Trouble in paradise.

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Y/n's POV.

Today is my first day back on set, I woke up excited and happy something rare in me because whenever I wake up I am always in a bad mood and I do not like anyone to talk to me, but today is different, today I am back to resume my life and my good habits.

I finished getting ready, put my script in my bag and left my house, as I was driving to work I decided I was going to stop at a Starbucks nearby to buy one of my favorite caffeinated drinks to have a better day.

Wow today is beautiful it's sunny but it's not getting hot it's the perfect weather to start filming, I can't wait to get to work and see those Emerald green eyes looking at me and I also want to meet the new cast members.

I was about to park my car when I saw some paparazzi outside Starbucks taking pictures, filming and saying things, I couldn't quite see who all the commotion was about so I decided to wait for them to leave the store so I could go in and it wouldn't become a complete mess.

I was about to turn off my car when I saw a tall man with a beard and long hair come out of the store and the flashes started to go off, he waited a few seconds for someone else, he extended his hand and the woman took it, her figure looked familiar, the woman is extremely beautiful, she took the man's hand and they started walking, I couldn't take my eyes off the woman, I felt I had seen her somewhere... oh my God isn't that Elizabeth?

They walked towards the man's car and before getting in they gave each other a little kiss on the lips, the paparazzi went crazy taking pictures and videos of the moment, while I felt my heart was breaking into pieces again.

I had been trying so hard to heal from all the pain I had been through so I could be better and be with Elizabeth but she again proved to me that I was not enough for her and never would be.

I was furious and with too much pain in my heart I started the car and headed to work, I went to the makeup trailer and the girls started doing my makeup for the day, while they were doing that I couldn't stop thinking about how stupid I was to fall back into her arms, to let myself love her again, I hate myself and I hate that she put me in this situation.

When the makeup was done I headed to my trailer to wait for my call.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"
"It's me Kevin."
I opened the door and there stood the man with a smile.
"Hey y/n/n sorry we have a technical problem with one of the cameras so you're free for two hours do what you have to do and come back in two hours to start work."
"Okay, thanks for letting me know."

I was packing all my stuff in my bag to go home, I don't want to be in this place right now, I just want to be home in my bed.

I heard someone knocking on the door again and suddenly I heard the door being opened.

"Hello my pretty girl" Elizabeth says.
I just ignore her.
"I brought you your favorite Starbucks drink so you can have breakfast with something nice to drink" she says extending the drink towards me.
"I already had breakfast."
"Oh okay then you can save it for later".
"I don't want it, but you can give it to your new boyfriend, I'm sure he'll appreciate it a lot more than I will"
"What are you talking about?" She says pretending to be confused.
"Oh come on Elizabeth cut the crap, I already know you have a boyfriend, do you think I'm stupid enough not to notice, congratulations again you toyed with me"
"I never played you..." i didn't let her finish.
"You know I don't even want to listen to you, get out of my trailer."
She remained static unable to move from the spot.
"For fuck's sake, get the fuck out of my trailer."
Her tears started to fall from her eyes but she wouldn't move.
"Great you're not leaving then I will" I said walking out of the place slamming the door.

Lizzie's POV.

Again I screwed up, I totally forgot to tell her about what Kevin had planned, to me it was so insignificant that it didn't cross my mind to say anything to her and that was my big mistake.

I stood there unable to move feeling the pain run through my body, she slammed the door and I heard her start her car and she started up very fast I could tell by the sound her car made.

I tried to call and text her but she didn't answer either, I wanted to go to her house but I knew that doing so would make things worse.

I hoped that at some point she would calm down and we could talk so I could explain everything to her.

"I don't think she will forgive me this time" I said to my best friend who was on the other end of the phone.
"Give her time to calm down."
"She thinks I played with her scar and it wasn't like that at all, I love only her" I said crying.
"It will be okay, do you want me to talk to her?" scar says trying to reassure me.
"She won't listen to you"
"Maybe she will we are friends too" she says.
"Leave it at that, for now the best we can do is give her space" I say frustrated.
"Okay, I'll call you back Lizzie."
"Okay" I said hanging up the call.

Y/n's POV.

I am getting back to work again these past two hours have been terrific without a doubt.

I parked my car and headed to where Kevin was waiting for me as he called me a few minutes earlier saying he had to talk to me about my first couple in the movie.

When I got to where he was I saw Elizabeth and the Starbucks man with her talking to kevin, I felt my life go in that moment.

"Y/n great you're already here" kevin says smiling and hugging me.
I smiled at the man trying to be as nice as I could at that moment " you wanted to talk to me?" I said ignoring the other two people that were there.
"Yes, this is Robbie Arnett he will be your partner at the beginning of the movie" Kevin explains pointing to the bearded man.
'Great now I will have to be the fictional girlfriend of my ex's new boyfriend, this couldn't get any better' I thought to myself sarcastically.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you I'm Robbie" the man says extending his hand kindly.
I put on my fakest smile and didn't take his hand.
"Is it necessary for us to kiss?" I asked Kevin.
"Yes, y/n you are supposed to be a couple, is there a problem with that?"
I knew Elizabeth was getting uncomfortable about the situation but I didn't care plus I didn't want to look unprofessional.
"No, no problem."
"Okay, go to the trailer to get your makeup redone and then wear the costume so we can start filming" Kevin says.
"Okay" I said walking out of the place.

Heyy guys!

Hope you like this chapter.
I told you it was going to be drama.

Do you guys think y/n is going to forgive Lizzie?

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