You're very mysterious

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Elizabeth's manor
Y/n's POV.
Good thing she was wearing something comfortable too, I didn't want to be the only one dressed like that.

"Are you going to stay outside or go inside?" she asked me with a laugh.
I laughed and nodded, walking into the big house.

"How are you?" I asked as she led me into the kitchen.
"Good, how did you get on with doing your stuff?" She asked interested.
"Fine, what did you do today?" I said trying to stop her from asking me more questions, being honest I don't know why but I don't want to talk about Madison with her, I just want to enjoy spending time with her without thinking about anyone else.
"I didn't really do much, I just waited for the night to come to see you" she replied, hearing that made my stomach jump. I just smiled.
"Oh my god I love that song" I said hearing out of the woods by Taylor Swift playing from a speaker in her kitchen.
"Do you like Taylor too?" she asked me excitedly.
"Yes" I said laughing "she's a really good friend of mine actually, have you met her yet?". I asked
"No, but she's one of my favorite singers" she replied with a sad face.
"And what about me?" I said looking at her and raising my eyebrows.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm one of your favorite singers too?".
"Maybe, I won't tell you" she said winking at me.
"Oh come on, tell me."
"That's my secret maybe someday you'll know" she said in a seductive tone.
"What do I have to do to make you tell me" I said mimicking her tone.
"That you'll have to find out later, now let's go eat."

Hearing that made my eyes widen, I hadn't thought I hadn't eaten anything all day and I really didn't want to either but I didn't want to make her feel bad.

"Okay" I said trying to hide my desire not to eat.

We sat down in the dining room and she put the plate of food in front of me.

"I hope you like it" she said with a soft smile.
"I'll sure do!" I said smiling back at her.

The food was delicious, I tried to stop my negative thoughts about the food and in my mind I did all the exercises my analyst told me to do when I found myself in situations like this.

That helped me a lot, I was able to finish the whole plate of food and I couldn't be more proud of myself for that.

"Hey, what's going on?" I heard Elizabeth speak to me.
"Oh nothing, don't worry."
"You can talk to me, you can trust me" she said taking my hand and squeezing it gently.
"Okay" I said taking a breath as if that would give me strength to be able to talk "all day I hadn't eaten anything" I started to say and I could see her face go from calm to worried.
"But now I was able to eat a whole plate of food which was delicious by the way and that makes me proud" I said smiling from ear to ear.
"Congratulations y/n!" she was quiet for a second and I already knew what the next question was going to be.
"But why didn't you eat all day?" she asked worriedly.
"Well, lately I've been very anxious and stressed with work and that makes me not feel like eating" I said trying not to worry her.
"Does that always happen to you when you're stressed?"
"Most of the time, but I'm working on it" talking about this topic with Elizabeth felt so good, I didn't feel judged.
"If you need help, you know I'm here right ?" She said looking me in the eyes.
"I know, thank you" I said as my eyes watered.

"Okay what do you think if we play a game to get to know each other better" she asked me, I'm sure she did it so I wouldn't feel bad.
"Let's play " I said excitedly.
"Let's play never have I ever" she asked me.
"Let's do it " I said as I poured wine into our glasses to start playing.
"Okay I'll start" she said excitedly "never have I ever been mistaken for another celebrity" neither of us drank, which made me laugh.
"You are too bad to play this game" I said laughing and she made an offended face making me laugh more.
"My turn" I said "never have I ever been in love" She drank and I did not.
"Never have I ever kissed a celebrity" She said making us both drink.
I raised my eyebrow seeing her drink but I didn't say anything.
"Never have I ever liked a friend" I said and we both went back to drinking, after several rounds I could feel the alcohol starting to hit me and apparently her too.
"Never have u ever kissed a girl" she asked looking me in the eyes.
I took a long drink and I could feel her not taking her eyes off me, and she then took a small sip.
"You are very mysterious y/n, I never thought you had ever kissed a girl."
I winked at her "I never imagined you would have kissed a girl either."
"It was a long time ago in college, you know I think everyone has those kinds of experiences" she said laughing.
"Not me" I said laughing "I didn't go to college" we were both silent for a second and started giggling like two little girls.

"I think I should go home it's too late" I said trying to get up but the world spun me around in that instant.
"Oh no, you can't leave like that."
"I'll call my driver to pick me up and I'll come get my car tomorrow" I said reaching for my phone.
"Or you can stay" she said making me stop looking.
"I really don't want to bother"
"It doesn't bother me, besides I like you being here with me" she said getting closer and closer to me.

I couldn't take my eyes off her, watching her walk towards me made me feel things I couldn't explain.

We were close enough and neither of us said anything, I could cut the tension with a knife. But everything was interrupted when my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I said
"Hi honey" I heard Madison on the other side of the phone.
"Oh hi."
"Did you finish that important thing you had?" She said making me a little irritated.
"No, not yet" I said closing my eyes trying not to let my irritation out as I speak.
"Do you think you can come over to nick's? We're all here hanging out." She said hopefully
"Sorry baby I won't be able to make it, I already told you that." I said with a softer tone.
"It's okay" she said sadly
"I'll see you tomorrow after work okay?" I said
"Okay baby"
I hung up and I could see Elizabeth's look had changed but I couldn't figure out what had happened.

"I think it's time for bed" she said coldly.

She directed me to the visitor's room and lent me one of her pajamas.

"If you need anything else I'm in the next room" she said without looking at me.
"Okay, thanks" I said as she went to leave.
"Elizabeth you forgot something." I said quickly grabbing her arm.
"You forgot to say goodnight" I said with a small smile and looking her in the eyes.
"Goodnight y/n" she said with a soft smile.
"Goodnight Elizabeth" I said giving her a kiss on her cheek.

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