Back to NYC, Unfortunately.

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Taylor went with Blake back to the city and kept his car locked in the garage. Marieka went back with me and she was driving.

Marieka: Girl your wheels are turning what's up?
Me: Does Kevin seem happy to you? I saw his Instagram the other day and he looks sad when he's not with his mom or his brother.
Marieka: I think I know what you are talking about and personally between me and you my friends wouldn't be good enough for him. They are tooo extra. He doesn't like that. He's a simple person.
Me: Yeah I know. I was looking through my friends and all are married or dating someone with kids. It is hard to find someone for him when I know he is going to be happy.
Marieka: What about that girl Monica he dated? Weren't they engaged?
Me: You knew about Monica?
Marieka: Do you know who my husband is? Yes of course I did. Blake and Tay used to watch the WNBA when they were in high school and hit on the women and I remember Taylor before we started getting together had a massive crush on this Monica girl.
Me: Monica Wright?
Marieka: Yeah that's her.
Me: She's actually a good person and according to Instagram she lives in NY now I guess for her job.
Marieka: Oh really?
Me: Yep.
Marieka: I think I see where you are going with this Sarah and I am loving it. When we get back to the city we should pay her a visit.
Me: You know I think Kyrie has her number I'm going to call him now.
Marieka: Okay miss matchmaker.
Me: Oh shush. I want him happy.
Marieka: I know. ;)

It rang a couple of times until he picked up.

Ky: Sarah!
Me: Hey K!
Ky: What you up to? Miss you! How are you?!
Me: I'm good. I was at Taylor and Marieka's in Upstate and now Marieka is driving my car and we are headed back into the city now.
Ky: Oh good to know. Is Blake with his brother? Heard you two hit a rough patch.
Me: Yeah he's in front of us driving back with Taylor.
Ky: Oh good. I'm glad you both are ok.
Me: Yeah we are fine. We need to catch up soon.
Ky: Yeah sure. I will let the misses and the little one know.
Me: Definitely. Anyways the reason that I called was do you have Monica's number?
Ky: Wright Monica?
Me: Yep.
Ky: Yeah she's friends with my cousin. Why?
Me: I need a favor.
Ky: Good lord you playing matchmaker again.
Me: Listen dude Kevin is depressed if you have looked at his Instagram lately. I know his behind says he's "peaches"or whatever but I know his behind isn't.
Ky: You are right about that. I keep telling him I can find him someone but his behind doesn't listen to me. I'm worried about him.
Me: Okay now we are on the same page. I am having a party next weekend in Long Island for Blake and I and all the peeps are flying in and I will get Kev to come if you get Monica to come. She can bring her kids if she wants.
Ky: I like the way you think Sarah. I will see what I can do and get back to you. Have a safe drive back.
Me: We will.

He hung up after that and Marieka just had a smirk on her face the whole time.

Me: What girl?
Marieka: It is nice that you want him happy.
Me: I mean Blake and I are getting married and I don't want Kevin standing in the corner all spaced out. He needs to feel what love is again. He helped me with Blake since the day we met and I want to now help him.
Marieka: I'm sure he will appreciate it Sarah.
Me: Yeah I know.

A couple of hours later the four of us were back at Blake's place with all my stuff and we were putting it back where it belonged. Rose was still with Aaron and Casey and I had Jeter in my arms giving him kisses while the four of us were in the kitchen.

Taylor: So about this party.
Me: Yeah Blake called a place yesterday in Long Island for next weekend just to have a rekindling with everyone.
Taylor: That's nice.
Me: Yeah.
Taylor: Sarah I saw you on the phone when I turned around to see if you two were okay in the car. Who were you talking to?
Me: Ky.
Taylor: Oh how is he?
Me: He's good. He's coming next weekend with his family.
Taylor: Anything else you talked about?
Me: About Kevin.
Blake: What about Kevin?
Me: How he is depressed just by looking at his recent Instagram stories when he isn't with his mom or brother.
Taylor: You are right about that.
Me: I know. I told Ky to call Monica.
Taylor: Wright?
Me: Yep.
Taylor: Oh she and Kev had a past?
Me: Yep.
Blake: They were engaged right?
Me: Yep.
Blake: I like that idea to have them talk again. She's not married right?
Me: Nope. She has kids but she isn't married.
Blake: Oh good. I do like the idea though that you want to help him Sarah.
Taylor: I do also.
Marieka: You see Sarah.

For the next couple of hours we were just chatting away. I get a text from Ky saying that she wants to come and she's going to bring the kids. I was smiling ear to ear.

Blake: Let me guess she said yes.
Me: Yep.
Taylor: Good.
Blake: Oh Nic is coming with Tori next weekend also and he's going to propose to her.
Me: Thank you lord!
Blake: Yeah only Tori's mom knows but no one else.
Me: Good! I remember the day we set them up.
Blake: I do also. Also I invited Steph and the crew.
Me: Okay. I was texting with Ayesha yesterday she can't wait to see us this week.
Marieka: I can't wait to see her either. I miss that chick.
Me: Trust me I do also.

In the next chapter the party planning continues and the secrets come out. ;)

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