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I made my way over to Clarke and Bellamy after I ran a quick security lap for various creatures and signs of storms. So far so good. Though I wasn't too secure with just that. I was on edge more than I had been when I ventured out into the desert alone. I had a hundred or so more people to look out for. Those who were not fighters stayed back, I only wish the rest of them had stayed too.

"So is surviving alone." I moved to Bellamy's other side as he spoke to Clarke.

"I wasn't alone. I had my guardian angel with me." Clarke shot me a smile as I sent her a wink.

"Far from an angel, but close enough I guess." I laughed as I sat down in front of Bellamy. As soon as my butt hit the ground I felt the waves of exhaustion flow through me.

"You're more of a goddess." Bellamy whispered in my ear as he brought me closer to him so I could rest my head on his chest. His knees up on either side of me from where he sat on a bag.

"Well I'd take a goddess over a devil any day." I grinned as I looked at the crackling fire. Leaning further into him.

"It's almost as if you were deprived of human touch for six years." Clarke mocked as she poked fun at Bellamy and I.

"Well I know for damn sure I wasn't cuddling your ass." The two of us laughed as Bellamy stayed silent. The two of us following as we also drifted to silence.

"How'd you do it?" His gruff voice asked as I began to fiddle with one of my throwing knives.

"I had Pers. But I also had Madi." Clarke's face fell at the mention of the child. "I'm tired. Pers, did you eat yet?" I shook my head knowing she would know if I lied. "Have the rest of mine and whatever else you packed. Omon gon oson" I took her small tray as Bellamy scoffed behind me.

"Right." He said as Clarke got up and walked away. I stared at the various bits of food in the tray and frowned. Clarke barely ate.

"Here. We can share." I offered as I raised the tray to where Bellamy could pick out some if he wanted.

"I couldn't. You haven't eaten yet." I sighed and pat the bag I carried with me.

"I have more if I'm still hungry. My alertness is curbing my hunger. Besides, you haven't had food in years. The algae hardly counts." Bellamy chuckled as I smiled my head turning up to look at his face. His head dipped so our eyes could meet.

"Am I going too fast?" I questioned out loud so I could have his opinions. Bellamy frowned at my insecurity that slipped through the cracks in my defenses.

"No. This is perfect. We have six years to make up. I actually like you being more attached. It makes me feel needed." I smiled and resheathed my knife so I'd have a free hand.

"Don't get used to it. You never know when my social cup will overflow." He chuckled. "I'll always need you. Even on days I don't act like it. Or on days when I say I don't. I do. And there are somethings that I have to do alone. But I don't want you to feel like your unimportant. I am here for you. I want to be stability for you just like you are for me. Bellamy, I'm here." I spoke the same words I had spoken in the dream and saw his eyes light up.

"I dreamt that you had said that. Once back up on the Ark. It was the strangest thing." His voice trailed off.

"I had a dream where I said it. We were dancing. Blindly." I whispered as I turned my gaze back up to the stars. "Maybe we were meant to come back together after all." And with both our gazed towards the stars we saw the small twinkling from light years away.

Our fate was sealed in the history of the stars.

Be it good or bad.


"Monty, come in, do you read me?" I found myself staring into the fire as I leaned back into Bellamy's warmth. My gaze wavering over the flames until I saw Octavia and Indra speaking. Their eyes shifting this way then back to the conversation at hand.

Octavia's expression was stoic while Indra's held hints of calm anger. When Octavia turned her head and we made eye contact I knew what needed to be done. No matter how comfortable I was, I needed to get up so Bellamy could go see his sister.

I slid forward and turned grabbing my backpack before kneeling down to be eye level with Bellamy. My hand grasping his as I pulled the walkie free.

"I'll get Monty. You get Via." He seemed reluctant as I gently pulled him up while I stood. My gentle urging was halted as shouts of panic filled the air.

"Help! Help! We need help!" The scream was echoing as I yanked my bag over my shoulders and took off. Bellamy's hand in mine as we sprinted to the source. Miller.

"Miller!" I shouted as Bellamy and I approached quickly. Bellamy's bag halfway opened as he finally found his flashlight.

"Medic! We need help! It's Obika!" I dropped Bellamy's hand to help Miller.

"Clarke! Med kit!" I roared over my shoulder taking control of the situation.

"Indra, clear a space! Octavia!" I shouted looking for her before I took the man's life into my hands. She remained emotionless but I saw the flash of panic as she nodded. As soon as Miller set Obika on the floor I yelled over his screams.

"Clear the area! I need room. Clarke?" When I turned my head to look for the blonde I saw her being stopped by Cooper. It seemed I wasn't getting Medical help. When I looked to Bellamy I saw him being stopped by the large man from the meeting who had the gun to his head. I now wasn't getting support either.

I looked down at Obika's body and cursed Octavia for not listening to me.

I think I prefer the spiders now.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now