Before We Go To NY.

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Aaron and I were sitting on the couch with Jeter the next morning and Rosie. It was nice honestly and very quiet. I noticed Jeter was getting a little older and since he will always be my baby I feel like he needed someone to play with that wasn't a human. I always thought about getting another corgi but I wanted a mini dachshund. I saw a lot of them on Instagram and always wanted one. Rosie then said something to her father that made me smile wide.

Rosie: Dad?
Aaron: Yes Rosie girl.
Rosie: Can we get another dog? I think Jeter is bored.
Aaron: You know I was thinking about that. You are getting older and I know how much you love Jeter but maybe we can get another dog.
Rosie: I want this doggie dad.
Aaron: A hot dog?
Rosie: Yea the fluffy one. I saw mom looking at it the other day.
Me: How did you know that?
Rosie: I was being nosy.
Me: I can see that.
Aaron: I don't see why not.

Jeter hopped up on the couch next to me. He was getting comfy and I thought having another dog for Jeter to play with was going to be great.

Aaron: Honey when we come back from NYC we can get another dog.
Me: That sounds good.
Rosie: Am I going to be staying with grandmas and grandpas?
Me: Yes you are. Is that ok?
Rosie: Yes it is. I love them.
Aaron: Good.

Patty and Wayne walked through the house with my parents and they smiled at the four of us sitting on the couch in the living room.

Me: Hi guys.
Patty: Hey. Did you guys finish packing for NY?
Me: We did an hour ago.
Wayne: What time is your flight tomorrow?
Me: In the afternoon around four pm.
Wayne: I can drop you off.
Me: Thanks.
Nahla: Im glad you guys are getting a vacation.
Me: Yeah me also mom.
Joe: Sarah bring me back something sweet.
Me: Okay dad.

As the day went on we said good bye to Rosie and Jeter since they would be staying with their two sets of grandparents and we had the rest of the day to plan everything.

Aaron: I was thinking we could go back to Yankee Stadium and visit everyone.
Me: Yeah I was thinking that also. I also want to go back to what we didn't finish at the Empire State Building.
Aaron: I agree. We never got to finish the evening since everyone was hitting a dead end.
Me: Yeah I agree. What else do you think we can do?
Aaron: I was thinking we could take a day to visit Jess and G since they went back to NY last month.
Me: Yes that's true we can stay with them for a day.
Aaron: Yeah I already arranged that with him they said it would be okay.
Me: Okay.

Going back to NYC was going to help Aaron and I because the last time we were there a couple of months ago things ended very dryly with us and we wanted to talk more but everything was rushed.

Me: Is John in NY this week?
Aaron: He was last week he went back to Korea.
Me: Oh okay. We should FaceTime him. Does he know we are back together?
Aaron: Nope he thinks I'm still with Chrissy.
Me: We should call him now.
Aaron: Yeah good idea.

Aaron pulled out his laptop and checked the time in Korea since it was morning the next day already and it was nice to see John waving on the other end.

Aaron: Hey dude.
John: Hey bro.
Aaron: How is everything?
John: Good family is out and about with the dogs so I'm just home alone catching up with some work in my office.
Aaron: There is something I have to tell you.
John: What is it?
Aaron: Sarah and I are back together and she is wearing the promise ring I got her.
John: Dude! That's incredible! Sarah!
Me: Hey John!
John: How's it going?
Me: Smoothly.
John: I'm so glad.
Me: I met up with your brother at one of his foundation events here and I honestly thought he was still with Chrissy but he said she is back and now dating someone else according to her Instagram page.
John: I'm just glad you two are back together and hey sometimes things work out not exactly the way they should. You two like I told you since the day I met you Sarah that you are the one for this man. I just knew it. Your personality fit his and you understand him more than anyone I know honey.
Me: Thank you John. I know. I sincerely appreciate all that you have done for us even if we have been severely stubborn I do believe we are going to pull through.
John: I knew you always would Sarah. You are literally what my brother has needed this whole time and the fact that you work for the NBA but still want to be involved in his foundation takes sacrifice for a lot of things. I know I sacrificed a lot for my family but not similarly to what you did Sarah. I wish I could have learned from you earlier in life.
Me: I mean John things happen for a reason and my relationships in the past don't define what I have with your brother now. There is a lot different going on these days where not many couples stay together.
John: Nope you are correct but somehow like I said you two always end up together. Their could be a mid-life crisis going on and you two would be together. Good for you both. Where are you two going?
Aaron: We are going to NYC for a couple of days.
John: That sounds great you guys need that. Let me know how it goes and keep me posted on zoom. Love you guys.
Aaron: Love you too.
Me: Love you.

Things were going to get interesting when Sarah and Aaron go and relive their past in NYC. What do you think is going to happen? Stay tuned.

The next chapter should be up within the next week or so. Bare with me I'm sorry I haven't been updating much I have been trying to figure out what to write.

Thank you all for understanding,
Sarah 💙

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