Mornings Are Different

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The thought of me waking up next to an empty side was pretty depressing and I didn't have to work today so I was going to finish my articles for next week.

Ben was at practice and told me to make myself at home. Kev and Moni dropped off the dogs and I was about to take them out for a walk.

As the day went on and I finished the articles. I was sitting with the dogs on the couch watching some history documentary and then some NY Giants documentary came on and I was watching that since Eli Manning was talking. The dogs were silent you couldn't even hear them move. A couple of minutes later Ben walked in with food.

Ben: Hey.
Me: Hey.
Ben: How was your day?
Me: Busy.
Ben: Yeah those dogs definitely keep you moving.
Me: They do. I finished my articles and sent them to Eddie and Steven.
Ben: I like reading them.
Me: Thank you. I love writing about you though.
Ben: Oh yeah why?
Me: Because it gives me a reason to love you a little more than everyone else.
Ben: Oh I see.

I leaned in to kiss him and he did the same back.

Ben: I'm sorry I don't wanna be weird if I say this.
Me: What do you mean?
Ben: I like kissing you.
Me: Awe.
Ben: I just do.
Me: Well you can kiss me anytime you want.
Ben: Okay.

He leaned in again.

Ben: Sorry.
Me: Nope I don't mind.
Ben: Okay.

Laying on the couch with him felt right. I felt safer and I don't know I can just curl my fingers into his and feel better.

Ben: Do you have an obsession with my hands?
Me: Yeah.
Ben: Why?
Me: I guess they feel homey to me.
Ben: They do?
Me: Yep.
Ben: Sometimes I wish we met sooner. I don't know how to describe it.
Me: No I completely understand. I mean we both go through the mental health and we both can help each other out.
Ben: Yeah. Like I was feeling empty before you came and now it is like the dogs have company and so do we.
Me: Yeah that's how I feel.
Ben: What do you want to do since we have the dogs sleeping?
Me: How about we just lay here and I want us to FaceTime Giancarlo and Jess is that ok?
Ben: Yeah sure.

I called them and they picked up on the second ring.

Me: Hey guys!
Jess: Hello Miss I fell off the planet called earth.
Me: Sorry just figuring life out.
Jess: I know. Girlie we are fine.
Giancarlo: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey G.
Giancarlo: So how did you and Benny Chicken McNuggets happen?
Ben: Hey! 😂
Giancarlo: Oh sorry. 😂
Ben: No it is fine. We just happened.
Giancarlo: I'm glad. It is cute seeing you two together.
Ben: Yeah it is. We are each other's mental health coach also.
Giancarlo: See now that's a plus.
Ben: Yep.
Giancarlo: Have the anxiety attacks come back Sarah?
Me: Nope.
Giancarlo: Good for you.
Jess: Good job Sarah. I'm happy.
Giancarlo: We saw Rebecca and Conner the other day.
Me: How are they?!?
Giancarlo: They are good. Rebecca wants to come visit tomorrow. She said Conner is working but she wants to come see you.
Me: I'm going to call them later to check in. I feel like a bad mom not caring.
Giancarlo: Sarah, listen they are grown. They are on their own. You don't have to play momma bear all the time. Trust me Jess does it with the kids and I do it also but we have to step back and let them contact us when they need us.
Me: Yeah I know. Thanks for the update.
Giancarlo: No problem Sarah. Do you two live together now?
Me: Yeah we do. I have my stuff in storage but I feel better mentally knowing I'm with someone who can help me. Also we have the dogs so I'm happy.
Ben: Hold on let me get the dogs.

Ben brought Jeter and his pup in who I call "Curly Top" and brought them to the couch with us.

Giancarlo: Look at you two.
Jess: Sarah please tell me this is the last man.
Me: Bitch please I hope so.
Jess: God I hate what these dudes have done to you. Ben I'm sure you know.
Ben: Oh trust me I do. I ain't letting her leave.
Me: Good I'm glad you aren't.
Jess: Sarah I looked at your Instagram comments and most of the NBA knew you and Blake were calling it quits when he went to Boston. How the NBA knows you don't like Boston even when you didn't say it is beyond me. Nosey idiots I guess.
Me: I mentioned it a couple of times to Coach about me not liking Boston anything and that triggered me when Blake said he was leaving there.
Giancarlo: I hate Boston as it is. That city gives me bad vibes.
Ben: Me also. I knew Sarah was going to need me anyways so I had to help. I just didn't want to suffocate her like the past men did.
Me: Thank you for noticing that.
Ben: That's my job.
Jess: I can see it working for you two already.

As the time went on it was getting close to lunch time and Ben and I wanted to take the dogs out for a walk and get something to eat so we said bye to G and Jess.

I knew when we came back from the walk we would have to call Conner and Rebecca to check in since Becca is pregnant and could be popping anytime soon. I was her mother in law so I wanted to check in.

Ben: I love how much you love your kids. Reminds me of my parents and how your parents love you.
Me: Yeah my mom saw the pictures of us.
Ben: I'm glad.

Ben: When do you have to do the ESPN interview?
Me: Later on. I'm going to be doing it over zoom since they couldn't do it in person.
Ben: Okay. Let me know if you want me in or out.
Me: Sounds good.

Let's see how the zoom goes for Sarah in the next chapter.

I promise the next chapter is going to be the start of Sarah doing the zoom.

Stay tuned.

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