Needed Sometime Away. Making New Changes.

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Ben went back to work today and told me Kai got traded to Dallas and I was pissed at everyone because no one told me and I didn't even get to say good-bye to him. 

A couple of minutes later I got a call from Eddie and Steven. 

Eddie: Sarah I'm sorry we didn't tell you. 

Me: So you knew?!

Eddie: For a couple of days now. 

Me: Steven! 

Steven: I'm sorry Sarah. He's already in Dallas. 

Me: Whatever. I sent you guys the articles. First Blake and now Kai! Who's next Kev??!

Steven: We don't know yet. 

Me: Yeah you guys aren't going to tell me anyways. I am done. I will maybe talk to you guys when I'm back. I am pissed the fuck off at everyone! 

Steven: See you soon Sarah. 

Me: I said maybe! 

I literally stared at the wall with tears coming down my face because I didn't know why everyone had to hide things from me! 

Conner: Mom I'm going to work and so is Becca. You okay home with Chris, Charlie, Jeter, and Fuzz?

Me: Yeah I'm fine. Call me if you need anything. 

Conner: Okay thanks. Love you. 

Me: Love you. 

I put Chris down for a nap since it was almost the afternoon and I put my phone on silent in my pocket so it wouldn't wake up Chris. 

I was on the couch with Fuzz, Jeets, and Charlie. We were watching a moving when my ipad was blowing up with silent messages from Kevin. I was ignoring them all. I didn't want to speak to anyone. 

Ben walked through the door a couple of minutes later with a small smile on his face and a box of cupcakes from Chrissy.

Me: Can I have one?

Ben: Yeah. 

Me: Come sit please. 

Ben: Sure. 

Me: Please tell me you aren't going to leave me. 

Ben: What made you think that?

Me: I don't know because everyone leaves me. 

Ben: Sarah I am not everyone. I would never leave you and if I was planning to I would bring you with me. You know that right?

Me: Yeah maybe. 

Ben: What are we going to do today?

Me: I just want to to take a nap and Conner should be in any minute. Do you mind us staying another night?

Ben: No I don't mind. I like holding babies anyways. 

Me: I'm glad. 

Conner walked in and smiled at both of us. 

Conner: You two are a match made in heaven it is so damn funny. 

Me: Yeah that is what Becca said. 

Becca: It is true! 

Me: When did you come home?!?

Becca: Just now. 

Me: I didn't even hear you . 

Becca: I have quiet feet that's why. 

Me: Yeah I know. Chris should be down another hour for his nap and he was crying a little because his face was all hot and red so I put some cold water on him. 

"Keeping Promises" (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now