Sitting Down With JV. When You Need Help Just Ask.

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Before I was going to head to Aaron and Chrissy's with everyone I decided to stop and talk to JV about what was going on with Ben. He told me to meet him in his office after practice and I said that was okay.

As I was walking to his office Ben said he was going home and I told him I would meet him at home with the pups after I talked to coach about some articles for the guys and he said he was okay with it. Little did Ben know I would only be talking about him.

Everyone left the practice facility and I was with JV alone in his office.

JV: Hi Sarah. What seems to be the issue?

Me: Hi. I am sensing somethings off with Ben on the court that I only think Kevin notices because he isn't playing. Kev was the one who was going to talk to you about it but since Ben lives with me he thought I should talk to you about it.

JV: I have been noticing somethings off with him and I am glad he and you picked up on it.

Me: What do you think we should do?

JV: Well we want to make him comfortable as possible so I suggest that whatever mental exercises you do with him at home maybe you can do with him here and when it comes to the basketball part I am going to talk to some of the other coaches and see what we can do but I notice that he talks to Nic a lot more now so maybe we can have Nic work on the basketball aspect with him one on one to calm him down. I feel like he's overwhelmed which makes everyone else look out of sorts.

Me: That's exactly what I was looking at also. I think I am just going to relax him and see certain things that help him out mentally. I really think mentally and emotionally he is off which is throwing him off physically. We need him to be more relaxed.

JV: I agree. Let me know what happens and when we meet in a couple of days we can see where he has improved. I am going to talk to Nic tonight on the phone and see what he can do with him since they have similar roles on the court. I will keep you posted.

Me: Thanks JV.

JV: No, thank you and Kevin Sarah. I should have been more vocal about this but my mind has been all over the place and as a coach I should have payed more attention to what is going on.

Me: J, you have a lot on your plate. I am happy to help in anyway that I can. I am a beat reporter and journalist so this is my job also to report the things that I see or others can bring to my attention.

JV: You are right. Thank you. If you notice anything else bring it to my attention as well as the other coaches.

Me: Sure thing. Have a good weekend.

JV: You too. Take care of Ben please. He really needs you Sarah.

Me: I will. Olivia is staying with us until next Wednesday afternoon so I told her if she sees anything to let me know.

JV: Good idea.

We both walked out and went our separate ways.

A couple of minutes later I walked through the door and Olivia and Ben were on the floor with the dogs playing and it was cute to see.

Ben: Hey babe.

Me: Hi honey.

Olivia: Aaron and Chrissy said to come over in two hours.

Me: Sounds good. Livvy can I talk to you for a sec.

Olivia: Sure girl.

I went into the guest room with her and sat her on the bed.

Olivia: Is everything ok?

Me: I talked to JV just now for a little while and he said if you notice anything that no one picked up about your brother to let him know.

Olivia: Okay sure. Did you tell him what Kev said?

Me: Yeah and he said thank you and wrote it down. He is going to have Nic work with him on the basketball and he wants me to work with him on the mental and emotional.

Olivia: You are good with that Sarah.

Me: Yeah I know. I think he's just overwhelmed.

Olivia: It is a lot on him Sarah. I am worried about him.

Me: We are going to help him okay. I promise you.

Olivia: Can you let me know if I can do anything to help?

Me: Of course. I promise I will.

Olivia: I will watch the dogs for a little and you can bring him in here.

Me: Thank you.

I walked back into the living room and I told Ben to come with me while Liv stayed with the dogs.

I walked him back into our bedroom this time.

Ben: Everything ok?

Me: You tell me.

Ben: You noticed me acting different?

Me: Yep. Your sister and Kevin noticed also as well as JV. We want to help Benny.

A couple of minutes later he broke down into tears and I just brought him in for a hug and kept kissing him on the forehead.

Me: What's going on honey? Talk to me.

Ben: I don't want to bother you with my crazy nonsense.

Me: Hey hey listen to me.

He looked up at me with red eyes and I cried with him.

Me: What's going on?

Ben: I feel so lost in this sport Sarah. I used to feel so happy now I feel like I am letting everyone down. I feel like I cannot give them one hundred all the time and I am part of the team and I should be helping them not letting them down.

Me: Ben you are doing the best you can and everyone thanks you for that. Sports are overwhelming and we love you on this team and want to help you baby.

Ben: I feel like I need someone to help me when I am going to breakdown on the court.

Me: JV said he is going to talk to Nic and Nic since you guys know the same roles is going to work with you when you need the help.

Ben: I don't want the guys being my babysitters Sarah.

Me: No that is not what this is Benny. This is just an extra brotherhood that you didn't have with the Sixers that you needed the most. Nic is going to be there for you and so are Kev and Kai when you need them. They are not going to let you fall babe I promise. I am going to be here for you always and your sister is also. Everyone who loves you is going to help you.

Ben: Thank you, I love you.

Me: I love you too and you are welcome. Now I am hungry and I know you are also so lets get your sister and the dogs and head over to Aaron and Chrissy's okay?

Ben: Yeah.

Me: Also I think you should talk to Aaron and pick at his brain. He was going through the same stuff you were and trust me he is going to help you I know it. Just let him in.

Ben: I will.

In the next chapter the dinner starts and so do the therapy talks. Stay tuned. ;)

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