Appointments and Round Table Talks

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Ben and I went to see Dr. Perkins that morning and the session went well. She gave us a new medication that she wanted us both to try and see if it worked since we both get bad anxiety at night. Knowing Ben and I we would have to remind each other to take it because we would both forget. The dogs were with Moni and Kev for the day so we got the day to ourselves and we would pick them up later. They loved having Fuzzy and Jeter to keep them company since they didn't have much time to take care of dogs. Plus Kevin spends a lot more time with baby Christian who I am going to see with Ben tomorrow. We are going to spend the night with Conner and Becca to give them a break so Ben and I could take care of a child for once.

Speaking of Becca she was calling Ben and I now since we were home on the couch since it was Saturday afternoon.

Me: Hey baby girl.

Becca: Hey mom. How's everything?

Me: Everything is good honey. How are you guys?

Becca: Exhausted. Christian I have a feeling has night terrors if Conner isn't holding him at night and we took him to the doctor the other day and that is in fact what he is having.

Me: Poor thing. Ben and I are going to stay the night with you guys tomorrow. Your mom told me you used to have those when you were a kid and she gave me some tips on how to cope with it. Maybe I can help the baby while you two get some sleep.

Becca: Thank you. I hate having to hand my child off to someone to help but this time it is bad. We have tried everything and nothing is working.

Me: Maybe he just needs grandma time.

Becca: Maybe. Conner is asleep on the couch with Christian now and he's okay but it is only at midnight when this kid wakes up screaming since we put him to bed at eight-thirty.

Me: I understand. Has everything else been okay?

Becca: Oh yeah everything else is fine and Charlie loves his brother so thats a good thing.

Me: That's good.

Ben: Hey Becca.

Becca: Hey Ben.

Ben: How's Baby Chris.

Becca: A pain in momma's butt. Night terrors.

Ben: I had those as a kid. My mom used to read stories to me from this kid's therapy book and it used to put me back to sleep. I still have the book actually. I am going to bring it tomorrow to see if it works.

Becca: That would be amazing because Conner and I's sleep schedules are messy because this poor child won't snooze.

Ben: Trust me I know. My mom said the same about me. If you ever need to talk to her she knows what to do.

Becca: Could you text me her number?

Ben: Yeah sure. Going to do it now.

Becca: I just felt my phone thank you. Conner wants to say hello.

Conner: Hey mom.

Me: Hi honey. You okay?

Conner: Yeah I am fine just Chris won't sleep.

Me: Yeah I know Becca was telling me.

Conner: Is he going to be okay mom?

Me: Honey this is your first child he is going to be fine once he gets used to everyone and everything. When I had you your father and I were a wreck because we seriously had no idea what to do or how to act with you. You were a very interesting child.

Conner: Yeah well Chris is a very interesting one also.

Me: Every child is different. Is he eating a lot?

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