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"Yes!" I tightened the last screw in the last panel and did a celebratory dance. Obviously, because I can't dance, it was more of a hop from one foot to the other.

I threw the small tool box back into the Rover and slammed the back doors shut. A small plea in my head as I neared the driver side door. I may have the panels in place, but now it was time to determine if I actually set the connections right.

I climbed in and shut the door behind me. I took a deep breath, stuck the key in the ignition, then turned.

I heard the engine try to flip, the chik-chik-chik noise came from the hood of the vehicle. I set the key back to turn the Rover off.

I held my breath as I once again turned the key. The engine was stronger this time but it still stalled.

"Third times a charm. Come on, baby." I pat the wheel as a normal person does. My hand turned the key with a firm grasp. My breath freezing in my lungs as I listened to the engine.

The shuttering sound started then faded as a roar boomed from the hood. The steady hum afterwards brought a cheeky smile to my face as I let out a shout of victory.

I fucking did it.

And with what looks like two hours of daylight to spare!

"Suck on that death wave!" After I realized that I just tried to insult a wave of fire, I turned the Rover off and moved to crawl into the back.

I propped my back against the pull down seats and leaned my head backwards. My eyes closing as I took a moment to relax and breathe in. Not ready for my prize for fixing the Rover to be memories of a better time.

Our eyes saying the words we couldn't at the moment.

Silently, Bellamy rose from the driver seat. His hand gently setting the Rover's walkie back on the dash radio and silencing it. I unhooked and pulled down the bench seat in the back as he made his way over.

The two of us falling in unison, our backs pressing against the front of the bench as our legs spread out on the floor in front of us. Gazes fuzzily focused at the wall ahead.

I leant my head on his shoulder once he moved his arm to rest on the bench behind us.

His head leaning on mine as we continued to stare straight ahead. I let my lungs fall into sync with his breathing.

I let out a deep sigh, my chest hurting as I blinked the image away to find I was alone.

We had been so close. We were going to save them. But we weren't meant to. We had so much on our shoulders. The whole world.

I don't think I would ever be able to let go of that weight. No matter the circumstances. The world is mine to bare. And should it keep anyone from having to bare that, then you can damn well be sure I'll keep doing it.

Even if it means torching my fingers. Those wires were assholes.


As the moon rose in the sky, I woke up with a start. My nap only lasting a few minutes, hopefully an hour at least. But it was long enough for me to wake up while the moon was peaking in the night sky.

I carefully opened the hatch and crawled up out of the gunner hole and sprawled out on the roof of the Rover. My eyes resting as I let each blink last a little longer than the one before.

Under the blanket of stars, I found myself slowly reaching a state of sleep. My mind easing back as I dug my head into a spare shirt I was using as a pillow.

When I finally shut my eyes, I held a smile on my face. My body slowly drifting off to sleep as I relaxed.

Maybe it was the comfort of the stars. Maybe it was the satisfaction of accomplishing my mission. Or maybe, I was finally going to be able to go to sleep. All I know is that no matter the length of time taken to sleep, it will never amount to the time I had lost.


I got the Rover to start. My rough visual copy technique worked. At least so far. Guess I get a prize now, right?

It's about to be the sixth sunrise. Meaning Clarke is probably flipping her lid. At least, I hope she is. I'll be heading out in the morning, but I have to wait for the sun. Obviously. And then I'm headed to Eden.

I can't see the ring up there and I know you can't see me down here. But do you see Eden? That big green forest?

Is it the only place like that? Are there any others?

I find myself wondering about these things often.

Do you remember how we used to hate each other when we first landed. The name calling and aggression towards one another. If we hadn't have been that way, would we be like we are today?

If they had waited one more day, we definitely wouldn't have. That day we came down, it was my birthday. I had turned eighteen. I didn't think I was going to make it past that day.

But here we are. Twenty years old. And you, old man, you're twenty five. It's funny how we act the same age though. I guess I'm just really mature.

I'm hoping for rest tonight. I am going to try and take a short nap as the sun is slowly going down. By short nap, I'm really hoping that my brain overrides and makes it a long nap. But that isn't very likely.

I hope you're sleeping well.

In time, Bell.

Persphyni: I am DeterminedWhere stories live. Discover now