If I was a "regular person" would you still love me?

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I woke up the next morning and I rolled over to see Blake pressed up against my back breathing into my hair. It was really calming having him do that considering I was really the luckiest woman in the world who gets to share a lot with him. I rolled over and gave him a kiss on the forehead and he woke up with a smile on his face.

Blake: Mmm I love that. can you do it again?
Me: yeah sure.

I kissed him on the forehead multiple times and he brought me closer to him.

Blake: You know how lucky I am that I get to marry you in two weeks.
Me: Yeah.
Blake: Hey what's wrong?
Me: Can I ask you something?
Blake: Yeah anything babe.
Me: If I wasn't known in this world and if I was just a normal person that worked in a shopping mall would you still have loved me?
Blake: Of course I would have.
Me: Are you sure you wouldn't have wanted a model or someone prettier and more high end?
Blake: Where is this coming from? Sarah I love you. Why does all of this matter when love is the only thing that matters. I could care less if you worked at Footlocker at least you are an amazing person who loves what she has already and isn't trying to love me for my money. Not once since the day we met did you ask me for anything. Not once did you try and be clinging on me and asking me for more attention. You are always what I wanted in a wife. You are smart, funny, entertaining, sweet, kind, so amazing with kids, headstrong and very passionate and hardworking when it comes to doing what you love. You left a whole world for me and you didn't know much about me other than watching me on TV when I was with the Clippers.
Me: Yeah I know. I was just wondering.
Blake: Well you don't have to worry about what happened in your past anymore Sarah because when you are with me I will make sure you are all I come home to and love besides Jeter and the kids.
Me: Thank you, you could have wanted anyone in the world but you wanted me.
Blake: Yeah because I love you. I don't care how many people want me because at the end of the day I don't want them. I want you. You run away from me I'm running after you because I'm not letting you leave again. I'm going to fight for us and I'm going to fight for you.

I leaned in to kiss him and honestly it made me so happy that I got to do that. I couldn't wait to take his last name so damn bad.

Blake: Now my parents and the kids are going to wake up soon so let's go start breakfast for everyone

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Blake: Now my parents and the kids are going to wake up soon so let's go start breakfast for everyone.
Me: Okay sounds good.

I walked into the kitchen and the kids were on the floor playing with Jeter.

Kings: Morning mom.
Me: Morning sweetie.
Junior: Morning mom.
Me: Morning J.
Blake: Morning kids.
Jr. And Kings: Morning dad.

His parents walked in and said their good mornings and I thought about mine and was going to call them later.

Gail: I heard you two talking this morning. Blake it was so sweet what you said to her.
Tommy: Yeah I heard it also. I was listening and so was your mom Blake.
Blake: I mean I told her I was going to fight for her and she's not running away from me again. She loves my kids like she loves her own kids and I don't know how many times the world is going to accept that but I don't care. I don't need the world to approve what's going on in my life.
Tommy: That's right son. All you need is the approval of God and trust me I think Sarah was sent to you from him because you have been nothing but happy.
Blake: Yeah I know dad.

As the world keeps turning Blake knew how much Sarah meant to him but at the end of the days leading up to the wedding he couldn't wait to actually seal the deal and make her his wife permanently. I knew she couldn't wait either. It was one of those moments where he saw his friends happy and he saw Steph and Ayesha happy and he wanted that with Sarah even if he had kids with Casey and Sarah had kids with Aaron. It didn't matter what was going to happen all he wanted was her next to him at night and every single day for the rest of his life.

A couple of minutes later I get a text from Aaron to tell me to meet him with Blake at the bakery.

Blake: Did you get the text from Aaron? Me: Yeah I did and I have an idea about what it is about.
Blake: Me also.
Gail: Go guys we are going to stay with the kids and Jeter.
Me: Thank you Gail.
Gail: Your welcome Sarah.

Blake and I ate and got dressed and drove to the bakery where I could see Chrissy sitting next to the window at the table with Aaron. Seemed like she was running the bakery today by herself while the rest of her family had the day off.

Chrissy: I'm actually only working morning's on Sunday's now since no one has their places open on Sunday's.
Me: That's smart. What are we going to be sitting here talking about?
Chrissy: Well about what comes next for Aaron and I.
Me: Blake and I told you Chrissy you have to just forget about what happened with me and you have to move on and figure out what is best for you.
Aaron: I told Chrissy I would not break her heart but I know she is going to need some time.
Chrissy: Yea I do. You will get your answer by tomorrow night.
Me: Now is this settled because I'm hungry.
Chrissy: Yeah we can eat now.
Me: Good I'm hungry again.

As we all sat around and laughed this could be the start of something for us but we would have to see where it would take us in the future. ♥️

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