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Bellamy and Indra went to go see how Octavia was doing. I on the other hand took a few moments for myself.

I found an empty room unlocked just out of reach of the main stream of bunker occupants. The complete emptiness was interesting but not unsettling. In fact, I smiled thinking I had been meant to find this room for a while now.

The soft click of the door closing echoed as I moved fluidly in the dark. My hand dragging along the walls of the room as I did a physical scan of the room. My blindness being a weakness and I didn't want to take a chance with thinking the room was only what I saw at the glimpse by the door.

It was a good thing I had walked along the outside as I found three candles and lit each of them with an old lighter I had pocketed awhile back.

I set the three candles along each wall except the one with the door. The flickering candle light just enough for me to see the emptiness of the room. I drew my sword from my back. The blade catching one of the candles as I turned the long blade over in my hand.

I bent my knees as I began to move to a melody in my mind.

Twirling, twisting.

The blade flashed in the candlelight as I spun, the sharp metal ripping through the air as I fought invisible warriors.

Two hands, one hand. Each strike and spin of the blade was graceful yet lethal.

I felt myself relax despite all the stress on my shoulders.

I danced in the darkness effortlessly. Lost in the steps as if I were some puppet on a string. My mind and body in tuned as I used the entirety of the room.

I felt this energy bubbling inside of me as I continued the never ending dance. My eyes grew sharper as my body grew stronger.

The silver cuffs on my wrists shone in the candlelight. The moon around my neck glowed delicately.

My hair which sat in a ponytail moved with me, dancing as if it was a fourth flame.

The daggers around my waist felt weightless as I moved. The throwing knives sheath on my left thigh just felt like a ribbon. The hunting knife sheath on my right forearm was simply an additional layer of leather for protection.

As I danced in the dark, letting all my worries disappear and myself truly relax, I closed my eyes to let myself see beyond the present.

Mountains that extended way above the tall green treetops. Light purple scattered in a field among whites, blues, reds, and soft greens.

The sun was just beginning to set, showing a beautiful display of light blue, pink, red, orange, purple, and tufts of white from the clouds.

There was so much life in this place. In my place.

Birds chased one another in the sky above. Rabbits leapt to and fro as a family of foxes curled up on a cool rock. Deer grazed in a far corner as two panthers playfully pounced on one another close to where I stood.

My heart soared as I saw a herd of wild horses gallop across the great field. A large black stallion leading as he flew across the plain. A paint mare racing right next to him as she challenged his speed with her own.

A cool gust of wind passed by as the remanence of a tear cooled along my face.

I gently brought my sword down to my side, spinning it once before sheathing it away as I stood breathing heavily. My stomach and chest rising and falling.

I took a second to look around my meadow before I had to open my eyes. When I stopped imagining, this would all go away.

Just as I opened my eyes, I heard a faint whinny echo in my mind.

A sigh leaving my lips as I found myself standing in a pitch black room, the candles burned out most likely from my movements.

I moved towards the door and gently opened it. My face steeling as I heard loud noises coming from the arena. Gun shots. My jaw clenching as I ran that way, expecting the worse.


"Gon Blodreina! Gon Blodreina!"

I kicked the door, the metal bending to the force as I entered the arena. The chanting continued as I came face to face with Miller standing in the light. His fist raised high as he stood in the center.

I noticed some did not follow Miller's enthusiasm. One making her way towards myself.

"Indra?" She set a hand on my shoulder.

"I cannot stop this war, but you and Madi can." My eyes moved towards the crowd to see the little girl staring at Miller. Her eyes wide as I could sense her unease.

"She's not ready. She's been shielded her entire life. She can fight, but she cannot lead." I whisper back as I watch the girl make eye contact with me.

"Then teach her. If you were a Natblida, all of the clans would have followed you. Some allegiances aren't as easily swayed."

"I know, Indra." Specific examples coming to mind as I remember the several attempts I've had on my life while working with Lexa.

"Until she is capable, speak through her. Guide her. And do not let her fall down the dark path as I have failed Octavia." I set my hand on her shoulder.

"I was saved. Octavia can be too. I will seek to open the door on a new era. Whatever happens, it will all work out. Let them know Sonchakru will be coming into play these next few hours and days. I will be needing help to topple this regime."

"Before you do. You need to understand what truly happened down here." I held in my surprise as I looked Indra in the eyes.

"Are you certain?"

Fire rose in her gaze, her next words filled with determination.

"I am prepared to face my own darkness. As long as it helps my people be freed from theirs."

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now