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As Lyla's body hit the ground my knees landing right beside her, the cries of Spring faded out as I looked up to where the bullet had come from.

My right hand acting on its own accord as I pulled it free from below the bleeding woman and used my backup pistol to send a bullet straight back. I pulled the trigger as he fell releasing more bullets into his chest. My body on autopilot as I chucked the gun away. My mind numb as I sat in the shock of what had happened. How could I have been so foolish? How could I have not known someone was following me?

This was the second time someone took a bullet that was meant for me. A frustrated yell wanted to rip from me but I couldn't make a sound. Too caught up to do anything.

"Pers." My hearing returned. The soft touch of Lyla's hand on my cheek snapping me out of my daze as Spring's crying once again filled my ears.

"Lyla." I whispered, my hand going to cover the bullet wound. "I-this is my fault."

"No." She shook her head weakly but firm. "Bad luck. That's all." A choked sob bubbled in my throat.

"How are you so calm? I- Lyla, I can't save you." My voice cracked as I took in my scenario. My hand covered in fresh red blood as tears sprang to my eyes. "We were so close." I hissed pain lancing my heart as I held the still screaming Spring.

"I'm okay because I know you'll save her. You'll protect her. And she's my everything." Lyla cough, blood rising as she blinked at the sky. "I'll tell Gideon you said hi. Make sure she knows we love her so muc-"

"No. No, no, no. Lyla?" The sob spilled from my throat as I looked at the body of the woman I saved in a fire so long ago. The image of the little girl and boy coming to mind as my heart broke a little more. My tears blurred my vision as I leaned closer. They would be together again. "I promised I'd keep her safe. And I will. Until we meet again."

I stood from her body, rising remorsefully as I didn't have time to bring her body back. I didn't spare the Eligius male a glance as I took off. My eyes blinking rapidly as I fought off the tears. I held the crying bundle to my chest as the small child within wept for her lost parents. Parents she would never know. Parents who sacrificed their lives for her. Parents I could never and would never replace.

I ran faster than I had before, my pain fueling me as I reached the village faster than when I left. I kept running. My mind on the ship as I tried to remember where it was.

What I wasn't prepared for was running into more people who needed my help.

"Oh fuck." I shouted slowing down as I approached them, Spring tight to my chest.

The sirens loud as we heard the one minute warning.

"Emori, take her!" I voiced as I passed Spring off to her, "Monty give me him. You aren't going to make it with how tired you are." I ordered reaching for Murphy.

"My hero." Murphy mocked before grunting in pain as I moved to set him across my shoulders.

"Emori, Monty, go! Make sure the ship doesn't leave without us. I'm right behind you!" I roared over the siren, bracing myself as I took in Murphy's weight. The other two nodded, taking off into the open clearing.

"Murphy, if we make it, I'm putting your fatass on a diet." I grunted as I strained, my feet moving as I began to propel myself forward.

"That's hurtful, ow! Fuck!" I didn't have time to feel bad as I ran across the clearing, the thirty second countdown filling my ears as I pushed faster. Monty and Emori just ahead of us.

"Hold on, Murphy!" I shouted as I increased to the point my legs were burning. My feet heavy as I struggled with his weight.

"Not like I want to fall off. Fuck. Your sword is a pain in my side." I rolled my eyes not responding as I managed to catch up with Monty.


"Bellamy! Wait!" Monty shouted as we slipped through two bushes, Bellamy and Clarke coming into view.

Bellamy shouted something I couldn't hear as I focused on keeping one foot in front of the other. The curly head of hair racing towards us as the countdown continued.


"I got him, just get onto the ship!" I shouted as I kept running forward. Bellamy, Monty, and Emori now behind me.

"Time to Spare."


I flung myself and Murphy onto the ship, my body staggering as I collapsed in a heap. Murphy's bleeding body on top of mine as we felt the ship shake.


Just as the door was shutting, I saw something impact with the earth. A bright fiery blaze lit the sky as a wave of heat ran towards us.

The ship shook as we took off. The metal just barely flying above the wave as we shook.

"How the hell am I back up in space." I groaned as I realized what exactly was happening. "Someone get this fatass cockroach off me." I grunted not sure how to get him off of me without hurting him.

"We'll take him to medical." Monty directed still panting from his workout. I felt the weight lift off my back as three pairs of feet journeyed elsewhere.

I sighed, regulating my breath as I relaxed. I let out a chuckle, my body bouncing slightly on the floor.

I heard someone come sit in front of me, my head turning to see Bellamy looking at me curiously, a bundle in his arms.

"You know, at least I made it on board this time." I joked, gently pushing myself up off the cold metal floor. My body moving to lay my head on Bellamy's lap. Bellamy chuckled at me as he took his free hand and brushed some hair from my face.

"Yeah. I wouldn't have let you get me a second time. Besides. I don't think your Natblida blood would have done anything for you against whatever just bombed earth." I sighed, closing my eyes for a second.

"I wouldn't have tried to trick you a second time. Six years was too long."

He gave a soft hum in agreement as he rose one of my hands and pressed a kiss to the pulse on the inside of my wrist.

Then we sat there for a few minutes and enjoyed the silence. Until a thought popped into my head.

"What are we going to do now?"

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now