The concert

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Y/n's POV.

It's already the day of the concert and to say that I'm not nervous would be a lie.
After having breakfast with Elizabeth and the team, I went to my room, put a few things in my bag and left the hotel to the van where everyone was already waiting for me.

"Everything is going to be okay" Elizabeth said taking my hand and squeezing it, I just nodded as I felt a lump in my stomach and throat.

As we arrived at the stadium where I'm going to perform my heart started to race.

I headed to my dressing room and left my stuff there.

"Y/n/n you have 5 minutes before sound check" victoria says.
"Okay vic" I say as the woman rushes out of the dressing room to organize other things.
"Hey I know you are nervous but everything is going to be perfect, you have prepared this for months and all the people that are coming love you, you have nothing to be afraid of" Elizabeth says taking my hands and looking at me tenderly, she has the perfect words for every situation making me feel much calmer.
"Thank you for being here for me" I say giving her a quick peck on her lips.
"I will always be here for you cutie" she says.
"Y/n/n it's time" vic comes back to remind me that I have to do sound check.
"Come with me" I said taking her hand by the hand and leading her to the stage.

Everyone went to their places to start sound check and Elizabeth decided to get off the stage and sit in the front row of seats to get a better view.

We did the sound check for an hour and a half, thank god everything went perfect, now I have to get ready because in an hour the meet and greet starts and I have to be ready to see my fans.
Elizabeth's POV.

Seeing her so dedicated to her work is something I really admire about her, she works so hard to give her best to her fans, it's just amazing.

Seeing her so dedicated to her work is something I really admire about her, she works so hard to give her best to her fans, it's just amazing.

I'm sitting here watching her hair and makeup being done for the pictures she will take with her fans, I've noticed that she is a person who really cares about what others think of her by the way she dresses up, the way she talks and even the way she tries to control everything around her, that's something I understand because I'm like that too and that sometimes makes me feel suffocated because we will never be able to satisfy others.

"How do I look?" She asks me pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Beautiful as always" I said smiling at her.
"You know I'm so happy you're here with me" she says smiling back at me.
"I'm happy to be here with you too."
"Y/n/n we have to go now to the meet and greet " vic enters the room interrupting us, at this point I got used to her interrupting us because I understand it's a busy day where they had to do a thousand things at once.

Y/n nodded and told me to go with her.
As we arrived at the hall where the photos were to be taken, we could hear people talking excitedly and some singing y/n songs.

"Are you ready?" Vic asked her.
"I'm always ready" she said smiling.
She looked at me and I gave her a sweet look, she took a big breath as if that helped her relax a little more and smiled.
"Let the first two people in" victoria says to security.
The first to enter were a boy and a girl, both of them when they saw y/n started crying excitedly.
"Don't cry my loves" she tells them approaching them and hugging one by one.
They talked to her for a few seconds and then the picture was taken.
Y/n looked more and more relaxed as more people passed by, she even danced as the music they put on to set the mood played.
For a few moments some of her fans noticed I was there and waved and others asked me to take pictures with them too to which Y/n agreed, I just did what she asked me to do.

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