Getting Advice From Others 🥺

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Blake and Taylor ended up leaving before I even woke up with Jeter and I was happy about that because I didn't want to see Blake for awhile. We were on un-speaking terms because of all this and I knew for a fact he was going to try and pull this shit.

I woke up two hours later and Jeter was next to me cuddled up into me. I walked into the kitchen to give him his breakfast and Marieka was in there already on her laptop doing work.

Marieka: Hey you ok?
Me: Yeah.
Marieka: How was your talk with Kev and Kai yesterday?
Me: It was fine. Just being my brothers and looking out for me. We got pizza and sat on the basketball courts in the park.
Marieka: Oh good. I'm glad you could talk to them.
Me: Yeah I have to go to the Nets facility today because I have to talk to Eddie about something's.
Marieka: Okay. I will watch Jeets and you can check on him whenever you want. The kids are knocked out in the back of the car with Taylor driving so they are fine.
Me: Okay good. Im going to get ready. Jeets stay with Marieka.

He did and she pulled him into her lap and gave him a kiss on the head which he loved.

As I was getting myself together I got a text from Chrissy asking me if I was okay because her and Aaron were worried about me and I told her I was fine and to relay the message to Aaron.

I gave Jeter a kiss goodbye as well as Marieka and I took the train to the Nets practice facility.

As I got there Kai was outside waiting for a couple of the guys to come and he told me to chat with him since I was meeting Eddie in a couple of minutes.

Kai: You got a meeting with Eddie today?
Me: Yep.
Kai: Glad you are back Sarah. I know you needed this job as a distraction. Eddie was shocked to hear that Blake left.
Me: Yeah I mean everyone has been checking on me all morning and I'm fine with that but I don't like the attention.
Kai: I know. Trust me Sarah. I don't like it either but sometimes it is nice to have people care about you.
Me: Yeah I know.
Kai: What do you want to do about it? Kev and I will help as best as we can.
Me: I will come to you guys if I need help but I just need you to be my brothers for now.
Kai: You know we always will Sarah. We love you.
Me: Yeah I know.

I saw the guys coming and then I saw Ben and smiled.

Kai: I think you should talk to him.
Me: Yeah. I will catch you all later.
Kai: Okay.

I was sitting on the same bench outside and Ben came and sat next to me and I cried into him.

Ben: Hey Hey. Look at me.
Me: What?
Ben: Blake was texting me last night and he misses you trust me.
Me: If he missed me he should have thought about what he was doing before he did it.
Ben: You are correct he should have but sometimes if you need a job to support your family you need to take whatever is there even if you don't like it.
Me: I'm still not speaking to him. He broke my heart.
Ben: I understand Sarah. I broke up with Maya because of the distance and other issues but with you I know how much Blake still loves you Sarah.
Me: I do miss him.
Ben: Then you need to call him because I know for a fact he's going to want to just hear your voice.
Me: I will think about it.
Ben: Okay.

Ben walked inside with me and I went to meet Eddie in his office.

Me: Morning Eddie.
Eddie: Hey Sarah. Morning. Here's some coffee sit.
Me: Thank you.
Steven: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey Steve.
Steven: Are you ready to write starting next week?
Me: Yep. I am. I need a distraction.
Steven: We know Sarah. Kai and Kev told us. We are sorry.
Me: Nothing to apologize for. Blake doesn't matter here anymore.
Eddie: If you ever wanna talk to us we will be here.
Me: Thanks guys. I'm gonna go sit and watch the guys practice and meet some of the new guys.
Eddie: sounds good!

I walked out of the office and walked down the hall to the right.

I all of a sudden saw Conner working on Kev and his knee and they both smiled at me and waved me over.

Conner: Hey mom.
Me: Hi babe. You ok?
Conner: Yeah.
Me: Okay you continue to do your job and Kev when you are done I want to talk to you.
Kev: Sounds good.

Conversation between Kev and Conner.

Conner: Kev is my mom going to be ok?
Kev: Bud we are going to look out for her ok.
Conner: Yeah. I love how you guys care about her and you don't have to.
Kev: Listen I'm talking to Monica again because of your mom and Blake and now I have to take care of her. She needs us.
Conner: Yeah I know.

I walked to the side and sat on one of the chairs and met some of the other guys and they were nice. TJ Warren and Royce were cool dudes and so were some of the Rookies.

Nic came over and sat next to me.

Nic: You good Sarah?
Me: Yep. Does everyone know?
Nic: We all get the trade updates especially the rookies. We are worried about you.
Me: Yeah I know. I just want you guys to focus on basketball.
Nic: Basketball is what we do Sarah it isn't who we are.
Me: Yeah. How's Tori?
Nic: She's good. She should be coming to some of the games this season so you can meet up with her when she does.
Me: Sounds good.

The next chapter gets more interesting so stay tuned.

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