through the foliage. I strapped the hunting sheath on my right forearm.

I glance at the metal shield on the wall and decided to forgo it for now. It would do me no good if my goal was to be swift.

My throwing knives strapped around my left thigh, pistol holster around my right. I pulled the waistband tight, my dagger sheathes kissing my hips. The sword sheath strap crossed over from my right shoulder to my left hip. My quiver and bow hung in my hand as I ran back out. My left arm latched onto the rope as I swiftly slid down mindful of my bow and quiver in my right.

Once on the ground I looped the quiver over my back above my sword as I crept back over to the cliff. The door to the ship still shut as I waited. My eyes scanning on alert.

I was prepared for another war. No matter the costs.

I wouldn't let my people get hurt.

That happiness I was just talking about- I forgot to mention how I felt like it was only temporary. I hoped by not saying it then it wouldn't come true.

Clearly I was wrong.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now