Boston Travels 🚙 part two

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When Ben and I got to Blake's house which was similar to our place here we were across the street parked and I was hyperventilating.

Ben: Hey hey let's get out of the car and let's hug for a little while ok?
Me: Yeah okay.

I got out of the car and so did he and the dogs were standing next to us outside and I just hugged him and put my head on his chest. I instantly felt better. I breathed in and out like he told me to do and then he locked the car and we walked across the street.

Ben: I'm right here. I'm not leaving you.
Me: Okay.

I rang the door bell and Blake came to the door and let us in.

Blake: Hey guys.
Ben: Hey.
Blake: Sarah you aren't going to say hi.
Ben: Dude she just came to see the kids. Not to see you.
Blake: Got it. The kids are inside with my parents and Melissa.

Sarah's POV:
Oh okay her name is Melissa. Good to know. Ben saw my face and knew how I was feeling.

As soon as the kids saw Sarah they ran to her and hugged her tightly.

Kings: We missed you.
Me: Missed you also Kings.
Junior: Sarah we missed you.
Me: I know Jr. I'm sorry for how things happened.
Junior: We knew it was going to happen when we saw Melissa.
Gail: Hi Sarah.
Me: Hey.
Tommy: Hi Sarah.
Me: Hi Tommy.

Marieka and Taylor came in with their kids and they came over and hugged us and said hi to us.

Marieka: How was the drive up?
Me: It was okay. I just wanted to get back up here and back down because my daughter in law is due next Wednesday and Ben and I need to be back for the Nets by this weekend since we have two weekend games against the Trailblazers.
Taylor: You guys seem to be doing okay so far.
Me: Yeah we are fine.
Ben: Yeah I mean we still have to get back into the hang of things but we will be fine come playoff time.
Taylor: Good.

Junior: Are you coming to live up here soon Sarah?
Me: No I'm afraid not Junior. I will come visit when I can buddy.
Junior: Oh okay.
Kings: She has a life back in Brooklyn, Jr. she can't just pack up and come live here.
Junior: Yeah I know we miss her though.
Kings: I miss her too but she has a new life now.
Junior: Yeah. Sadly.

Ben's POV:
I saw the look on these kids faces even Taylor and Marieka's kids and they all missed Sarah. I really felt bad that they never get to see her and I looked at Blake and he was standing in the corner feeling guilty. Good he should be. He fucked up everything and I had to pick up Sarah's heart. To be honest I knew Sarah was going to come to me anyways and I knew I was going to have to take care of her.

Blake walked over to Ben and walked outside with him.

Sarah saw Melissa in the corner but Sarah ended up walking outside and not speaking to anyone. Gail had followed Sarah.

Gail: Sarah we really miss you.
Me: Well you can blame your son for that.
Gail: Trust me we already did. He regrets it.
Me: Good I hope he does. I loved him so much and he goes and does this and you know what I don't even feel anything for him anymore.
Gail: I understand.  Are you going to let him see your grandchild?
Me: That is up to Conner and Rebecca. It isn't my child it is their's. I'm just the child's grandma. I want that child to have a life brighter than I did or his or her parents ever did.
Gail: I know. Kings and Junior as well as their cousins were heart broken that you couldn't come to visit them on a daily basis. I told them you had a life back in Brooklyn and they understood.
Me: Yeah I do. I could have had a life with Blake but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. I have to give something back to him that he gave me.
Gail: Okay.

I walked back in the house and Blake was sitting next to Melissa on the couch who smiled up at me genuinely and I didn't even look at her.

Me: Here's the necklace you gave me when we went on our second date. I wanted to give it back to you.
Blake: Oh thanks.
Me: Yeah. Um anyways we must be going Ben.
Junior: Sarah please stay for dinner with Ben.
Me: Fine.
Ben: Sarah are you sure you are ok honey?
Me: Yeah I'm gonna be fine.

I looked across the room when everyone was chatting in the living area and I saw a picture of Kevin and I with Blake and Kai at the Barclays from last season and I walked over to it and tears just came down and hit the glass of the picture frame.

I wiped them away quickly and asked Tommy where the bathroom was and he said in the back to the right.

I walked quickly to the bathroom and broke down in tears. Silent ones for that matter so no one would hear me.

I heard Gail scream that dinner was ready but I didn't bother.

A knock on the door came a couple of minutes later and I unlocked the door.

Ben: Hey you ok?
Me: That picture I saw of Blake and I with Kai and Kevin just came back and I just broke down. I'm sorry.
Ben: You don't have to apologize. Those were the good memories Sarah.

He wiped a couple of my tears away with a tissue and pulled me in for a hug and kiss on the head.

Me: Where's Curly and Jeter?
Ben: They are with Junior and Kings in the living room. They are fine.
Me: Okay.

I walked out of the bathroom with Ben and Blake saw my eyes puffy but didn't bother to say anything.

Melissa: I'm sorry for everything.

I didn't even bother saying anything to her. I just sat down next to Ben and the dogs were next to me eating the food that Ben and I brought for them with their water.

As we all sat in silence eating Blake tried to say something to me but I cut him off.

Blake: Sarah please don't think this is all your fault.
Me: I know for a fact this isn't my fault Blake.
Blake: Good.
Me: It is the fact that you lied to me when I asked you who was the person or people that recruited you to come to Boston and you said only the coaches when it was Jayson the whole time! You could have been honest with me! Like really Blake?!? Wasn't that in our wedding vows to be honest with each other and you broke that I don't know the day after we got fuckin married?!? We were supposed to be happy Blake! We were supposed to go on our honeymoon to Italy like we promised and you broke it by CHEATING and LYING! You not only broke one vow but you broke two! Wow to even think I feel bad for you is really bullshit. Kids I'm sorry I'm raising my voice but your father/uncle makes me very angry and to be honest this is the last time I'm ever coming up here. If you want the kids to come see me tell them to come down with Taylor and Marieka since I will only be speaking to them from now on!
Blake: I got it.
Ben: Sarah I think we should go.
Me: Yeah good idea.

I got up and said goodbye to everyone and walked out with Ben and the dogs.

Junior: Sarah please!
Me: I'm sorry Junior next time you guys come to Brooklyn you are welcome over.

I saw the kids crying and to be honest I couldn't deal with the pain so I closed the door and walked out.

In the next chapter Sarah gets a call from someone unexpected.

Let's see what happens.

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