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Y/n's POV.

After spending the whole day with my mom, it was already dark and I was dying of exhaustion, I just wanted to be in my bed sleeping at this point.

I was taking off my makeup to go to sleep when my phone buzzed.

Elizabeth Olsen
Hey are you awake?

Hey yeahhh

I change her contact name after answering her message.

Lizzie 🙈💜
Do you want to go to lunch with me tomorrow?

I'd love to, sounds great!

I'll see you at my house at 2.

Okay, I'll see you there

Okay, get some rest and have nice dreams 💕.

Sleep well I'll see you tomorrow 💜🤍

I smiled at my phone like a fool, this woman is going to be the death of me, ever since she came into my life everything is already about her, I can't wait to see her tomorrow.

It's the next morning, I'm checking some mails and paying some bills from my computer while having breakfast.

"How was yesterday with your mom?" Clara says approaching the table along with Peter.
"It was fun, I missed spending time with her."
"Is she going to stay in town longer?" Peter asks.
"Nope She's leaving for New York right now."
"I saw Lizzie was here yesterday, I'm glad you two are talking again" clara says sitting down in a seat and Peter does the same.
"Yeah I guess we're friends again" I say taking a bite of my French toast.
"She's a good girl, she loves you a lot you can tell by the way she looks at you" pet says with his chin in his hand.
"She definitely is, she's special and you can tell she's good for you" the woman says.
"You guys you know something and you can't deny it to me." I say
"We know you guys like each other, we just don't understand why you guys aren't together anymore?" The man says confused.
His confection all caught me by surprise, I didn't think we were so obvious.
"It's complicated" I said putting my hands on my head.
"It's only complicated if you make it complicated," clara says.
"What do you mean?"
"What clara here means is that finding someone who feels the same way you feel about them is difficult and you already found each other you have everything to be happy but you don't want to accept it."
"Guys I love her but I don't want to get hurt or hurt her in the process."
"Then make things right, don't run away from each other every time there is a problem, communicate and show each other the love you have for each other" the old woman says.
"You should talk to her about how you feel, when will you see her again?" He says
"Today for lunch."
"Great! Talk to her then" the old man stands up from his chair walking over to me and gives me a kiss on the head " everything is going to be fine, I love you"
"Now go get ready for your lunch, we love you y/n/n" Clara says leaving me a kiss on my head too.
"I love you guys too" I said getting up from the table going towards my room to get ready.

It took me an hour and fifteen minutes to get ready, my outfit is causal I decided to wear a nice dress with white sneakers.

Y/n's outfit

I still had an hour before going to Lizzie's house so I went to my little studio I have at home and started playing the guitar while singing a melody, when I found the perfect melody for the tone of the guitar I started singing anything that came ...

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I still had an hour before going to Lizzie's house so I went to my little studio I have at home and started playing the guitar while singing a melody, when I found the perfect melody for the tone of the guitar I started singing anything that came into my head just for fun.

I ended up making a song that may never come out but it was fun to make.

I looked at the clock and it was time to go to Lizzie's house, I grabbed the keys to my new car and headed out.

It didn't take me long to get to her house, I'm outside her door waiting for her to open it, I'm excited and nervous at the same time I feel these butterflies in my belly, it's amazing that after all this time I still feel the same way about her, that nothing has gone away.

"Hello beautiful dreamy eyes" she says opening the door, hearing her say my nickname made a silly smile come out on my lips.
"Hello beautiful green eyes" I said nervously.
"Come in, I think you will like the lunch I prepared for you".
"I'll be the judge of that" I said teasing her.
She pushed my arm playfully and all her eyes.
"So what did you make me for lunch?" I said as we walked into the dining room.
"I made pasta carbonara" she said with a big smile.
"They're my favorite so you have a very knowledgeable judge about this."
"You're such a dummy" she says laughing.
Hearing her laugh makes my life complete, makes me feel at home and at peace.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asks me.
"Nothing" I say putting my lips together.
"Okaay, try the food and tell me what you think."
"Okay" I took the fork and tangled the pasta in it, I stuck the fork in my mouth and wow it was delicious, I let my taste buds enjoy every flavor.
"So you liked it?"
"Oh my god Lizzie it's delicious" I said popping another bite into my mouth.
She laughed at how excited I said it "I'm glad you liked it".

We enjoyed the food and our company, the wine she had chosen was delicious, I was just so happy to be there with her having a good time.

We finished lunch and I insisted on doing the dishes but she wouldn't let me, so I stood by her side while she washed up gossiping with her and laughing at the silliest things in the world.

It was good to be able to be with her like that, it was as if everything that had happened faded into the past and it was me and her again.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" She says putting the last clean plate on the shelf.
"Sure" I said.
We walked over to her couch and put on netflix we spent quite a while looking for something good to watch but nothing seemed interesting until I remembered a pretty good movie.
"Let's watch purple hearts" I said excitedly taking the remote from Lizzie's hands.
"Okay, I've never seen it so it should be interesting."
"I think you'll like it."

A few minutes into the movie and I could feel Lizzie's body closer to mine, my heart started to race, she put her head on my shoulder and it felt like I had come home.

Hey guys

Sorry for this crappy chapter, I think it's the most boring one I've done so far. I'm still feeling a little sick but I wanted to upload a chapter for you guys, sorry again🥺

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