Everything hurts

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Lizzie's POV.

I couldn't sleep all night thinking about what I should do, there are only this day and tomorrow left to make my decision, but making it has been one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life.

Y/n is still asleep next to me, God she looks like she is resting so peacefully, this girl has taught me to love like I have never done before, I have lived with her many things that I will never forget, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have her in my life, she has made my days better and better, I love her with all my being and my soul.

"Hello gorgeous" she says in a sleepy voice still.
"Hello y/n/n" I say looking at her beautiful face.
"Love what do you think if we go to Scarlett's today? I know you miss her" y/n says moving closer to me to give me a kiss.
"That's a good idea" I say standing up quickly from the bed and heading to the bathroom before she could put her lips on me "I'm going to take a bath then" I say closing the bathroom door.
"Okay" she says sadly.

Before I got into the shower, I received a call.

"Hey Lizzie it's Kevin Feige, how are you?"
"Oh hi Kevin, good and you?"
"Everything is fine, I was calling to tell you that we will start filming earlier than planned" says the man on the other end of the phone.
"Oh okay, when are we going to start?"
"In a week, I'll send you the script so you can get ready."
"Okay, thanks Kevin" I hang up the call and step into the shower.

As I came out of the bathroom I could hear y/n talking on the phone.
"Oh this changes everything... okay let me make some calls, I'll make this work" she says hanging up the call.

"Are you ready to go to Scarlett's?" she asks approaching me.
"Yeah, you ready?"
"Yes, I took a bath in the guest room since you didn't want me to join you in the shower" she says pouting.
"It would take us longer to get to Scar's house."
"Yeah, whatever you say" she says rolling her eyes.
We are in the car now, she is driving to Scarlett's house while we were listening to Karol g one of y/n's favorite Latin singers.
She took my hand and put it on her thigh, I left my hand there for a few seconds and then removed it.
"Baby is everything okay?" She asks concerned.
"Yes, why ?" I lied.
"You've been weird these days, what's wrong?"
"Nothing I'm just tired, that's all."
She didn't insist anymore and didn't talk for the rest of the way to my best friend's house either, it was definitely an awkward silence and I hate that, I hate not being able to know what she's thinking and I hate knowing that she's like this because of me.

We arrived at Scarlett's house, y/n parked the car and we headed towards the front door of the house, y/n tried to take my hand to walk together but I walked faster so she couldn't.

"Girls hi, nice to see you" Scarlett says hugging y/n and then me.
"Hi S" y/n says in a voice that I failed to identify if it was sad or disappointed or both.
"Come on in."
Y/n's POV.

Elizabeth seems to ignore me the whole time we have been here, I don't understand her change of mood with me because with scar she acts normal while with me she doesn't seem to want me around.
"This is ridiculous, thank you scar for the delicious breakfast but I'm leaving" I said irritated standing up from the table.
"Wait y/n/n, why are you leaving? What's wrong?" Scarlett says standing up from the table as well leaving Lizzie sitting with her head down.
"Well I don't know, ask your best friend she's acting weird and won't tell me why" I said angrily.
"Okay I'll leave you two to talk about it" says the woman walking out of the room.
"So are you going to tell me why you are doing this?" I said annoyed.
"I can't do this anymore" she whispered loud enough for me to hear.
"What do you mean?"
Lizzie's POV.

"What do you mean?"
"I don't want to be with you anymore, I'm tired of you, I don't love you" I lied, but I knew it was the only way her pride wouldn't let her want to be with me.
"Ha you're kidding right?" She says with her eyes full of tears.
"I'm not."
"You're a liar, you played me...don't you ever speak to me again in your fucking life Elizabeth" she says walking out of the place crying.
"I'm sorry" I whispered even knowing she wasn't there anymore, and I started crying feeling my life walk out that door.
Y/n's POV.

I'm driving home, my eyes are full of tears, everything hurts, it's like a tractor ran over me, I'm trying to drive as fast as I can but my hands and feet are starting to fail me, they just won't stop shaking, I parked the car as fast as I could and called the only person I know who can help me.

"Y/n/n" Ari says on the other end of the phone.
"I'm parked at a Starbucks near home, come get me please, I can't drive" I said whimpering.
"Send me your location right now" Ari says quickly.
"Okay, please come quickly"
"I'm on my way baby."

Ari arrived and behind her came some paparazzi, I got out of the car and got into the side of the driver's seat and Ariana climbed into the driver's seat, of course the paparazzi took advantage of the moment to take pictures of my crying face.

Ari started driving fast trying to get out of the place as soon as possible before more paparazzi arrived.
"Baby what happened? Why are you like this?" Ari says while driving.
"She broke up with me."
"She did what?"
"She said she doesn't love me, she lied to me she said she loved me and it wasn't true" I said crying.
"I can't believe it, everything is going to be okay honey."
"No Ari, you don't understand I love her, I don't think I can love someone like I love her".
"You will find someone who will change your mind" she says.
"Fuck I feel like throwing up" I said closing my eyes " and you know what the worst part of it all is?"
"Kevin Feige hired me to shoot his next movie and I'm going to have to work with Elizabeth" saying her name felt bitter on my lips.
"God you have got to be kidding me" my best friend says putting her hand on her forehead.
"I know, I can't quit now, I already called victoria so we could finish the tour while I shoot the movie" I said wiping the tears that were falling down my cheeks.
"Shit y/n/n I'm so sorry"
"Yeah me too".

I got out of the car and went into my house, Ariana was following me, we went into my room and I lay down on the bed.

I cried all morning and all afternoon.
"Come on y/n/n you have to eat something" my best friend says trying to shove a spoonful of soup in my mouth.
"I'm not hungry."
"Honey you can't let yourself die like this."
"You know what? You're right I'm not going to stand here slowly dying while she's making fun of me" I said annoyed.
"Oh no what are you going to do?"
"Let's go to a club tonight."
"Y/n that's not a good idea."
"Why? You said it yourself I can't let myself die like this" I said convinced.
"You know very well that's not what I meant."
"Are you coming with me or not?" I said furrowing my eyebrows.
"I'm not going to be complicit in how you ruin your reputation over a broken heart" she says angrily at me.
"Fine, if you don't want to go with me someone else will" I said picking up my phone calling someone.
"Who are you calling?" Ariana says.

"Y/n?" I hear the other end of the phone say.
"Dylan, how nice to hear your voice again" I said with a knowing look.

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