Party Time With Too Many Open Minded People. Part 1!

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Blake and I woke up the next morning and I swear I didn't want to move even if today was the party. Aaron stayed over with Rose and Christina so that was a good thing that they didn't go home late last night.

I groaned when I found Jeter in between mine and Blake's pillow and then I saw him staring at me.

Me: Good Morning Boy.

I rubbed his head and he just laid there staring at me.

Blake looked over with a laugh but he looked jealous.

Blake: Excuse me fluffy can you make some room so I can kiss my fiancé please.

Knowing Jeter he didn't move and he had to be moved but he barked at the same time licking Blake's face.

Blake: Thanks buddy good morning to you also. Now I have to go wash my face because I don't think my fiancé wants a doggie slobber good morning kiss.
Me: I don't care just kiss me silly.

Of course he did and I smiled.

Blake: Most women would hate if I did that.
Me: Well guess what I'm not them. They are also stupid.
Blake: Agreed. I don't want to move from you and Jeter.
Me: I said that also when I woke up this morning.
Blake: Yeah I know.

Blake was talking to me about something but I overheard Christina and Aaron talking in the kitchen. I told Blake to just listen a minute because I was loving this conversation.

In the kitchen:

Christina: Do you actually like me or are you using me like you used Sarah?
Aaron: No I actually like you Chris.
Christina: I don't want to be used like Sarah was Aaron. I saw what happened how you let people get in the middle when you two were married.
Aaron: I promise you that is not going to happen. I want to cherish things with you and I know Sarah and I had bad timing with everything but with us it is different.
Christina: I will think about it because I swear I don't want to be hurt anymore. My past boyfriends were rude and nasty to me and shockingly they were all Italian. I had to stay away from them for a long time.
Aaron: I promise you at the party later I am going to prove to you that you mean something to me and that what we are going to have together is not going to be some one night stand thing or some one day thing.
Christina: Okay I believe you. One wrong move with you and I'm leaving.
Aaron: I know I understand.

As Blake and I smiled and listened in knowing Christina had to put her foot down to Aaron was a good thing. That's why I knew I liked her since day one. She knew her value and she knew Aaron from others and what others said about him. She didn't want to be just another chick she wanted to be able to start over and be something to him. I didn't blame her because I wanted that with Aaron also when and before we had the kids. Christina is one smart girl and she knows what she wants and is going to get.

Back in the bedroom:

Blake: I'm glad she opened up.
Me: I am also. Do you think they know that we heard them this entire time?
Blake: Oh yeah I'm sure.
Me: Let's go see what's up.
Blake: Okay.

Blake and I got Jeter and ourselves together and walked into the kitchen to Aaron feeding Rose and Christina sitting next to him.

Christina: Morning.
Me: Morning.
Christina: Oh crap! You guys heard everything.
Me: Yeah we did but we are happy you stood up for yourself.
Christina: Yeah I'm happy I did also. I told him the truth. I don't want to be another hand me down or some side chick. I want to either be yours and only yours or I'm out. I'm not going to have another guy waste his time with me and waste my time also. I love with everything in me and I said being handsome isn't going to cut it with him. He needs to be fully honest and full in with me. I'm going to take it step by step with him and I want to see what he does.
Aaron: I told you I'm not going to try anything stupid with you.
Me: You better NOT Aaron!
Aaron: Sarah I'm not.
Blake: Dude this woman could be your future and if you mess that up you will never get someone like her again. Trust me I made that mistake with Sarah and thankfully she felt the same but it seems to me that Christina is a one woman show and if she doesn't like the way the show is going she's going to walk away.
Christina: Exactly. I need to be able to trust you Aaron.
Aaron: I promise you at the party later I will give you many reasons to trust me and to prove to you that I mean business with whatever we want to happen.
Me: Did he kiss you already?
Christina: No because I told him he has to earn it.
Christina: Haha!

Blake just sat there and smirked knowing Christina was exactly like Sarah. He knew that's why Sarah got along with her and Kelsey.

Me: What are you looking at ?
Blake: Oh nothing.
Me: No tell me.
Blake: You're just pretty that's all.
Me: I see.

Getting to the party venue in the next chapter Aaron might have many things up his sleeve for Christina but Blake might also for Sarah.

Stay tuned. ;)

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