Party Thoughts and Many Miracles. Part 2!

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Blake and I showed up with Rose, Jeter, Christina, and Aaron to the venue and everything was set up already thanks to Steph and Ayesha for breaking their behinds to help us out with everything. We owe them tons!!!!!

Ayesha: Girl I think we pulled the best party off.
Me: You did and Blake and I owe you and Steph the world I swear. We will make it up to you after the wedding. We are getting married in a month I cannot believe it.
Ayesha: I'm happy you are. I know you two will be fine.
Me: Thanks.

As I was chatting away with Ayesha everyone and their grandma started coming in. It was good to see everyone and I looked at Kevin and he smiled at me and walked over.

Ayesha: I'm going to look for Steph so you can have the space and talk to Kev.
Me: Thanks girlie. Catch up later.
Ayesha: Yea girl sure.

As soon as she walked away Kev was next to me.

Kevin: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey Kev.
Kevin: I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the trade.
Me: I'm not upset about the trade Kevin I'm upset that you are one of my good friends who I trust with everything in me but you couldn't trust me enough to tell me about what was going on. I don't care if I worked for the team I wouldn't have said anything but what I would have done was supported you like I support Blake.
Kevin: I know Sarah. I'm sorry. I regret not telling you and I really want to make it up to you by paying for your honeymoon with Blake.
Me: We can't let you do that Kevin. That's too much.
Kevin: I want to. Consider it my wedding gift to you guys.
Me: I mean it is up to Blake. I know he is going to say it is too much but talk about it with Blake but I really appreciate it. You are such a good friend to the both of us. We just want you to be happy.
Kevin: I want the same for the both of you.
Me: Thank you. Anyways since I said I really consider you one of my good friends I brought someone here today with the help of Ky and listen I want you to talk to her and catch up with her because I know she wants to see you.

I motioned Monica to come over and she had a slight smile on her face with her kids trailing behind her.

Kevin looked up with a smile on his face that I swear I hadn't seen in forever. You could see the connection never left with them.

Monica: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey!

I brought her in for a hug and I told her to take my seat at the table with her kids so they can get to know Kevin.

Monica: Sarah thank you for doing this. Ky told me last week.
Me: I wanted to. This one over here was miserable as ever and I had to try and help.
Monica: Yeah I know he always tries to help others but when it comes to himself he could care less. Don't worry I got him from here. We will catch up later.
Me: Absolutely.

I looked at Kevin and gave me a thank you smile. I smiled back and walked away to find my fiancé who was talking to Ben Simmons and his fiancé with a couple of the other guys.

Blake: Hey Baby.
Me: Hey babe.
Blake: You ok?
Me: Yeah I'm ok.
Ben: Hey Sarah. Congrats!
Me: Thank you. Hey Maya.
Maya: Hey girl.

As I was chatting away with them I saw Aaron in the corner with his arm around Christina and I smiled at her and she gave me a bright smile back. I knew things slowly but surely would be okay with them.

Amy and Gerrit walked over with Caden and Caden gave me a big hug which I swear I loved this kid like my own.

Amy: Sarah Aaron looks happy as ever. Who's the girl?
Me: That's Kelsey's sister Christina.
Amy: Kelsey Gallo?
Me: Yep. Joey's wife.
Amy: I never would have thought.
Me: We live in a small world.
Gerrit: You got that right. Let's hope he doesn't mess it up.
Me: Trust me I gave him the talk this morning.
Gerrit: Always up to speed Sarah. ;)
Me: Oh yes!

As the night went on everyone seemed to be having a good time. I looked around and saw Ky in the corner with his girl and daughter and they waved at me and walked over. He looked at Kev and smiled knowing what was going on.

Ky: Good move Sarah.
Me: You can say that again.
Ky: Jesus I haven't seen him that happy since he picked up a basketball.
Me: Small steps.
Ky: Yep.

A couple of minutes later I see Nic at the mic with Tori. I knew what was going to happen and so did Blake but no one else did.

Nic: Hey Everyone! I know this is really random to be doing this here and I didn't want to take the spotlight away from Sarah and Blake but I asked them if I could do this here and they were over the moon about it so here I go. Wish me luck.

Nic: Tori, it was a couple of years ago that we met and it really feels like yesterday. I know how much you support me and how much we mean to each other and even when we are two of the busiest people in the world at the moment we still have time to come home to each other and to just share what love really means. Now I know no one expected me to ever be in this position but as soon as I met you I wanted to be because I knew how much you loved me and how much you wanted a life in the future with me so Tori Johnson will you do me the honor in being my wife?

I was over the moon when I saw Nic down on one knee and Tori in tears and not even a couple of minutes later she screamed "yes!" It was like just yesterday like he said that Blake and I introduced those two lovebirds.

Blake: Man seems like yesterday.
Me: You are telling me.
Ben: You set them up?
Me: Yep. Tori is Blake's cousin on his dad's side.
Ben: Dude I love that. So great. I'm happy for him.
Maya: They look so happy. Shit things like this make me cry.
Ben: You would cry.
Maya: Yeah I would. Lol.

As the party was coming to a close someone walked in that I hadn't seen in seriously a long long time and Blake looked at my face but really didn't know who the person was.

In the next chapter you will find out who the person is but can you guess?

Stay tuned. There is going to be a part three to this chapter. I know it is long but it is worth it. ;)

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