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The bodies of five more criminals lay surrounding me. The invaders's blood pooling at my boots. I was covered in their blood and yet they kept sending more. Through the entire day I have been slaughtering those who threaten the peace of my Eden. I wasn't going to let some snake weasel it's way into nesting here if I could help it.

However, my blood lust eventually caught up to me. And instead of going back and recharging, I kept pushing ahead into the night. Because that's what the world bearer does, keep pushing.


The moon was sinking as I silently crept up behind a pair of invaders who were sat by a tree. Their voices were shaky as they spoke somewhat loud yet like they were afraid to speak.

I scanned the dark tree line, keeping to my hiding place as I searched every nook and cranny. But nothing seemed out of the ordinary compared to the anxious criminals in front of me.

"B-boss wants us o-o-out he-here to ke-ke-keep an eye out for the n-native." That's a new one. I'd feel sorry I was the cause for the stuttering and the nervousness coursing through him, if I was anyone but me. But unfortunately for them, this is who I am.

I did one last scan of the trees and crawled out from my hiding place silently when I deemed it clear. But I needed to be quick. I spun the daggers in my hand as I approached the back of the two men. From here I could slowly see that they were shaking. These two big-ass men were shaking like they had just seen a ghost.

I reached behind them and made quick work of slicing through the front of their necks before they even knew I was there. Thirty-seven down. I glanced down towards the walkie one of the men had on and frowned at the silence. I crouched down to stare at the technology better. It was turned on, and unmuted. Meaning it would work if someone spoke into the walkie.

It was strange. Hearing the radio silent. I would have assumed by now someone would have checked in on the two. They had checked in at five minute increments with all the other watch groups, what made this one different?

I went to stand up when the crunch of a stick sent me whirling around. My eyes focusing on a swirling rope as it flung itself towards me. I swiftly dropped and rolled, moving away from the flying netting device. My back landed against a nearby tree as I began to stand up. Adrenaline pumping as I scanned the area where the rope has come from.

My scanning ended when I felt the presence behind me. A sharp nudge followed to my back, the cold round edge of a barrel situated on my spine.

I stood still. My hands opened at my sides to show that I had nothing in them in case the gun wielder decided he needed to see them. But I made no sudden moves as I steady my breathing and scan the area around me.

"This is McCreary," the walkie static sounded behind me as the barrel of the gun dug deeper into my spine, "I've acquired the target. I'll be bringing this pretty little thing in alive."

I watched as several men stepped out from the forest. Twenty-three to be exact. Several nets and large guns were held ready as McCreary brought his mouth to my ear.

"You messed with the wrong person girlie." I held back my smirk and bit my tongue to keep from responding. I should be saying that to him. I remained unphased as if I didn't hear him. That was the card I planned on playing. But I have a back-up option. Thank you Lincoln for teaching me Trig.

These pieces of shit aren't going to know who hit them.

I ignored McCreary's vocal commands and waited for him to physically move me. Thankfully he decided to push before shooting, so I could keep the act up.

As I was marched like a prisoner to my village I had a few thoughts running through my head. One, I hope Clarke and Madi got my signal. And two how did I not hear them. Nor did I see them. Just how long had they been waiting there.

I let him push and pull me around as I walked firmly and to my own strides. The man didn't have much on me height-wise or weight-wise, but he did know how to throw his weight around and use it against me. Occasionally I'd stumble from the unexpected weight, especially with my hands tied behind my back, but I had trained like this several times so I was still able to navigate the well-worn paths much easier than the others. It was very humorous to me when I saw them stumble or trip over something. Even though the sky was getting lighter from the rising sun, they still weren't aware of what was below them.

Hell. I could have outrun them the moment we reached the five large logs that you had to go under and over depending on the alternating heights. Not only where these people invaders but they were also idiots. It is clear to me that McCreary is nowhere near close to being the brains of this operation.

I saw the familiar village I have lived in for the past five years, black body bags littered the grounds as more men and women stood armed with guns in beige work outfits off to the side. Their glares piercing my skin as I confidently walked on. My face stone as I made eye contact with each one of them. My green eyes flashing daring them to make a move.

A kick was sent to the back of my knee. My body accommodated to balance the blow and maintain verticality as I regained balance on both feet.

A low growl came from behind me before I felt hands pushing my body towards the ground. The pressure persisted as I knelt down to sit on both knees, appeasing the man behind me as I glared straight ahead. My spine straight. My head high.

I will not bend.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now