Honeymoon on Hold. Headed to Boston. 🏀

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I was waiting for Blake to get home from meeting with someone and we would be leaving tomorrow for Italy. He was running late so I decided to watch a movie with the kids.

Kings: Is daddy coming home soon?
Me: He is baby. Don't worry.
JR: what are we going to do Sarah when dad goes back to work?
Me: Well we will be traveling with daddy and little Jeets over here.
JR: Oh okay.

A couple of minutes later Blake walked in with a smile on his face.

Blake: Guys are you ready to pack for Boston?!?
Me: Wait what?
Blake: I signed with Boston for a year.
Me: Oh.
Kings: Mom are you ok?
JR: Dad mom doesn't like Boston.
Blake: Oh shit I forgot. They were the only ones I liked that gave me a deal though baby.
Me: Oh. Well I guess we will be seeing you when we see you.
Blake: What do you mean?
Me: The honeymoon is now on hold because the season starts soon and now you want us to pack up this fast to go to Boston?!? Boston! Of all fuckin places Blake!
JR: Kings let's let mom and dad talk. Clearly this is a conversation not for us.
Kings: Ok.

Kings and Jr. walked with Jeter to their room.

Blake: Babe.
Me: Yeah.
Blake: I'm sorry.
Me: Nope. I get it. Boston is where you can go.
Blake: I want you to come with me.
Me: Nope I'm not going to Boston.
Blake: Then when am I going to see you?
Me: When you come back to NY.
Blake: Are you serious?!?
Me: Mhm. The kids are not moving with you to Boston if Casey has to see them once in awhile and they have their homeschooling now and Jeter is not going to like Boston because clearly I already know my dog. So like I said everything including our honeymoon to Italy has to be cancelled. So go ahead you have to pack since Marieka and Taylor are going with you.
Blake: I cannot believe this.
Me: Well believe it because I'm not going to Boston!
Blake: Got it. Im going to go pack my things for the night and come back tomorrow and pack. Im gonna go stay with my brother.
Me: Sounds good.

Kings watched as her dad left and she had this sad look on her face with Jr and Jeter next to her.

Kings: We aren't going to see dad for a whole year.
Me: Im afraid so Kings. Im sorry.
Kings: That's ok. It always has to happen anyways. I wish he would just retire so he could spend more time with my brother and I.
Me: It is life Kings. Do you want to go with him to Boston?
Kings: Yeah. I do.
Me: Okay you can go with him. What about you Junior?
Junior: Yeah I want to go.
Me: Okay you can go. Im going to stay here with Jeter. We can FaceTime every single day okay.
Kings: We want you to come with us.
Me: Im sorry Kings I can't.
Kings: We understand. We are going to pack tomorrow.
Me: Okay. Let me know if you need help.
Junior: Okay.

Since the kids were going with their father to Boston I was going to be alone with Jeter which I was used to. Im sorry I was just not going to pack up and move to Boston after I told Blake NO BOSTON! I hate everything about that fuckin city! That city is god awful! I was a born and raised Jersey Girl who loved her NY sports there was no fuckin way I was going to move to Boston for a year to watch my husband in that GOD AWFUL FUCKIN LEPRECHAUN ASS UNIFORM! Im sorry that I'm cursing but honestly I was not going to do it.

A couple of minutes later I hear the door bell ring.

Me: Come in!

Marieka: Hey girl.
Me: Hey.
Marieka: Blake told Taylor and I.
Me: yep.
Marieka: Sarah are you sure?
Me: Yep perfectly sure.
Marieka: Well I'm going to stay behind with you and stay with you because you aren't going to stay alone and Taylor is going to live with Blake.
Me: If that's what you want.
Marieka: It is what I want. Not a big fan of Boston either.
Me: Okay.

A couple of minutes later Taylor walked in with Blake.

Kings: Dad Junior and I are going with you.
Blake: Okay.
Kings: How are you going to homeschool us Sarah?
Me: I will email you your work that you need to do.
Kings: Okay.

A couple of minutes later Gail and Tommy called me.

Tommy: Sarah you heard the news.
Me: Yep.
Tommy: Are you going with him?
Me: Nope.
Tommy: That's your husband Sarah.
Me: My childhood city comes first.
Tommy: I understand. We will talk soon Sarah.
Me: Sounds good.

Marieka and Taylor took the kids and Jeter out to get food for everyone and I stayed home with Blake.

Blake: What am I going to do without you for a year?
Me: Well Kevin got me a sideline job with the Nets since he stayed and I am going to be working with Steven's friend Eddie.
Blake: So you took another job?
Me: Yep. You took another one also and I chose to stay here. I can take Jeter with me or Marieka can watch him since her job is remote.
Blake: I got it. Well thanks for the support.
Me: Thanks for not caring.
Blake: Not caring?!? I have always cared about you!
Me: Not this time!

Blake: I'm going to the room. Join if you want other than that I don't know what to tell you.
Me: Yep.

I heard the door slam shut and then I continued to sob in the corner. I got a Twitter update from the NBA about Blake's trade and then I got a text from Kai and Kev.

Sir Kev:

Sarah are you okay? Please call me ASAP.

Chicken McKai:

Sarah, please tell me you are okay. Call me or Kev. Love ya!

I continued to sob and then I texted them to meet me at the basketball courts with pizza.

I took my stuff and walked out the door without telling Blake a thing. I didn't want to speak to him. If he wanted to choose the Celtics over me then so be it.

In the next chapter we will see what happens.

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