The first scene together

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Y/n's POV.

So today I will record the first scene of Elizabeth and I alone, where our characters finally meet again, it turns out that Wanda and the chaos queen were friends but my character decides to move away because she lost all the people she loved and she didn't want the same thing to happen to Wanda since the chaos queen thought it was her fault if something bad happened to her.

The scene between these two women is a fight so it's not going to be hard for me to take out a little bit of this anger I felt with her.

I'm sitting on the set waiting for Kevin to give me instructions on what to do.

Five minutes later the man comes in with Elizabeth.

"Are you girls ready?" He asks.
"Yes" we both say at the same time.
After giving us the instructions of what he wanted to accomplish we both got into our positions.

"Okay, action."
"When did you become this? You weren't this monster, I don't even recognize you anymore," Wanda says with teary eyes.
"You don't understand, I lost everything and I will do everything in my power to take revenge."
"You're hurting innocent people."
"Someone has to pay the price" I say laughing.
"You need to stop."
"Who's going to stop me? You? You're nobody Wanda you're the same petty little girl from years ago."
"You know I have a lot of power"
"And yet you still choose not to hurt me after all I've done, that's really pathetic" I say laughing.
"Great! Cut" Kevin says.

It seems that the interaction between our characters was strong for Elizabeth because as soon as Kevin said cut she burst into tears, I didn't know what to do seeing her like that, on one hand I wanted to run and hug her but on the other hand I didn't want to be near her for a second.

Before I did something I would regret later I took a few steps backwards and left the place heading to my trailer.

Lizzie's POV.

I didn't think I was going to be so affected by our first scene recording together but it obviously did.

When Kevin said cut a thought came into my head making my heart shrink, 'the only way she talks to you is for work as she is obligated to do it otherwise she wouldn't' that was what I thought making me break down in tears in front of her.

For a minute I thought she would approach me and get worried but she didn't, she just walked away and left the place.

I calmed down and decided to go to the dining room to get some water, minutes later I saw y/n enter the same place, she took a green apple and took a bite, she took a few more steps closer to me and I felt my heart go fast, she took a bottle of water and took a few steps back.

"Oh my god, Fai" She says loudly and runs out to the tall man jumping into his arms hugging him.
"Hello to you too" he says laughing.
"I have lots and lots of things to tell you, come sit with me" she says as the man puts her back on the floor.

They sat at two tables away from me, she looked happy that he was there, they both laughed while she finished eating her apple, Fai looked at her with love you could tell from miles away that he loves her, y/n as the days go by her look has softened when she sees him, I hate this whole situation and the worst thing is that I don't know what to do.

He says something standing up from the table and she does the same, he comes closer to her and kisses her forehead and she closes her eyes, this sight makes me sick and makes me roll my eyes.

"I don't want you to leave yet" she says pouting and hugging the man around the waist.
"I don't want to leave either but I have to go to work" he says kissing her head.
Fuck it's obvious they both have feelings for each other shit I need to do something already.
"Okay promise me I'll see you tonight at kylie's" she says looking into his eyes.
"I promise" the man hugs her again and leaves the place.

She left the place and I followed her without her noticing, when we were in front of her trailer I split the conversation.

"Y/n/n hello, can we talk?"
She froze not taking another step.
"Please can we talk?"
She turned around looking me in the face.
"Don't tell me y/n/n for you I am y/n" She says angrily.
"I'm sorry" I said ducking my head.
"I really don't want to talk to you about what happened there's no point in doing that."
"But" I tried to speak but she interrupted me.
"I'm tired of trying to be enough for you, you did the same thing to me as everyone else, I just give up on you and what we once had" she said dropping a tear and wiping it away quickly.
At this point I'm crying like a baby.
She turned and walked back into her trailer leaving me standing there alone in my tear pond.

Y/n's POV.

What I told Elizabeth is true, I'm tired of fixing things I didn't break, I'm tired of giving my all even when my heart is broken, it's time to focus on me.

I am going home to get ready to go to dinner at kylie's, we have been talking the sisters, Fai and I about going on a trip maybe in a month since Kevin will give us two weeks off, I am so excited to go with them.

I have arrived at my friend's house, we are all sitting in the dining room deciding where we are going to go on our trip, we all have choices of really interesting places.

"Guys what do you think about Bali?" I asked.
"Oh that sounds amazing" Fai who was pointed next to me says.
"I like that idea" kylie says and the other sisters agree.
"Bali it is then" I said clapping excitedly.
I can't wait for this month to pass so I can have the best vacation of my life.

Hey guys!!!

I hope you like this chapter 🫣
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