Our Honesty and Deepest Thoughts.

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I walked into the living room that night and set up my laptop for the zoom with Steven, Eddie, A reporter named Chelsea from ESPN, and a reporter from NBA TV named Katie. They were going to ask me about Blake I'm sure and what happened and I was going to be up and front about it no sugar coating this time. What's done is done. Ben went to take a nap and watch a movie and I told him he needs to come in at the end and if they ask him anything just be up front. He thought it was a good idea.

Eddie: Are you ready Sarah?
Me: Born ready.
Chelsea: Hi Sarah. How are you?
Me: I'm good.
Chelsea: Okay we are going to ask you some questions with Eddie and Steven being in to supervise is that ok?
Me: Yeah sure. Go ahead ask away.
Chelsea: I love your confidence.
Me: I have nothing to hide.
Chelsea: Okay so tell us about yourself.
Me: Well I was married to Aaron Judge and had kids with him a boy named Conner and a girl named Sapphire. They are wonderful kids who are living their lives now in the big world we live in. My marriage with Aaron was nice in the beginning but after we had the kids it wasn't the same anymore because he cheated multiple times and I had to drop him so now I co-parent with him and he is in a new relationship now with someone that I know and is really amazing so I'm happy they are happy. Along that time frame I was with other guys but they were just there for emotional support and nothing more. When Blake came along it got serious and since recently we just couldn't see eye to eye anymore and he cheated on me with some girl from a club in Boston where he told me he moved because the coach of the Celtics wanted to sign him for a year but it was actually Tatum who persuaded him. We are now divorced and moved on and we no longer speak nor do I ever want to speak to that team again. As for now I'm happy being who I am working for the Nets with some support from the guys who have been nothing but amazing to me.
Chelsea: Wow.
Me: Yep.
Katie: So you aren't seeing anyone now?
Me: I am but not going to disclose that at the moment.
Katie: Okay. That's fine. Tell us about your experience with the Nets.
Me: Well Blake got me the job with the Nets so I will give him that much and introduced me to Kevin and Kyrie and you know the rest of the guys including Steven and Eddie who have been wonderful. I love working with all of them. They make me always feel at home. Like family means a lot to them like it means a lot to me.

I could see Eddie and Steven smile wide. It was nice to see that.

Katie: So as we are nearing the end of the interview since we wanted to make this short is there anyone or anything else you want to tell us?
Me: Yeah.

I motioned for Ben to come over.

Me: Ben has been helping me and my dog Jeter out and he's having me stay with him for the time being since I still have to find a new place since where I was living was Blake's place that is about to be sold.
Katie: Ben how do you feel about this?
Ben: I offered her to stay and my dog and I love her and Jeter. So we are happy and content with where we are as friends right now. Whatever happens happens.
Chelsea: Well that's a wrap. Thank you everyone. Sarah this is going to air on ESPN and NBA TV tomorrow night.
Me: Thanks for the interview guys. Nice talking to you.
Chelsea: You also. Thank you for making this easy.
Me: It is no problem. I'm an open book.
Katie: Thank you.
Me: Welcome!

As we closed the zoom after Steven and Eddie disappeared I gave Ben a kiss after I closed my laptop.

Me: Thank you

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Me: Thank you.
Ben: Your welcome.
Me: That kiss was nice.
Ben: Mhm it was. What was it for though?
Me: I know this might be fast but I want another date with you.
Ben: Really? 😊
Me: Yeah.
Ben: Where do you want to go?
Me: My cousin has a house down the shore in NJ and maybe this weekend since you don't have games we could spend two days alone. My parents can take the dogs since we are headed that way anyways.
Ben: Any place with you is any place I wanna be.
Me: Good I'm glad.
Ben: You could have left me and you could have moved on but you chose to stay with me. Why?
Me: I know who you are Ben. I know who you want to be and wish to be in the future. You are an open book and can always be an open book with me like I am with you. Anything you feel comfortable telling me you can always share it. There is a time and place for everything and I want us to be happy no matter what. The dogs deserve that everyone we love deserves that and we deserve that. It is life.
Ben: I agree.
Me: You know what we should go back to taking that nap with the dogs sleeping in their beds right now.
Ben: I would like that.

Ben added a photo to his Instagram before we went back to taking the nap.


A world with this girl is a world I would love to be in. I would never take any moment for granted because she's one in a million. ❤️

Tagged: Sarah

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Tagged: Sarah

AyeshaCurry: How beautiful 🤩
SarahSmiles94: 😘😘
StephenCurry30: 😉💕
Giancarlo818: My god this is cute 🥰!
TheJudge44: 🥰🥺.
bakergirlchrissy: 🥺❤️.

Some other people commented and then Ben just limited the comments after that. He wanted alone time with me without being on his phone and it was the same for me also.

Ben: Okay nap time.
Me: Agreed. ❤️😘

I cuddled up into him and we fell asleep.

Tomorrow the interview comes on TV let's see what the NBA world thinks about it.

Stay tuned!

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